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Destiny Hero

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Everything posted by Destiny Hero

  1. It's a piece of shit. Horrid graphic style, ear-splitting music, frustrating levels, everything about the game is shit. But it's a classic! I don't care. Jjust because a game is classic doesn't mean it's automatically good. When it comes to "classic" games, people just can't realize that they suck.
  2. What'd you say? Oh, wait, you're Tino, I think you hate me.
  3. It's my brother's game, but he doesn't use it any more. He must have done Elly's.
  4. I do want to play it ;-; But just for the sake of a DS FE game.
  5. ?_? That's Jap. I like it ;-; And it kills bosses easily ^_^ ... Yes, it does. Tell me: Why do the shops only sell Steel? Why do Farina, Dart, etc. come in with steel weapons (no iron)? Why does the game say Iron is a poor match for Steel, and then the enemies start using steel?
  6. ? I haven't finished BS. I just recruited Fari, though. I've got to say, I'm VERY pissed off at the fact that the game expects me to be using steel weapons, especially on peggies >_______> Radiant Dawn still doesn't give much time at all the do the /_\. Just the last, and easiest, part of the game. Who plays Eliwood's story?
  7. Destiny Hero


    Okay, then we can switch "pedophile" to "gay pervs who looks at his friends when they take a shower", but that's not changing much. /awkward *gets back to math essay*
  8. Wel, the stereotypical Massachussetts person these days seems to be a gay person, because gay marriage is allowed there.
  9. No, but I think the Top 20 Posters page is lonely and would like his own thread.
  10. Destiny Hero


    I don't know. I haven't exactly... Inspected his body; that'd just plain make me into a pedophile. His arms, legs and face at least. I can gladly say I haven't seen anything else.
  11. Jeez, I'm not surprised I've pretty much taken over that list every day since I joined @_@ But I'm doing homework so I'm not posting much. Every time I check that list I'm always somewhere near the top ?_? You peeps gots to post moar.
  12. It wasn't a devoted FE forum; it just had a Fire Emblem section.
  13. I'm American, too. I live in a place where people aren't really idiots, but I realize that a lot of Americans really are just that stupid. The only thing I know of that people stereotype people from Massachewplacethingy is that they're gay. Stupid government T_T
  14. Destiny Hero, Kyuubi Nao has left you a comment. This message has been sent because Kyuubi Nao has posted a new comment to your profile. Manage your comments: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?...ents&id=620 Regards, The Serenes Forest Forums team. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php
  15. So, he'd like to be friends with me in real life? Outside of the Internet, I'm actually really quiet and boring. But then again I do live in a town where every single boy is pretty much a jock, and every girl is a girly girl.
  16. Destiny Hero


    EEW, freckles. I think they're WICKED ugly. I have a German/Irish friend (thank god he has no accent) who has freackles ALL over his body. It's pretty creepy.
  17. Let's see.... I'd throw Innes in to start, then mix in a little bit of Ewan. I'm too lazy to put in anything else. Oh! I'd be Rennac because I put in absolutely ZERO effort into anything that doesn't interest me. And then I'd be L'Arachel because I can't leave you guys alone =^D
  18. I want a certain Fire Emblem game. I want one where Peggies are usable. Where the Triangle Attack is fun to do. Where there are more than just 3 Peggies. And where the last pegggy comes in more than 3 levels before the game ends T_T
  19. Eirika is complete shit no matter what. Syrene is VERY useful during the first turn or so in her recruiting level. Without her, it would be VERY difficult to make sure that none of the prisoners/captives/smurfs get killed by those stupid darkies. But yeah, after that, jeepus Syrene, you blow. Knoll is just plain crap in every way possible. As a big fan of darkies, I was VERY let down by his shit stats.
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