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Destiny Hero

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Everything posted by Destiny Hero

  1. We get to watch The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, a probably low-budget film, based on a book about the Holocaust. Yaaayy.. And even though we're going to a movie theater and then Wendy's, we get to dress up in ties and everything. Yaaay.... Me, I'll be sitting on the bus playing Fire Emblem and practicing my phail drawings of Priscilla and Random Generic Anime Boy #1. They're all horrid because I can't draw eyes.
  2. Well, solos, especially lord solos, are extremely boring.
  3. >_> Animation choices: 1 (without background 2 (with background) Solo (set for each character) Anyone who doesn't go straight to the options whenever they start a video game is fail.
  4. The yummy meat of a baby mouse? You're a nasty little creature.
  5. The Leanne panel was stupid!? It's Elincia giving Leanee a frickin BJ if you can't tell :o I don't think anyone could think that panel isn't funny. Or I could make Leanne say something and make it a little more obvious. How was the Jarod thing stupid? Sothe asks Micaiah where she got her jewelery, and Jarod says she went to Jarod. It's a jewelery store. If you haven't seen the commercials, you won't get it. Try Youtubing "Jarod Commercials" or something. You obviously have no soul when it coems to Family Guy-type humor. I don't think the Culbert Report is for you, Señor Negative.
  6. Thread is being locked. For some reason, the assholes on this forum have to turn every thread into a completely off-topic and pointless debate, even when the purpose of the thread has been fulfilled, and it should just sink.
  7. Bizz is a girl? That makes him/her even weirder than before.
  8. .. You are REALLY weird. Stop doing drugs, boy, they're worse than killing yourself.
  9. Well, everyone knows an Uh-Oh Oreo's white on the outside and black on the inside.
  10. Added the next one ^__^ Let me know how awesome it is ^______^
  11. We need a thread filled with all of the stupid Fire Emblem comics people can find! All start! We all know about the awesome Culbert Report, so I won't repost it! I'll start: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v655/Lor...asSausage_W.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v655/Lor...heMerchants.jpg
  12. Have fun maxing out your level in two chapters, being locked into lances, taking an hour to beat each level because you only have one character (have fun when reinforcements come and you have to get to them with 5 move), and not leveling up for 13 chapters or whatever. NEVER do a Lord solo, ever. Do a Moldy solo! Do a barrel roll!
  13. I'll do it!!!!!! I drew someone!!!!! ^_^_^_^_^__^___^_____^______^_______^________^_________^__________^
  14. You can't have infinite nothing, though. It's like having no apples, and every apple in the world at the same time, in a world where there are many apples. It's a nice idea, but it's flawed. That'd also mean that 1 is only 1 number away from infinity.
  15. I turn animations off. Ugly characters like Paladins get shut off and healers get shut off. In monster levels, everything is shut off. Trainees never get shut off, though.
  16. I wouldn't. You'll max out his level almost instantly, and you'll have no levels to gain for....... About 30 chapters. I did a Moulder solo. Pretty good =D
  17. I could post the fourth one that I'm working on.... It's *VERY* funny, and you'll find out a shocking secret about Leanne. She might not be a she.
  18. 1. You can't listen with your heart. It doesn't have audio-recepting parts. 2. I don't go to a crappy run-down school, so I have good teachers. 3. It's not like I need to stare at the board all day. Usually I can just glance at the board and know everything on it. I have a great memory and most of the things in every class that go up on the board are things I've known for years, or are incredibly simple. Last: That's completely irrelevent to this thread. Okay, nothing about school or the PS3. This thread can die. My final list was: Naruto cards Shonen Jump Ocarina Ocarina song book (Zelda)
  19. Don't need it any more. I'm just using his official art and zooming in a billion times and taking the backround off. In Paint. It's for a joke with Sothe's bellyshirt and Micaiah's jewlery. She went to Jarod =D
  20. http://www.feplanet.net/media/gallery/view.php?id=453 Can someone take it out of the backround? I just need the top part of his body. A bit bigger, too.
  21. Nothing >________________________________> How about this? If you can give me a good picture of Jarod, I'll make you a nice sig or something.
  22. I have scoured the Internet in search for ah kind of picture at all. I can't finish the second part of the new Culbert Report without a picture of Jarod X_______________X ANYONE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
  23. So, basically, people like one-way promotions so they can think less.
  24. Wiggas, Wangsters, Uh-Oh Oreos, same thing. But Wiggas sounds like a baby's TV show.
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