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Destiny Hero

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Everything posted by Destiny Hero

  1. 1. Does it really matter what I'd be killing? 2. Characters in video games are not hot. They're digital. Sorry for insulting your fap material. Ocarina of Time is extremely overrated. It's confusing at times and, at least for me, the Water Temple ruined the entire game. I blasted through the Cave of "Ordeals" on my first try easily.
  2. Twilight Princess wasn't as good as everyone says it was. At least for me, it was one of those "get it, play it, get rid of it" games. I hate RE4 because it's nothing but a bloody game of killing zombies and whatnot. Metroid games also aren't that great either. Super Mario Galaxy? That game was an absolute piece of shit. The controls don't work right and it has too many frustrating missions. Plus, it's more of a "ride" than it is an actual game.
  3. If this person isn't a 5 year old who can type....
  4. That's a little....... Odd. I guess every word in this language means something else in the hood.
  5. It's not like I've only ever enjoyed two games.
  6. "Not fail" is a creative game with smart developers. A game with good graphics (by good I mean the style and if you can tell what's happening), good, nonrepetitive gameplay, a good storyline (if there is one), and no annoying things about it. Games that I say aren't fail are things like Lock's Quest and Professor Layton.
  7. I'm going to get games today and all I have in mind is Layton.
  8. It's uber Japanese. It's a different kind of annoying than modern Japanese, it's just that ancient Japanese stuff gets humped to death a lot and it really annoys me because it's way too foreign. Not "odd" foreign, but the "annoying" kind.
  9. No, I just hate games that are filled with blood, and "scary" things. Games/Movies like that are worse than pointless. Nope.
  10. No, Super Paper Mario was trash. Complete trash and nothing else. I hated almost every single thing about the game. But wait, it's Paper Mario! It's a classic! All classics are good because they're awesome! RE4 is bloody. Okami is probably way too Japanese, and I'll end up shoving it in the back of a closet.
  11. No, I tend to stay away from video games. These days, they're all short with little to no replay value, except for a few. The less I buy, the less I don't play. The only game I play now is Naruto Revolution 2 because I just got it.
  12. I have 300 dollars to GameStop, so I'm pretty much set for the next 3-5 years, but I have no clue what to get. I've got a Wii and a DS. I'm planning to get: Professor Layton The World Ends With You (If I don't find anything else) And I want to stay away from Wii games because we all know how much memory that piece of junk has T_T Can GameStop gift cards be spent anywhere else?
  13. My head is still on. You must have missed.
  14. And you know what's even better? People will randomly take over your topics and turn them into something else.
  15. You really shouldn't ever judge someone by their age. I've run into people who do that all my life and I've proved every one of them wrong. Yeah, and lots of parents don't even care about them. They'll just say things like "It's just a game", when things like that leave impressions on people that tell them what's okay and what isn't.
  16. Let's see.... I played Clash of Ninja Revolution 2, built a new Naruto deck, tested it for a few hours, played more Revolution, killed a few babies with my Ocarina, and went online, and ate cookies.
  17. The whole world is trash. First, we've got people trying to make our kids think the world is happy and safe. Then when they grow up, movies and shows everywhere are encouraging them to smoke and do drugs. Then, we've got the shittiest government in the world, which is entirely composed of contradictory cover-ups and lies.
  18. Movies are trash these days. They really make America look like a country of shitbags. My brothers got Step Brothers and Tropic Thunder and they watched them. For some reason, the writers of those movies think that they need to include fuck, shit, and any other word they can think of in nearly every line possible. What the hell happened to the FCC or whoever the hell censors things? And it's not just movies, too. Video games are full of trash now, too. The next generation of kids is going to be so horrible, they'd be better off dead.
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