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Destiny Hero

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Everything posted by Destiny Hero

  1. I would prefer not to. Nice way to ruin all the respect I've gotten from the people around me.
  2. Where else am I going to post my personal problems no one cares about? I have to get some of this stuff off my back, you know.
  3. "Hey dad, can I have the password to your EBay account and get a 300 dollar giant object sold without you knowing?"
  4. And it's not like I'm pissed because I don't like it. I'm pissed because he spent that much money on something I didn't want. Needless spending, especially that much, goes against everything I live my life by.
  5. I'm not being ungrateful. I just won't accept something that valueble, especially if it's taking money out of the house. "Hey dad, can I sell that giant telescope you just gave me as a Christmas present?"
  6. If you don't say something comprehan-however you spell that, I won't understand what you're saying.
  7. No, it's a huge, expensive, electronic telescope with a free backpack. And my dad's pissed that I won't open it.
  8. No, I can't put text in my sig. But look at the bright side! I'll have a new sig tomorrow :)
  9. Well, I just got a late Christmas gift. A huge three freaking hundred dollar telescope. I hate my dad now. I can not stand the fact that he got me a gigantic 300 dollar thing that I would rather throw away than have to use. I can not stand the fact that he would get me something so expensive when he knows I hate getting expensive things, and anything I don't ask for. He didn't have to get me this, he shouldn't have gotten me this, if I had a choice I would drag it back to wherever the hell he bought it and return the damned thing. You know what's worse? I don't have a single spot in the house where I could use it. And you know what ELSE? On the box it says "See more in one night than Gallileo saw in a lifetime." My dad might as well have bought me a pass to a weeklong overnight geek camp, or just something to kill me with. AND it comes with a backpack.
  10. 4 is fine. I have a blast with mine. I've got the Song of Time down, but I sometimes mess up the Serenade of Water.
  11. Yay, we agree! I'll assume that means it's okay to steal and sig your funny pictures.
  12. I'm not a guy from Bleach. You can tell because my name isn't Jappity Jap Jap Japanojap.
  13. Okay, thread's been hijacked. *walks away, never to click on this thread again*
  14. You have way too many fugly hentai boobs in your sig.
  15. No, it doesn't look the same as the others. It doesn't have an awkward shape like the other ones, and it isn't as fat as one Sweet Potato one, and as for the other, this one doesn't have a long, straight stick as the mouthpiece.
  16. Mine's like that, except a bit less ugly, and the Triforce is much more yellow and doesn't look as bad.
  17. An apple a day keeps the child molester away. *throws an apple at said molester*
  18. Oh, it's just MapleStory or whatever you kids call it these days.
  19. Name: Nanny McPhee Age: 103 Class: Bitch Friends: None Description: Fat, ugly nose, and a big cane. When you do something bad, she verbally Shoop Da Whoops ya.
  20. Two cannibels are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says, "Does this taste funny to you?" Thank you, Mr. Handy.
  21. ... Much would could Chuck Norris chuck if Chuck Norris would chuck wood? All of it.
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