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Destiny Hero

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Everything posted by Destiny Hero

  1. I refuse to believe that 98% of the Internet is porn.
  2. Well, I'm happy to see that you're all happy.
  3. Oh, jeez, it took me two tries to read through that whole thing, and I'm still losing my sanity.
  4. THINK, FOOL. It's an essay that the dude with whores in his sig wrote for class and he wants our opinions on it.
  5. Rather than walking straight into walls, I prefer walk right around them.
  6. So, it's been more than six months off for the past three years, and I JUST noticed. I must need glasses. It gets its information from a sattelite or whatever up in space or whatever, so the signal can get messed up. Can't lose what you never had. OLOLOLOLOL
  7. This is basically the situation: Your dad steals 300 dollars from you and buys you a telescope you never wanted. Furthermore, there is not a single spot in your house where you could use the telescope. Now tell me who's ungrateful. And please, start thinking. If I was ungrateful, I wouldn't accept the telescope because I would think it's a piece of crap. Is that the case? No. I have a valid arguement whether you want to think that or not.
  8. Name: Nanny McPhee Age: 103 Class: Bitch Friends: None Description: Fat, ugly nose, and a big cane. When you do something bad, she verbally Shoop Da Whoops ya.
  9. I'll root for "I couldn't care less".
  10. You are just downright the strangest female in all of the gumdrop forest.
  11. I used to play Sonic games. You know, before they started to suck miserably :(
  12. Michael Jackson is magical. Who says you can only reincarnate yourself if you're dead? If he was dead,he wouldn't be able to control Miranda because once you're dead YOU'RE DEAD! Besides, Mikey is going to die soon, so that's why he's already started controlling her. Since Miranda Cosgrove is a guy and not related to Britanny Spears, I think we'll finally have an actress on Nickelodeon who doesn't get pregnant. That's a new one.
  13. My atomic clock is supposed to be correct no matter what, and yesterday was Tuesday, July 21st.
  14. Nope, and that's why only fags use emulators. Support your favorite games by not buying them!
  15. I'm not being grateful or ungrateful. I'll just assume you don't like thinking, because it's pretty obvious.
  16. No, I'm not being ungrateful. The reason I hate the telescope is because it's too expensive, I didn't ask for it, and it took hundreds of dollars out of our house. Spending like that goes against what I live by, and it really irritates me.
  17. Oh, I use that one in the Culbert Report.
  18. You're just saying that because you can't think outside of the box :U
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