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Destiny Hero

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Everything posted by Destiny Hero

  1. This is Miranda Cosgrove: And this is Michael Jackson: Is it possible to NOT see that Michael Jackson has reincarnated himself as a teenage girl?
  2. I'm not being an ungrateful prick. Am I shoving it back in his face and saying it sucks? I hate it because he's dumb enough to blow off that much money on something I don't want. Only a dumbass would do something like that.
  3. lolMan of the Year is now the man of the year Wouldn't it be awkward if he was a she?
  4. Oh yeah, January 5th. There's a fake bomb threat at our school. Just some high fucktard thinking he's cool and getting a kick out of this.
  5. Why would you suggest that in the first place? If you'd think at all that I'd forget to do that, then.. Then... Ugh! If I had forgotten to reset it, then I would not be allowed to play video games I'd be so stupid.
  6. Resetting the puzzle before I start? Really? People on here must think I'm a total idiot.
  7. Nice going, but that guide sucks. The solution for the puzzle doesn't work at all.
  8. I can't think with my butt. It's too hard. THANK YOU. T_T
  9. As in "What the hell is the pattern?" Professor Layton needs to solve this.
  10. Can someone just show me how to be these damned things?
  11. I'd liek you to know this: Out of every single thing in this universe, slide puzzles are one of my mortal enemies. I HATE THEM I HATE THEM I HATE THEM I HATE THEM I HATE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How the f*ck do I beat a slide puzzle!?
  12. I like people who cosplay because laughter is the best medicine.
  13. What kind of asshole would do that? If you fill your friend's boots with mud, that person isn't your friend, and you're an asshole.
  14. The money is coming out of him, which is coming out of the house's money.
  15. It's not that I think it's bad, it's that I hate it and I won't accept something that expensive that I don't want. Why should I be happy when my family just dumped 300 dollars, and imagine what the hell the shipping was, and add the tax, on something I didn't even want?
  16. I'm trying to assemble it now, but it's a pain in the ass. The instructions make no sense, and they jump from one part of the scope to another without saying, and it doesn't describe what or where any of the parts are.
  17. The good kind, right? No, I have respect from others.
  18. Song of Time's better, though.
  19. I'm too ugly. My self-esteem is too low for that. Besides, I'd be the new Leave Britanny Alone person.
  20. An autobiography? That's a lot more boring than what I have in mind.
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