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Destiny Hero

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Everything posted by Destiny Hero

  1. "BIANPORNXXX" I'm not enough of an idiot to click.
  2. If I don't, then anyone who discovers the paradox on their own would think I'm an idiot. Ah, Luxord. So angry, yet he enjoys my works these days.
  3. We have to spit out a creative idea every day this week, and all my creativity is in something else.
  4. It's pretty much more random crap, but with a story. I couldn't sleep last night. At midnight, I heard a crash downstairs. This could only mean that someone had broken into the house! I raced down the stairs and into the kitchen, turning on the light as fast as I could as if to avoid the darkness's grasp. I glanced around as fast as I could, but there was no intruder to be found. I stood there, frozen in terror by the thief's maniacal laughter: “Meow. Meow. Meow meow meow. Meow. Meow. Meow meow meow.” Mortified, I dashed back upstairs to wake the rest of my family. I was too out of breath to scream at that point. But right as I ascended the stairs, a hand out the darkness grasped my leg and dragged me down to the floor. From the kitchen's light, I could see the face of the man holding a knife to my throat. Aching, surprised, and pinned down, I could do nothing but watch. “Can you stop breathing like that?” He said. “It's really loud and annoying.” I held my breath for a while and he stared at me, emotionless. I had to bargain with him to save my own life. But I had to think of something – anything! Fast! “If you kill me... You'll never know our secret...” “Your secret?” He seemed interested now. “Yes... But you'll only know it if you let me live...” The criminal thought about it. My words may have been an offer too great to turn down. He didn't take any chances. “Show me this secret of yours. Try to escape, though, and I'll kill you where you stand!” “Sit,” I corrected him. He let me up after that. I walked back into the kitchen and moved a towel off of the table. Now that the item under it had been exposed to the intruder, his eyes lit up. “Are those what I think they are?” “Yes,” I replied. “Not the cheap kind, either. These are the real deal.” “May I take one?” The thief was now the one begging. “You may have as many as you want as long as you don't get any on the floor.” This vile man squealed with joy. “Homemade cookies!!!” He gobbled up the whole plate of the cookies my mom baked the other day. He was going to need something to wash it down, so I poured him a glass of milk. He ate it faster than a starving coyote who had never eaten in its life. He thanked me and I led him outside. “Have a nice day, see you later!” I said. He walked to his car and drove back home. Exhausted, I went back to bed. The next day, I woke up late. That was a normal day, though. The exception is that I was up all night making sure the man didn't come back. When my mom asked where her cookies had gone, I told her that the dog got to them in middle of the night. At least the story was partially true. The day after that, the man came back. Now, freeze for a second. The story began with “Last night”. So, the second day would be the day I'm telling you this story, but now I am describing events from the future in past tense. Just making sure you knew that. I know this is some sort of freakish paradox, but bear with me. Anyway, the man was back at about two in the afternoon. He brought over a salad, too, so he wouldn't be a bad guest. I let him in, but as soon as he walked in, a heard the sound of some giant object falling in the sky. “What's that!?” The dude ran out and made and met an earthbound plane. There was no fire or anything, no, the plane just dropped. I ran over to the man who once broke into my house. I found his body, crushed, but he could barely speak. I asked if he had any last words to pass on to me. “Yes... She.... reached into her mouth... and.... took out.... a pair of...... false teeth...” And just like that, he died. Instead of pondering his last words, or even why a plane dropped out of nowhere into the road, I just walked back inside the house and played some more video games.
  5. I do so hope that this is no facetious remark. No, I led them through the Room of Solutions and out the door. Why? Kee com poo cha macha.
  6. It's just a random train of thought that my brain coughed up <_< Okay, at least rate how RANDOM or pointless it was.
  7. I looked at the title and assumed you wanted opinions on your profile. Did I run headfirst into another misleading title...?
  8. I'll take that as a compliment before I start thinking too hard of it and realize it's probably an insult.
  9. Um, no. Once upon a time, there was a light in the sky. It was lonely, so it went over to another light. Then they, too, grew tired of the other's company, so they both traveled to another star, who happily joined their merry company. This process repeated itself for eternities, and that is why we now see so many starts, gleaming together in the night sky. Happy now, ya demons?
  10. Haven't looked yet, so here are my opinions whether you like them or not: Avatar: Slut Personal Info: Fail. Interests: Gasp. Kind of makes me think you listen to songs by slutty cowgirl singers. Doesn't seem like a profile that would be "revamped", it just look pretty much like a normal one where people don't feel like typing until the world ends. But then again, that's just how I saw it. Didn't look at every single thing.
  11. I'm supposed to be able to spit out creative fiction stories every day for a week!? Sorry, but my terrific story ideas are already be poured into 2 things, one of which I'll grace y'all with soon, and another in a few years.
  12. Our homework is to write a fiction story. It was in the summer that the girl decided to read a book. But what she didn't know was that she had nothing to do with this story. The real story begins with Bob. Bob was a person. At a time, he did a thing in a place for a reason. After that, he traveled back in time to an age to save a person in something from a someone at another place for another reason to restore something to somewhere. But that means nothing. The sole purpose of this story is that it's homework for English class. To keep this fiction, I have to include something unreal. But as I write this, a million billion times by my computer, about two dozen children are staring me down until I give them what they came here for, which they apparently aren't getting. So, to solve this critical situation, I will lead them into the room of solutions. In the room of solutions, there is a door. I am leading the children through this door. Now I am closing the door. The “room of solutions” is also known as “the front door”. But now that I think about it, I have no idea what they came here for. Perhaps some SpongeBob, or maybe some food. I guess all I can do is wait here until I remember what my task at hand was.
  13. What what in the butt? You don't know about that? Okay, go watch the Canada on Strike episode of South Park, and look up What What in the Butt on YouTube.
  14. Of all the possibilites, it was just a person who was bored and wanted tomething to do, so he went to the school and spraypainted a bomb threat? Interesting.
  15. Oh, and change Merlinus. His descripton makes it WAY too obvious that you're only doing this to troll. Change it to something ese; that's just too OBVIOUS.
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