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Destiny Hero

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Everything posted by Destiny Hero

  1. So... You mean to say that the members of this Forest are civil? Holy shit, I'd hate to see the rest of the Internet.
  2. I hate everything in existance that came from Italy, except for pizza, but cheese pizza only. Everything else is corrupt.
  3. It's a shame that Ultimate Ninja Storm was only on the PS3.... But hey, I guess the PS3 owners need some form of comfort game to make them feel "special" for getting that accursed system.
  4. Gay people... Gay people... Judge Judy.
  5. You're some angry Muslim who hates everything I say/do and has a really bad temper, stop acting like a retard.
  6. I played the demo for Broken Bond and liked it a lot, so I'm considering buying the game, but reviews said it's really annoying to do fetch quests. Is Rise of the Ninja better? I really like using lots of characters.
  7. Metroid Prime 3 because of its nearly-undefeatable final boss fight, and Megaman Battle Network 3 because the final boss can't be killed.
  8. Waldo is an illegal immigrant and he's a crack abuser, so he thinks everyone is the border police. /over
  9. Nobody carries me. Damn, Saturday Night Live's funny. Never seen it before.
  10. I am proud to have popsicle sticks on the sides of my body. I'm not anorexic, I just don't eat unless I'm hungry.
  11. I'm a few inches short for my age, and about 20 pounds underweight. And just to let you know, I live in America.
  12. Describe this orgasmic person you speak of. What does he look like?
  13. I am not your butt buddy. I live nowhere near you.
  14. No, I'm not that guy in the gay porno you're watching.
  15. There is no huge thing sticking out. My pants are still on. If I was not wearing any pants, I wouldn't see them right now.
  16. Destiny Hero pants? No, I'm wearing jeans, not YuGiOh pajamas.
  17. I play Doom because it's almost as good as Chex Quest. And be uber bored.
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