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Destiny Hero

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Everything posted by Destiny Hero

  1. Yep. America claims it isn't religious. Bah hurmburg.
  2. NO WAI GOD KERATED HOOMINS DEY R 1337 GOD DUN WANT ODDER NUBS ROONIN HIZ WURLD YOZ Whoops, sorry, I'm Athiest. What I meant to say was "Of course there is intelligent life in outer space."
  3. So, no one was around and I was thirsty. I didn't want water. I wanted milk. So, I had some chocolate milk for the first time. The first sip was excellent, and when it went down my throat it was disguisting. Definately a memorable taste, but not one I enjoyed.
  4. I don't really like either so I went with Georgie over there. They're both good, but just too dry for me. It leaves my throat burning an hour after I eat them. Goldfish are good, but they don't have much flavor.
  5. I don't know.... About an hour? But Boston's a freaking dump. Unless I wanted to get shot and be showered with drugs, I would never go there.
  6. No. Either you touch it or you don't.
  7. Yep... I only wish I could make more questions on the poooooolllllllll......................
  8. So it must be some other freezing place.
  9. The PoS3 is nothing but a bunch of cookie cutter fighter/shooter games aside from Little Big Planet, the horribly oxymoronically titled game. But wait! First person shooter aren't all the same! Oh! Oh! Oh! They have different enemies, levels and guns! Not much else though. FPS games suck because once you've played three, you've played them all. Only exception is Chex Quest, whose epic w1n will never be shared with anything else.
  10. Mine says "Massachusetts - Everywhere else sucks"
  11. Odd, no idea what it's supposed to be. 6/10
  12. The English dub doesn't suck. The voices are absolutely terrific and very memorable. I'd much rather listen to energetic voices instead of every man being an old man and every woman having an extremely high voice. Anyway, done with this thread, getting Broken Bond.
  13. We got a new President, not a god. Obama is not a savior who is going to drop in and solve all of our problems. The President is not nearly as powerful as people think he is, and the power is very overrated. Congress controls everything; the President does not. Everyone keeps freaking out thinking we're all saved. The one who is going to "solve" everything is YOU. YOU are the Americans, and you can solve problems by not being drug-addicted brain-dead morons.
  14. In your warped, retarded world. The PoS3 is a console for flithy rich bastards who don't care about playing carbon clones of other games over and over again. Metal Gear Solid and Ninja Storm are almost the only good games on that piece of crap that aren't on other systems.
  15. Kay, I guess I'm getting Broken Bond.
  16. I used to play that game until I realized it's a shitty attempt at remaking a decent game. The final poke that made me get rid of the game is that if you don't play for a long time, you get a bedhead and nobody will talk to you, and you can't buy good things unless you get a completely homosexual haircut you have no control over. So yeah, you're about a month late.
  17. Well then, I now have a reason to not hate New York!
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