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Destiny Hero

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Everything posted by Destiny Hero

  1. How'd I ruin a perfectly good topic? If anything, I kept it out of the need for bumping for a while.
  2. Merlinus and Marcus? They sound familiar.
  3. Because it's creative and funny and would open up to hilarious events in the storyline?
  4. Well, which situation do you think is more likely? A ghetto emo hating life, or a ghetto drug abuser trying to get a kick out making bomb threats?
  5. I'm not being a troll, I'm just letting him know he should use my character. Luxord says it'd be funny, and he even hates me.
  6. Every so often I see a lazy Internet term I don't know. Teach me one more. (That one)
  7. Mmmm I may have written one of the most popular fanfics on NSider.com, the largest forum on the internet until it closed down....
  8. Emo teens from ghetto cities attending a school in a quiet town making a bomb threat with spray paint not carried out <<<<< Drug abusing teens from ghetto cities attending a school in a quiet town making a bomb threat with spray paint not carried out
  9. Name: Nanny McPhee Age: 103 Class: Bitch Friends: None Description: Fat, ugly nose, and a big cane. When you do something bad, she verbally Shoop Da Whoops ya. Final offer.
  10. Ghetto teen attends a school in a quiet town and spraypaints a bomb threat, and doesn't carry it out. The chances of the person being high are better than not being high. Besides, Brockton is chock full of drug abuse.
  11. Just fourteen hours? Jesus christ, you must be a sloth. 14 hours without sleep is so much for a villian from the Power Rangers movie.... You should make your story senselss and funny. Don't make big paragraphs or nobody will read it.
  12. Well, why else would a student in a small town, from Brockton (VERY ghetto city nearby, absolutely filled with crime), spraypaint a bomb threat and not carry it out? Because he thought it would be funny, and since he'd be from Brockton, he'd almost certainly be high or drunk as well. No matter what you say, the conclusion is logical.
  13. It was just some high asshole thinking he's cool.
  14. Oh, and in the morning, my retard of a brother took my sweatshirt, and he kept licking my arms when I tried to get it back. He also stepped on my freaking toes FOUR TIMES. FOUR TIMES, PEOPLE, AND EVERYONE KNOWS THAT BOOTS WILL CRUSH SOCKS ANY DAY. And now my feet still hurt like hell when I walk.
  15. Bleh....... BLEGOYAVICH!!!!! Sorry, I was just puking at your post. What was it supposed to be anyway?
  16. His post should have ended in a period, and yet he ended it with a question mark. I must shoop do whoop his incorrect grammar.
  17. So, there was a bomb threat in the school. I said it was just some high and drunk asshole thinking he's cool. Anyway, I walked to school. The only place where theere was no black ice was on the snow and middle of the road. I could have skated my way there, but I preferred to walk (half of it) so I didn't fall over. I got to school, nothing happened. Middle of school, nothing happened, end of school, nothing happened, got home, nothing happened. Lesson: Bomb threats are just retards trying to act cool.
  18. Yesterday, it was so snowy, I couldn't see ten feet in front of me, but by the time a found my camera, I could see the other side of the street again. Thank god I have a golden retriever and not a lab.
  19. Well, to me Bizz is a hippie child, and she's high off her mind here in the forest, so posting "spam" wouldn't really make a difference to her. Either that or the fact that Bizz's topics make sense and give way to an only slightly awkward discussion.
  20. It's ridiculous! There's no way that could be right! I mean, there's no way that there are THAT many perverts in this world, and that they make THAT much stuff. I mean, think of all of the websites in the world; there's no way that there are fifty porn sites for every non-porn site!
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