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Destiny Hero

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Everything posted by Destiny Hero

  1. So, I was playing Naruto on my Wii, and my mom got home. My dog was whining because she wanted to go outside. Mom: Take Lucy out. Me: Can't I just let her out? She comes back. T_T Mom: Fine, but you're watching her. Me: Open door. So, Lucy runs outside and pees right next to the stairs (we have a deck). Then she ran off. Me: Oh my god. T_T I went to look for my other shoe, which she brought into another room, behind a table. Then I got my shoes on and bolted out the door. 32 degrees out, and a foot and a half of frozen, icy snow everywhere, and I've got sneakers, jeans and a t-shirt (I had a long-sleeve one this morning, but I dropped a muffin on it and got muffin stuff all over it and had to change it). She'd gone all the way to the end of the street (we've got a loop-one, and she ran about 3 blocks). I went down the icy stairs and through our icy driveway onto the non-icy street so I could avoid running through the snow. I caught up to Lucy, and then she bolted into the huge yard between our house and "their's". Then, she kept running around things and I kept chasing her, and she was having a freaking blast T_T The whole time, I was dashing through the snow after my freaking dog, which only runs away when I'm the one who lets her out. I also didn't know I could run through it that fast (it was almost like there wasn't any snow). Eventually I cornered my golden and tackled her into the snow. I had her pinned down, so I took a few seconds to breath and realized my throat was dry and I was completely out of breath. Finally, I dragged her back home. And here I am now, with some wet socks and jeans, typing away on the computer. The End.
  2. Congratulations? I had a dream that had a fangirl in it, and she screamed "I HAVE TO MAKE TIHS INTO A FANFIC!!!!"
  3. Tomorrow is Christmas, and in Spain, tomorrow is Navidad, whoever the hell she is. I found my presents but they were all still in their boxes and I didn't see one that would have my ocarina ;-;
  4. That's the worst thing that's ever happened to you? Smack him for smoking.
  5. Jesus Christ, this thread grew faster than a tumor.
  6. Soren's a poopnose. I'd have to say Lehran, but he's a poopnose, too.
  7. Someone who will rate yours above 5? *walks out*
  8. Destiny Hero


    Ooh, mine just got into a fight. I've got the older one (#2) and the oldest one (#1) 2 pulls out 1's chair, 1 gets pissy and starts slamming 2. 2 gets pissier and chokes 1. I sit here typing, not caring. Then I realize 2 (who is already the pissiest, most selfish person I know) literally is choking 1 really hard, so I go over and choke him, he comes around to get me, I kick him in the chest, he grabs my leg, I twist around and kick him hard with the other one and jump off of him and land a few feet away, pissy brothers quit fighting.
  9. Oh, so that's what this thread is about. You perverts.
  10. Cities blow. They're the absolute worst place to live. I just live in a quiet town where nothing happens, except the occasional house explosion, or plane crashing into our Hannaford's
  11. Yep. Generally, black people are more violent than white people, so I try to stay away from the. Not like they're the plague or anything, and not out of racism.
  12. Blowing something up would be rude. Blowing someone up would ruin their whole day.
  13. Well, Leonardo has girl hair, and Nolan, well, Nolan's alright. But Eddy's not realistic. He's way too happy, just look at his gay little pose. O.o Ross is weird, Natasha's weirder, and Garcia looks like a hairball.
  14. SPOILERS Yes, Shizune is gone. However, people need to think a bit. The citizens of Konoha aren't dead. If they were, then Naruto would be the most anticlimactic series in history. Somehow, and we'll see soon, everyone's still alive. My guess is that Kakashi used his last breath to teleport everyone to safety, like he did with his Sharingan against Deidara.
  15. Ugh. Definately the dub. I'm not going to stare at the text at the bottom of the screen to understand what the manly Japanese voices are saying. With the dub, I can actually see what's going on more, and I don;t have to stare at the screen to know what people are SAYING, which I should be able to hear. Subtitles blow.
  16. Centimetres? Don't make me laugh. *laughs* We've got like, two feet over here and it's fabulous.
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