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Destiny Hero

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Everything posted by Destiny Hero

  1. Yeah. It will literally take five or sixhours of grinding to get ONE "heart". Worst freaking game ever. Screw Zelda II. Give me Superman 64.
  2. My threads are being taken over ;-;
  3. Well, I phail at drawing, and there are plenty of desks in school for me to draw on while my teachers blab on and on and on, because I don't have to listen with my eyes (that'd be creepy...). I don't paint or anything, so I don't need a desk. I've got tables at home. And a desk is.... Sort of... A big thing to ask for on Christmas. Who's putting it together? :D
  4. No.... I just want suggestions for things I should put on my christmas list, and made a list of suggestions I wouldn't take. The thing is, I want people to throw suggestions at me so I find things I want. If I knew what I wanted, I wouldn't have made this thread. So far, the list (just finished the Naruto cards) totals at around $110 :( *goes off to work on it*
  5. I see an X. But beards are hideous. Auto-fail.
  6. No MP3 player, already have a camera, watches are for squares.
  7. But I won't get much. And it'll be boring. I'll check out Michael's and see if they've got anything. I'm a crap "artist", though.
  8. I don't care about my post count at all. okay people, I have to finish this list absolutely ASAP. - NO cosplay - NO video games (unless it's something I'd love. I don't want suggestions to buy games like Prince of Persia, Call of Duty, Fallout 3, etc....) - NO sports stuff I'll take drawing stuff, card games (just Naruto, though), and other things that can be productive.
  9. I call Gangsta Pikachu, and don't anyone try to take it.
  10. First off, I don't think my wallet likes the PoS3 one bit. Now, what can I get for games on the PoS3? Shooters and sports? There's also shooters, and a few sports. Did I mention it had shooters? It also has some nice 360 ports, and lots of shooters. No further debate. I think the PoS3 is a piece of shit. I will not buy it or get it, and I said I wouldn't get video games.
  11. I like games, I just don't want any right now. And I don't cosplay or wear clothes with logos.
  12. I said no video games. Plus, the PS3 stands for "Piece of Shit" 3.
  13. That's.... Different. 1. I don't watch movies. 2. I don't wear cosplay stuff or things with logos (I wear boring things). 3. I'm asking for a Naruto deck (LOTS of cheap cards). The only problem is that Naruto Vs. Sasuke and Moonlight Rasengan are too expensive for me to buy, and I need them for the deck :(
  14. No, unless it's something ridiculous, or it's a video game.
  15. Florina... What DOESN'T kill her? Farina for the win. She has great stats, and she doesn't have nasty, bubbling hair like Florina, and she isn't afraid of guys.
  16. I don't want any video games. I have a cell phone. never used it....
  17. Okay, I'm finally starting my Christmas list, and I need to have it done today. Here's everything on it: An ocarina (Zelda one ^__^). Sweet potato, Zelda edition, nothing special. Zelda Songbook. (both totaling $45) Subscription to Shonen Jump (insteading of renewing my subscription last year, I gave it to my friend who was moving away. See? I'm nice.) And that's all I have so far. Tell me things I never knew I needed for Christmas so I have some ideas. ... Anyone? ;-;
  18. Squirtle has the worst smash set in the game and horrid specials. Ivysaur can't do ANYTHING except rack up damage if s/he manages to get Bullet Seed in. Charizard is an absolute god if you actually know how to use him. Killer smashes, awesome aerials, and Rock Smash, which is one of the best killing moves in the game. But then again, Ash just sucks in general.
  19. First off, yes, GTA sucks. OBJECTION!!!!!! I think Lego Star Wars II DS was awesome. The graphics were great, and so were the cutscenes. It wasn't a clone of the console games, and you could actually, for one thing, choose your own characters >_> The character creator was MUCH better, and very good. The glitches didn't get in the way for me, and a lot of them were fun to play around with. Sure, two or three make it so that the game can't be 100% completed, but it was a great game that kept me going... Forever. And the multiplayer is absolutely awesome.
  20. Chrizard is excellent, Squirtle is meh, Ivysaur is "what can Ivysaur do?"
  21. Like when people bring them so off topic I have no clue what they're saying? *crais*
  22. Excuse me, but why the hell do we need to complicate things? The given term is "meteor smash", not spike. T_T
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