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Destiny Hero

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Everything posted by Destiny Hero

  1. Completely offense-oriented strategy. I never focus on Supports because I'll never have two characters that close to each other, and long enough to see any real benifits. I also get lots of EXP for weaker characters. Every time I play, I use ONLY the characters that I'll bring to the last level. I dump just about every other character.
  2. Mac is for fun. Windows is for getting the job done. Therefore, Windows is better.
  3. It'd be MSPCA where I live, you're no dog! She likes to run.
  4. k Why would a rape a dog? Besides, raping dog is impossible because they don't wear clothes. Oh, no, I typed this 10 minutes after. Now I'm just puking out my sandwich that I ate right before she ran off.
  5. Also so horrible that I've been considering not even buying it. AND DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THOSE ABSOLUTELY FUCKING HIDEOUS CHARACTER PORTRAITS.
  6. You're my dog. Why would you feel sorry for yourself?
  7. Destiny Hero


    I laugh at people with allergies. I have no allergies/health problems. "No, Destiny Homo, you're retarded." There. Now since someone's done it, you can't. See, I'm smart enough to see it coming and do it myself.
  8. And I had to go find her. Again. And when I was out the door, my mom made me go get the leash, and the door was locked, so I had to go get a key, and then find the leash, which was missing. Then I found it, and ran down the street (she likes a dog down there) and found her sniffing around their yard. She ran further away, down their insanely long driveway, and into another street. She went through some woods and into some freaky yard where it was cornered by the house and an extremely steep hill (I have GOT to go sledding there on Sunday), where she started sniffing some rocks. So, I went to the rocks and she started to run, but kept sniffing. I pretended to also be smelling the rocks, but she kept walking away from me. Eventually, I cornered her on their doorstep and put the leash on her. Realizing she couldn't get up the hill, I had to go the long way (through the woods again...). And the first tree we went by, I went to the left, she went to the right, and the leash and the tree stayed between us. It hurt. Then, I ran the rest of the way home and fell right onto the floor in front of the computer. T_T
  9. Yeah. I don't consider them sprites if they're cel shaded and 3D. The animations suck because, even though they're crappy 3D, they don't flinch. The animations are boring and forgettable. The models hardly even turn. Everything is just plain ugly.
  10. SO, in other words, you think I say its bad because mine are bad and I want to lower his self esteem? Sorry, but I'm not a generic 1950s bully.
  11. The animations look prety crappy to me. I'd prefer sprites.
  12. Sarcasm :D I'd say my Mouldy's better, but yours just has more magic. Spirit Dust increases Magic. 1. Moulder was promoted before Ephraim's route began. 2. True, Gerik does not come promoted. However, he comes with a Hero Crest that he can use. I simply made him use it. 3. Gerik is a forced unit. He comes into Ephraim's route on Selena's level, and is playable from the start. 4. Rules: I can only use Moulder and forced units.
  13. I'd say "Stop lieing, you know I have an ugly face." You see, I've got low self-esteem like that.
  14. ~My Adventure To GameFaq's Forum~ Ooh, this should be fun; I'll go register an account! Let's see who's on the forum... Hmm, a thread about socks. The person says "Do you like socks? I love 'em!" I'll reply with "I love socks, too!" Now, let's go check the other threads.... What? I've been banned!? What did I do!? According to the mod who banned me, "lern2troll". Thus ends my adventure at Gamefaqs.
  15. Destiny Hero

    Be Proud

    Fatist? ?_? I'm a fatist? I think you just made that up. Besides, fat people deserve it.
  16. France and England. Hundred Years War. English have Longbows. Wickid strong, hard to fling arrows without strength. French captures English. Cuts off their middle fingers so they can't use longbows. English archers show their middle fingers at the French. "Ha ha, we're going to use our longbows and kill you!" French are angry. English intimidate them because they still have their middle fingers. And that's why you're an idiot if you flip someone off, except if they're French.
  17. I've got one. Why did I have to kill Selena in FE8? ;-; And why does she have to suck in CC? ;-;
  18. You seem like the kind of person who would do that AHH FLAME SHEILD!!!!!!!!
  19. No, Moulder! Don't kill Selena!!!!!! *cries* Yeah, Merlinus is a Frenh poopy. He's the Softon's head of Fire Emblem.
  20. Destiny Hero

    Be Proud

    Um, proud to be in America, proud to not be fat, proud to not be an idiot, proud to not be a foreign person, proud to not be a poor little hobo, and proud to be not proud.
  21. I have a diabetic golden retrever with many mental problems. She is very strange and every day is all about her. She loves food, attention, and playing. I also have fish, but their tank is nothing but a graveyard.
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