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Destiny Hero

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Everything posted by Destiny Hero

  1. Okay, burp! Yep. Now, if only my computer would stop crashing, and stop crashing while it reboots...
  2. When one of my friends came over for a science project, he changed my computer so that whenever I typed my name, it would be automatically changed to "Fart". And I just got rid of it, so I can finally finish my damn project. Now to go back to it -____- I'm about halfway through my History essay, I've finished most of the history questions, have about 7 more pages of math to do, I'm done with my English essay, and then I just have to draw my entire frickin house, and I'm done with my homework ^_^
  3. I do have friends, just not no here because I don't like anyone here. And can you please stop this giant string of sarcastic posts?
  4. No, he doesn't. He doesn't like friends lists because they don't do anything worth the time.
  5. I highlighted your post and didn't see a /sarcasm, but I'l just assume this is sarcasm. Can you plese take me off your friends list?
  6. 1. No, those games scream "We want your money and absolutely nothing else!" 2. Why would I want big hairy balls? Above post. Yes, Brawl sucks. The AI is the worst out of any game I've played in my life. Auto-timing, auto-blocking, it's very unfair. Unless you have millions of friends and controllers, the game is terrible. Layton has cool puzzles, and full cutscenes and voice acting. And I now Naruto is Japanese. The thing is, though, it's better than anything else because the characters are very unique and easy to recognize and remember, and the names don't sound very Japanese, and are mostly short. Oh, now that I've quoted this, I see the word "sarcasm".
  7. Well, I like smooth 3D graphics as in LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Triolgy and Super Mario 64 (both for the DS). I DON'T like when it's so smooth that it has no visible pixels, and the frame rate is very high. I can't stand games like that, and they just scream "We want your money!" I don't like RD because it gets old fast. The difficulty is extremely unbalanced, too, and the whole thing is just bland the whole way through. The cutscenes are short and rare, and the voice acting sucks balls. Big, giant, hairy, TLS balls.
  8. 3D thing: I just enjoy games with smooth, 3D graphics. Not crap like Mario Galaxy or ACCF with the REALLY smooth graphics and the high frame rate that scream "We want your money!"
  9. Red Hair < Colored hair < Normal Hair So basically, Moulder would automatically beat everyone in the series because he's the only one who makes sense.
  10. None. They all either suck or get horridly late promotions. They're also pretty generic and in my opinion, hard to like. Although I would have liked Lyn if she didn't suck so much or have a man's voice in Brawl.
  11. Destiny Hero


    ?! looks ugly because they don't fit together in that order. !? looks better because the flat sides go well together and fit nicely, and doesn't leave the ?'s hump sticking out.
  12. I don't know. If it's anything like Enix's other RPG's, I'll hate it. They have that tiny text with the ugly font, all those stats that mean almost nothing, and all that level grinding and their crappy presentations and lazy animations... Where could I see a decent video of the game's play? I'd also like to know if there are cutscenes and voice acting. I'm a sucker for games that have: - voice acting - cutscenes - a good story - some adorable character - 3D And that's one of the main reasons I'm dieing to get Professor Layton. Jeepus, the last time I got a DS game was way back in July or August.
  13. Destiny Hero


    I'll kick the grammar out of anyone who uses "?!". The ! needs to be in front of the ?. Otherwise, it's taking up too much space and screwing over the reson for Enlgish- the uber language that's more concise than anything else. ?! is also bad because it doesn't fit because of the hump on the ?. Put the ! in front of the ? and they fit together perfectly.
  14. Any way I feel like it. Left, right, back, left, back, right, back, left, back, upside down, whatever.
  15. The seal thing almost got me. Other than that, nothing came even close.
  16. I've been thinking of getting this. I can't stand Japanese words and stuff, so are there a lot in it? Also, the backgrounds in battles or whatnot look really trashy and distracting. Do they get in the way much? Also, isn't there some Terminator thing or whatever called The World Ends With You? It sounds familiar.
  17. I don't care about my post count, and I really do have that much homework. Yes, I have winter break, but that's AFTER the project is due. If it's not from 1000 years ago, it's not a primary source unless the writer traveled back in time, which nobody can do. And jeepus, this thread was taken over.
  18. Yeah, 8th grade is fun all right.... DAMN IT!!! Viz is so lazy that they didn't even translate the freaking episodes, so now I'll have to have the window open and I'll have the read the freaking subtitles instead of reducing it and listening >_____________________>
  19. And the one WITH the Internet is the longest and most important. Yes, I am going to ride my bike through a snowstorm to look for books from 1000 years ago at a town library. Genius.
  20. I'm going to get primary sources and type up two essays without the Internet!?
  21. Because the Internet is too distracting. Damn it! There are 5 new Naruto episodes that were never on TV and they're online right now! DAMN IT!!!!!!
  22. Well, you got your Christmas break earlier than most people. Actually, I have at LEAST 15-20 hours of homework unless I can get the 10-page essay done fast, but then again I need 5 primaray sources from nearly a millenium ago >___>
  23. Here's my homework for the weekend. Write an essay for English Draw my entire house (I have a big one) Over 20 pages of math 20 Open-response questions in History A 10-page essay on Queen Eleanor, with primary sources, annotations, and a works cited page
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