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Destiny Hero

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Everything posted by Destiny Hero

  1. Mario Kart Wii is a joke. In fact, all of the MK games blow except for the DS one, but online play for it is horrid because of hacking everywhere.
  2. Mine makes sense. It's a gangsta pikachu.
  3. Don't need controllers, guides are for queers, movies are boring. I'll probably get cards, but the only card game any GameStops have is probably YuGiOh. Yeah, I'm thinking about that, but none of my friends like Mario Kart either.
  4. I'm going to donate Wii Wheels to the poor so they can keep drinking and they'll think they're playing Mario Kart!
  5. The clothes? I got those from my parents. They'd be all like "OH MY GOD WE GOT THOSE FOR YOU NOW YOU WEAR THEM OR I'LL FIRE MY LAZARBEA-- BLEARGH!!!!!" So that's out of the question, sadly.
  6. Well, returning things would make me a real jerk, so I'm not going to do that. I'll just, oh, I don't know, hide the wheels somewhere and hope everyone forgets about it, then I'll give it as a gift to someone else...
  7. Well, if I just ask for money, I won't be opening presents, or getting much money. Returning what and buying what?
  8. Last night was horrible. I had my three baby cousins to keep under control/ At any given moment I'd have one tickling me, one pulling me and one humping my leg. At the party, all I got was gift cards and TWO Wii Wheel things (and I hate racing games). I couldn't sleep last night and my legs still hurt. Also, I have no musical talent whatsoever with my Ocarina. With my Naruto cards, I got a box, and only one of the Supers I pulled was useful; the others sucked. Then I got pants, boots, and gloves (none of which I'll be using), and a freaking telescope. What the hell am I gonna do with a telescope? I didn't ask for something expensive, so don't give it to me! So here I am with 215 bucks to Gamestop and no good games to buy, and an ocarina that's going to slap me if I pick it up.
  9. Gotta go take a shower. Have fun eating my topic for the next 20 minutes or so.
  10. But I don't want to rant right now. My throat's dry from chasing my dog.
  11. I don't listen to my parents. Ever. They give bad advice.
  12. That happened to me. Partners In Time is a terrible, frustrating game. I managed to snap it back in. Just look at the way it's supposed to be in there. If it's the DS Phat, just look at it carefully and wedge the hinge back to where it should be, and be careful when you're opening/closing it. However, if you drop the DS, say goodbye, and watch out when your mom drops it for you and you have to get a new DS, but that breaks too, and then you get a 3rd DS but 3 months later you get bored of video games.
  13. I've never seen a dub with crap voices that I was ever interested in. Naruto has excellent VA's, but the Japanese version, not so much. Everyone sounds like a guy, and the same guy.
  14. Eh. I got sick of that game after, what, four days? My brother plays it though, he looks forward to it.
  15. ? If that's "Long fake", this actually happened.
  16. Hm. Well, the only way I ever realize it's almost Christmas is when I find my presents, and believe me, now I know it's Christmas @_@
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