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Destiny Hero

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Everything posted by Destiny Hero

  1. If someone spams my profile, I'll just report them and delete the comments. But since I'm not an idiot, only comments I approve can be displayed, so that can't happen anyway.
  2. I think that Sacred Stones is the second best Fire Emblem. It doesn't seem so choppy to me, except for the fact that it isn't obnoxiously long like Radiant Dawn, and it doesn't have enough characters to make my head spin.
  3. If you're "disturbed" by what I say, stop bitching. Nobody said you had to read anything I post. So just shut up and settle it maturely: Ignore me. You don't have to try and get as much attention as you can. tl;dr - Don't like it? Ignore it.
  4. Well, I play the game for the reason it was made: TO HAVE FUN. "E" - Niss / In-Iss "A" Niss
  5. That'd be pretty cool. It could be, like, with 5 different lords, and have 5 different paths, or it could have something like 2 or 3 different paths, which branch out into two more paths each. However, since there would be no human enemes, the game just wouldn't work. Even if Nintendo did hammer out that problem, it'd just be a bunch of emotionless, storyless monster killing. So, no. Sacred Stones SHOULD get a prequel, but can't.
  6. Moulder had 12 Magic as a 20/10 Bishop, but capped speed. Every other stat was just plain terrible.
  7. Resolve is whe you're down to 1/2 HP, right? What is the % that Guard will activate, namely with an A bond, and does it just transfer attacks to, say, Miciaih, and have them hit Sothe? What EXACTLY does Shade do? What EXACTLY does Blossom do?
  8. Hast though forgotten about the tasks at hand? The fair count Bastian has demanded that we, as his chilvalrous servants, attempt to speak like Him. Noweth geteth toeth worketh, naeveethes!
  9. Hm. I'd allways assumed Elincia, Fiona, Mia, and Naesala were the Avoid champs.
  10. A man named Billy Bob Thorton likes his sister. His sister is a ninja who supported prop. 8, unlike Chuck Norris, who'll kill you. Chuck Norris is equal to Captain, and will kill grammar with this: THE UNHOLY ORDER!!! What a fag that Fox is. I want some goddamn chocolate milk, to throw at the King of orgies. He then played Animal Crossing.
  11. At least you can actually figure mine out >_> Anus = Innes, because they sound alike. Moldy = Obviously Moulder. Ross Sauce = NOT Ross. Amelia Bedelia = Figure this one out. Pad Ewan = NOT Ewan. Olé Saleh = Saleh with Olé in front... My nicknames either rhyme, or just change a few letters >_>
  12. I wouldn't have a problem with that. If anyone sees "Anus" on a Fire Emblem forum, and it makes them cry and kill themselves, that's their problem, and their strange, retarded problem. And if I somehow had HIV, it'd be my problem, and I wouldn't run around and be a bitch, like you're doing, because I don't like how someone is trying to brighten up a situation and add some creativity to something. I wouldn't expect the whole world to tend to my issues and be all about me, because that's life, and if someone has a problem with that, well, that's their problem, not mine. ?_?
  13. You seem like a complete asshole if you'd actually do that =/ The meanest thing I've ever done, by far, was when this girl was seriously annoying me for weeks, and to make her shut up, I said mean things about her dad having diabetes.
  14. I have fun leveling up trainees. But I would NEVER turn him into a Driud. The name is hideous, the sprite animations are bad (and out of synch with the Flux spell) and ugly, everything about Druids is ugly, except for Canas/Pelleas. Sages are way too smexy to give up for druids. You simply think harder. If you've played the game, you'd know that Anus would obviously be Innes :U If you can't figure out the nicknames, you're not creative enough.
  15. WiiSpeak, at least in my opinion, was a huge letdown. I mean, the game is advertised with it, and sold with it, but you have pay for each of them seperately, which adds up to a whopping $70. I didn't even think about getting it, and it sounds like it'd have terrible quality.
  16. Soreneth iseth emoeth andeth haseth aneth Eeth ineth Staveethes. Thateth iseth tooeth wordyeth.
  17. But that's not always possible, or the best option. At the least, it'll leave her short of a lot of EXP.
  18. That's not really much of a troll post at all.
  19. Destiny Hero


    Take a cup out of the dishwasher right after it's done. Put some milk in, and heat it up and burn yourself. Then, go to sleep. And if you're sleeping in jeans, that might be the problem. Two weeks ago I tried that an it wasn't very comfortable.
  20. Okay, then, prove I'm a troll. Go find one thread in which I went to it, and posted spammy and derogatory things. Humor me. I BE FINE!!! Indeed.
  21. Well, those are tier lists. If there was a god character who always won, but people didn't use him, he'd be considered bad by the tier list. Tier lists aren't as accurate as some people say they are. Those are just tournament standings.
  22. A troll is someone who goes into threads and posts spammy and derogatory things, usually plagued with swears. Do I do that? No. Is Luxord doing that now? Yes. Just because you don't like someone, doesn't mean they're a troll.
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