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Destiny Hero

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Everything posted by Destiny Hero

  1. Fiona is terrible because of her joining conditions. She's actually even better than a Laguz royal if you baby her to her second class.
  2. I had a peanut butter sandwich and a glass of milk for breakfast. Before the guests came, I had a fruit bar. After everyone left I had another sandwich.
  3. I hear the second part is pretty bad. Have the fillers gone away yet?
  4. Let it rip! *farts* I always hated Beyblade, especially the anime, which had ridiculous-looking characters/plotlines, bad art, and: Hunderds of people gather around in a huge stadium. In the middle is a tiny little table and two little kids. They drop two toys in, and after a few seconds one falls out. That's what everyone came to see. Argablarg.
  5. For either Mild World or Witty Joke. (AKA ACWW or ACCF) I need some Wi-Fi amigos.
  6. That's because you need to know how to use the Arena: 1. If the enemy can critical and do more than, like, 4 damage, retreat. 2. If you take damage, even if you're attacking next, and the next enemy attack can kill you, retreat right after you take that hit (not the one that kills you; the one that almost kills you). 3. If your hit rate is 100% and you will kill the enemy, you don't have to retreat. 4. Keep a healer in front of the arena so you can always heal and go back in the next turn. 5. Dn't forget to buy some staves. tl;dr: If it's possible, by even the worst hax possible, that you can get killed, leave.
  7. I would guess that you could just find the right publisher, know where to advertise (forums would work great), have lots of close friends to help advertise, and just write a really good book and you should be fine, and then save all of your money, and then write a sequel that everyone knows won't be as good as the original.
  8. It depends what I"m angry at. Friend: Desert them. People who do drugs: Go out and get them arrested (I've gotten over 20 people framed) My parents: Go up to my room. Most things: Make a list of things I hate in my head. The RNG: Shut the game off and swear never to play it again, and then play it 10 minutes later. Or sometimes I'll play Brain Age 2, Animal Crossing or Nintendogs. Or cuddlez with my dog and look out a window.
  9. I'll always give them to Ewan =3 But I usually don't notice a difference, but I thought it was pretty funny how it says it'll "give a treat to the unit who uses it", and then it says it makes them more mature.
  10. The dragon one? That was one of the easiest in the game for me. Every time, I can take out the king in just one turn, and Kurth gets a free pass to kill everything in the level. And the dragons are simple to kill. Ashera was also easy. And even if a unit dies, it doesn't matter. All you have to do is have your mages heal everyone who gets hurt, and have the Nihil users pound her Aura. I can tke out at least one each turn. Mostly two. Part 4 was very easy. I just even out the three teams. Tibarn and Elincia are the only units that the Hawk Army needs, because they can easily duo those levels. For the other two teams, I just distribute the ~10 good units I have, and I'll only use those units in the levels. It's easy. The way I play, I literally don't use anyone except for who I'll bring to the end, and I'll also use a couple others like Titania. But I'll use everyone in the early chapters.
  11. Eh. Don't judge Fiona until you use her. If you get her past that dark spot, she's an excellent unit, capable of soloing most levels once she gets to her second class. I would say Lethe, Lyre, Leonardo, Laura, Ilyana, Astrid, Ena and Gareth can all compete for that role. Mainly Gareth, Ena, and Astrid.
  12. Really? I hate the Burger King, so I don't use him. And in the desert, I trap him with all of my other units so he can't move.
  13. I hate Tanith and Sigrun (ugly name, there), and pegasi suck in general, so I haven't. If only they didn't have shit defenses, and weren't killed in one hit by half the enemies.... All they do is give an automatic critical, so they're nice for killing bosses.
  14. I'm always cursed in speed >_> *forgets what was going to be typed* Uh.... Yeah, Tana. My Tana got so blessed, she capped Strength at level 2, and did pretty good in her other stats. Too bad I was using her for Peggy attacks with Syrene, who must have been promoted at level 5 >_>
  15. Ross, Amelia and Ewan, obviously. Throw in some Saleh, too, and don't forget about Moldy.
  16. My cousins (even my baby ones, who could play tennis) were playing on my Wii, and on the computer, and they hadn't gotten hyper yet. So, I played Sacred Stones and decided to abuse the Arena. I have more than 200K now, and a few blessed and cursed characters who I might not be able to promote fast enough. Blessings and Curses Mouldy (13) HP: +1 Mag: +1 Skill: +1 Luck: +1 Def: +2/+3 Res: Average/+1 An uber Moldy who will grow up to be a Sage ^_^ Eirika (9) Cursed in every stat. Ross (11) Skill: +2 Spd: -1 Luck: -4 Def: -2 Res: +1/+2 Stupid Ross, going around getting cursed like that =/ Colm (9) HP: -1 Str: +1/+2 Skill: ^ Luck: -1 Def: -1/-2 Stupid Colm, going around making me think about using Rennac. Joshua (15) T_T HP: -1 Skill: +1/+2 (it'll cap anyway) Speed: -1/-2 Luck: -1 Res: +1 Str: -2/-3 Stupid Josh, getting cursed to hell and back where it matters. Bad results. Plus, every time I used Colm, I'd get something with a lance, mainly Knights. Same with Eirika >_> The Colly really hates me, and so does the RNG. Next thing you know, the game will hate me again and die.
  17. Normal is too hard in the beginning and too easy at the end. The game overall is either too easy or too hard/frustrating, and at almost no point is it in the middle. If the difficulty was balanced, the game would be better.
  18. Queers are for tiers! ... Wait a second.... God, this one is different from Dawn O.o
  19. My characters get uber blessed the first time I ever use them. Every time after that, they get cursed beyond belief. Although one time, I did get a godly Lute. And it's not like that file got reset or anything....
  20. There's never anything going on anywhere near where I live The only stuff that's ever gone on was two years ago when a house exploded, and a few months ago when a plane crashed into a Hannaford's parking lot. *gets a sandwich*
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