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Destiny Hero

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Everything posted by Destiny Hero

  1. Astrid, Heatherm LAURA, Leanne, Marcia, Micaiah, Mist and Titania are not hot. Either way, you souldn't think they are. They're digital/drawn people.
  2. God. Even I wouldn't dump Sothe for Gareth. However, I'll always dump Gareth, Sothe and Ena no matter what. Especially Ena. What did she ever do to get so bad? >_______>
  3. Destiny Hero


    Can you cut down on the big words?
  4. Damn >________> I was yelling at my brother, and then my mom came in. I was reading the other page in this thread, and I accidently shouted "TELL JOSH TO SHUT UP!!!!!!!!" I never knew that reading big text ACTUALLY made you accidently say it :D (his name is not Josh)
  5. A quick fact: Cases of guns being used to kill someone in a shooting >>>>>>>>>>> Cases of guns being used lawfully in self defense. Besides, if guns are banned, they're not going to turn into knives. Can a knife be shot out of a building window and kill someone? No. Can a person with a knife rob a bank? No. Can someone with a knife shoot it through a house or car window and kill someone inside? No. Can a knife travel so fast, that nobody can dodge it? No. Can a gun? Yes.
  6. I just had two Fire Emblem puzzles, but I can't think of any more.
  7. I'm not young >____> It looks like somebody stabbed a woman between her legs and left a bunch of blood and torn flesh there. I think I'm the only one here who notices that.
  8. I recently found out that I'm Jesus with him. Here's a BIG hint for using Ike: Only a complete retard would act like Ike's nuetral B is his only move. It's one of Ike's worst moves. Learn how to use the other ones right.
  9. I'm not young. They're just really ugly O.o
  10. And that's as far as I'm going because I'm tired, and this whole arguement is pointless since banning guns will stop lots of violence no matter how you look at it.
  11. Hax Axe Helen Keller Fart George Bush Shoop da Whoop Meg, Please Kill Stripper Pole Fondler You're all so lame.
  12. Stephen's chin and Joshua. And some drunk people would say Oliver.
  13. Branching Promotions, endgame campaign, even MORE weapons than Radiant Dawn, even more characters than RD, branching storyline, three-tiered promotions, Anima weapon triangle, Radiant Dawn-style stats, etc...
  14. Explain why people like these games. Seriously, it's like, Mickey Mouse as a mage, Goofy as a Warlock, Donald Duck as a swordmaster... What the fuck? And people actually like it!?
  15. Well, I'd rather post it here than have people complain about the fact that nearly every thread on this board was made by me.
  16. Yep. Those documentaries can get pretty tedius, which is why I'll go On Demand for something better, like Family Guy. Then I'll realize that every Family Guy on there is the one I saw last night T_T
  17. Nah, he's not a virgin. He's a butt pirate, like everyone else; he just doesn't know girls.
  18. Destiny Hero


    God doesn't exist. How was the universe created? Scientists: We don't know, but we can explain every other thing in existance. Clergy: Um..... God did it! And.... He was always there! So, what made God? Are you just going to assume "He was always there"? This is why God was "created": Humans are evolved into. They are smart. They think about things. They start to wonder how they were made. They don't understand anything in life, so they assume that, because they can think, the universe is centered around them, and the one making everything happen is a divine being. That is why Religion was created: Because back then, people couldn't come up with a better excuse.
  19. Destiny Hero


    Really, what's so bad about her? I don't see the big deal.
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