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Everything posted by S_Cero

  1. http://www.smule.com/p/338124717_108498279 We gotta get this boi off the ground guiz He's a hidden gem. The next eminem.
  2. I love the Dawn Brigade chapters. I love how they're match or even outclassed most of the game so you actually have to play tactically. And 3-13 is my favorite chapter just because of the odds stacked against you.
  3. Is it bad that I'm more excited for the Kage vs Bizarro Flame match then I am for the actual tournament?
  4. Regarding the weight discussion, I rather want it to go back to the old days where weight just straight out subtracted speed. It removes the entire con gender issue. (and TRS did a good job of making heavier weapons have their own advantages so it wasn't lightest weapon all the time)
  5. If this games is linear then I would most definitely want PoR's system. If it's a world map though, then Awakening's system would work just fine. I mostly think that the actual content of supports need to be reworked. Before when supports were limited they tended to have a resolution for the characters involved. With the infinite supports going on this would result in character regression as seen in Awakening since normally you're only supposed to get one ending. I really hope IS finds a solution for this problem.
  6. Did awakening even have seize? I think it just had kill boss and rout lol. But yeah more chapter objectives are a must.
  7. Well this is an interesting move. Now this makes my first print copy that still can't read easy mode transfers even more valuable. hue
  8. Part 2 is definitely my favorite story wise. For gameplay that goes to part 1. I love the diffivulty of it and training up the dawn brigade is super satisfying for me. (especially getting my WrathResolve!Edward even though the skills are nerfed). Though my favorite chapter in the game, 3-13, is in part 3 I find the ease of the GM parts just drain my motivation to play through it.
  9. Though I'm not sure how I feel about a demigod story I'm all for exploring more into the world's religion. It would be great to explore how it is integrated into the world and what the characters actually believe in.
  10. You get them in adventure mode. Sadly, you can't unlock them quickly. You can get the gauntlets easily and naginata as well but the others require completion of story mode and are just a annoying to get to since there's like 50 challenges to get to them.
  11. From what we've been told, this game keeps reminding me of the original Zelda.
  12. and would've made my tropius pull its own weight
  13. It really depends on the controller and what you're used to. I was super used to the 3DS when I started the Wii u version so I really sucked with other controller because I wasn't used to them. From a clean slate I guess controllers are better. For me I prefer a controller but there is some stuff I can do easier on the 3DS like short hopping. C-sticking is pretty nice though.
  14. http://www.siliconera.com/2014/11/21/hyrule-warriors-twilight-princess-pack-dlc-lets-dress-link-postman/ It's for Zelda. In other news, Ganon confirmed keyblade holder.
  15. I prefer the Japanese but the English voices are pretty good. I'm impressed with Komaeda's english voice but my main gripe with it is that he sounds sarcastic once he gets going.
  16. Yo Necromancer I'm around for the fight right now. Won't be available till 1:00 PM tomorrow.
  17. Anyone know a more effective way of grinding money besides doing reward map 1 over and over?
  18. Soooo, from the direct I imagine we're getting the update on the 21st since that is when the amiibos come out.
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