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Everything posted by S_Cero

  1. I like his concept and am probably going to enjoy seeing him, but his bio does not give me hope for him being a deep character.
  2. http://serenesforest.net/radiant-dawn/miscellaneous/hints-and-secrets/ Go crazy.
  3. My biggest gripe with the design is that her sash is so badly drawn. Makes it look like she has a fucking dildo stuck in her cleavage.
  4. Thing is, I can't really think of a way for them to not overexpose their gimmick. I would say not to include them, but they're entertaining.
  5. The special third route is where Kamui and Garon elope and run off into the sunset. 10/10 would write fanfictions about.
  6. Unless waifus are in the game. In which case they'll increase tenfold.
  7. ^^Here's my stance on Awakening's characters and actually touches upon one of my fears for IF.
  8. Gonna go F!Kamui first since I prefer her design unless M!Kamui's customization really wows me.
  9. Why is there so many topics for individual characters? Goddammit people.
  10. Why does this topic pop up like every day now?
  11. I really hope he is not the typical good guy that everyone loves and play the straight man to the other character's quirks like Robin did, but I don't have much fain in IS when it comes to this.
  12. That developing basically 3 different FE games at once is too big of a workload and that IS will ending up cutting corners causing all of them to be subpar products. Also echoing Kirokan's post.
  13. I wouldn't really give a shit. Like everyone else said, how the character is written is what matters. But, if they write them on the same level as Jill, I would be pretty elated.
  14. Maybe magic just destroys the arrow which is why it's better? Fire and lightning burn it, wind blows it away, and dark does... something.
  15. I actually think this feature was included to try to encourage people to challenge themselves in the game since if they get completely stuck they could just lower the difficulty and not have to restart the entire game again. Well, that's my take on it.
  16. Pikmin 3 is amazing and a definite must but.
  17. My initial reaction to this was a huge "Whaa?", but after re-watching the trailer over again a lot and loving the song I'm actually really hyped for this. It's so weird that I'm really interested in it. Interview on how the game got like it has: http://www.siliconera.com/2015/04/02/shin-megami-tensei-x-fire-emblem-got-persona-like-style/ Looks like they're well aware this didn't capture the FE part well. (Though there was quite a but of subtle FE stuff in it.)
  18. I'm glad this is something different and surprising and not some slapped together crossover trying despeately to please both fan bases like most cross overs tend to be.
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