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Posts posted by S_Cero

  1. Part 2 is definitely my favorite story wise.

    For gameplay that goes to part 1. I love the diffivulty of it and training up the dawn brigade is super satisfying for me. (especially getting my WrathResolve!Edward even though the skills are nerfed). Though my favorite chapter in the game, 3-13, is in part 3 I find the ease of the GM parts just drain my motivation to play through it.

  2. You get them in adventure mode. Sadly, you can't unlock them quickly. You can get the gauntlets easily and naginata as well but the others require completion of story mode and are just a annoying to get to since there's like 50 challenges to get to them.

  3. It really depends on the controller and what you're used to. I was super used to the 3DS when I started the Wii u version so I really sucked with other controller because I wasn't used to them. From a clean slate I guess controllers are better. For me I prefer a controller but there is some stuff I can do easier on the 3DS like short hopping. C-sticking is pretty nice though.

  4. Volga is crazy awesome indeed. I personally think the worst characters are Agitha and Zant. While Zant is fun to play he just doesn't have as good specials and such compared to others and I just find Agitha to play like shit. Top tiers definitely have to be Volga and Master Sword Link. They are just too good.

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