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Posts posted by S_Cero

  1. But Mario isn't exactly unfamiliar to people.

    The name isn't but when they do thinks like the gravity mechanic and the flud mechanic it tends to shy away most people. You are paying $60 for these games, most people want something they know they will enjoy so they go with the similar things. Why else do the sales on Madden and CoD (except Ghosts) keep on rising?

  2. Oh shit, I just realized.

    Pokemon Special/Adventures will revisit Hoenn like it did Kanto for the FR/LG saga and Johto for the HG/SS saga. I wonder the trials that Ruby and Sapphire (and Emerald, I guess) will go through during the OR/AS saga. Now I'm stoked for the game AND the new volumes.

    Hell yeah man! This honestly is what I'm most hyped for besides the possibly remade battle frontier

  3. I think a new setting has potential but I have bias towards medieval settings so it would take more to draw me into the world. A futuristic FE doesn't sound so bad.

    In fact, I wish gunpowder was never invented so we could've stayed with those weapons.

    When I think about this it reminds me of how much technology would've never been invented and how much more hellish war would be today. I can't imagine what it would be like to see your enemy face to face and cut out their insides. Its hard for me to imagine what it would be like to shoot someone.

  4. Yeah, the freedom of this game does make multiple PTs boring. Its the same thing I fault Skyrim with, the fact I can do everything in the game in one playthrough kills pretty much any motivation to play through the game again normally. The same applies to this game, the only motivation I saw for multiple PTs besides difficulty was playing as the other Avatar gender.

  5. oh no, ana's not going to post in here, what in the hell shall we do.

    to contribute something, i'm still disappointed in tobias for not having any backstory whatsoever.

    Yeah, at least with the other one shot league rivals they had some backstory. I guess they decided that Conway, Barry, and Paul was enough and just needed a reason for Ash to lose.

  6. While XY looks good I don't think can top DP in the "plot". The main characters are good I like Clemont and Serena, and Bonnie doesn't come off as annoying. But I get more of a Unova feeling from this season and I don't like the fact that there is so rival figure currently. The battles looks pretty cool so I'll probably only tune into the gym battles.

  7. I am pretty excited to see hoenn in 3D. It's gonna be so awesome.

    But, I don't expect many new things with this game like a lot more mega evolutions and more moves for pokémon. This is a remake that coincides with XY so a lot of the stuff will be compatible. So I don't see many things that weren't in XY making it into ORAS just like the other remakes. But then again with patches and stuff they can add to XY if they include it in ORAS so who knows?

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