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Posts posted by S_Cero

  1. Am I the only one who preferred DotNW's English voice cast over the originals? Eh, still like the jap voices most

    I quite enjoyed this pack because I never got to play the original. Everyone having mystic artes in this version is pretty sweet.

    I also enjoyed DotNW. Since it wasn't considered a main game I went in with lower expectations and was quite surprised. The monster taming isn't anything to write home about, but it does allow you to create super over powered characters which can be fun when running through the game on maniac. It does suck that previous characters are fixed and that you can't move Emile out of the first spot. Also what the hell is up with Regal's mystic arte. Come on it's pathetic!

  2. You battled a massive Ridley while riding on a speeder in Brawl. I'd be pretty irritated if they shrunk Ridley down to bite sized and put him on the roster.


    Except I wouldn't be irritated... I guess more along the lines of image shattering so I would just end up being a little dissappointed

  3. Oh, does anybody remember Hunter J's death? #darkstuff

    Her death just felt anit-climactic and out of place. Yeah they really didn't have much left they could do with her but still, her getting hauled off like the rest of the villains would have fit much better.

  4. I'm just gonna give my first since I don't want to list them all.

    My first would have to be Sinnoh. The lore and history that were put into this region made it feel much more alive to me. Unlike the other regions, Sinnoh actually felt like a world to me. Seriously, that library place was like the best addition to any Pokémon game.

  5. People keep saying Lucina is more popular, but I really think that holds no water.


    We found out from the Q&A that the characters were decided upon early in development. The game started development in May of 2012; only a month had passed since Awakening had come out in Japan. Since the time between them is pretty small I doubt Lucina's popularity (which I don't even know if it was even big at that time) had any bearing on whether she would be chosen or not.

    Hell, Sakurai might have chosen Ike again because maybe he thought that Awakening wouldn't be coming to America.

  6. http://www.target.com/p/super-smash-bros-nintendo-3ds/-/A-15044637

    (Nintendo 3DS)



    The game's release date won't be until 12-31-14. Not Oct 3, 2014. This will be involved on both versions. Good. I wanted this to happen. Because everything will be leaked if the 3DS version comes out first. Gives us more ideas for giving them ideas and for better development.

    What? That's just Target not updating the release dates.

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