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Everything posted by Junkhead

  1. Veronica what. I got her for free. And I wanted her for Close Guard, anyway.
  2. actually wasted 15 the other day but I said fuck it and chugged down 44 today at least I got a +8 Henry
  3. I chugged down 69 orbs trying to get Libra (yes, Libra) knowing I might be compromising my savings for Spring Alfonse (again, for Libra). I need something feel less stupid, now.
  4. In Russia 14-year old girls outbench grown men.
  5. Oh, yeah: okay yeah her form (tecnique) is heavily criticised given the massive back arch (I think it gets you closer to the bar, limiting your range of motion) but then she's still 14 year old holding over 300fuckingpounds with her arms. I bet half of those guys can't even quarter-rep that shit without breaking their arms. also said 14-year old girl is probably 18-19 by now, and apparently she can still bench 250+ with proper form.
  6. I take it this narrows down to stuff like Ayra and Karla, mostly. My critique here is that it feels they're out of comission beyond a single encounter, unless they have a very strong oneshot potential like Wrath Ayra with a Slaying. It's a fairly new concept for me when you tie this with DC, which is what I'm aiming to do with my Libra: Do you think there is something I can do to make this even better? My idea is to try and be able to counter ranged units and not entirely sacrificing melee encounters.
  7. But if that's the case, it still doesn't address their actual defensive stats. Even a lot of defensive units end up sacrificing some Def/Res, which doesn't translate as well to all their other Dragon & Armour matchups (which I argue are far more common). Stacking amazing defenses on top of Guard means a lot more. It's not even as hard or unreliable as people make it out to be.
  8. Yeah, but they're still not like 90% of the game, like some make it seem 40 Spd is trash. There are a lot more Dragons and Armours, which don't seem to care all that much about Spd.
  9. @XRay You say that there's never really a point where you can have "too much" Spd, even from a defensive standpoint. However, looking at my example with Darting Stance (a bit on the extreme side, I know), I find that I could pick something else that would have my stats go to other important stats like Def when the only people are doubling you are likely outliers like Ayra, Soleil, Nino, etc. I'm curious as to how you would choose to go about this. The Ayra example is likely what you would call "Spd optimised", or just simply Spd dumped so she reaches 50+ (doesn't she prefer Phantom Spd for massive R.Astra?). The same goes to other examples, whereas I would more often see things like Nowis & Fae in the lower 30s in stead of defensive stats which only makes sense to me.
  10. @XRay Something else I want to point out is that I never actually stated my playstyle is to aim for raw survibility and outlasting over killing. Killing is still a priority, but not to the extent I'd sacrifice the ability to consistently fight against more opponents and longer. An example of this is Steady Breath + Wrath, where you end up with single digits in a lot of matchups next to something like Steady Breath + Guard in spite of it's insane killing power. It's not any less realistic than hoping to meet one opponent at time, which is something you're not as picky about with Enemy Phase builds.
  11. Why would you suggest a wonderful girl like that has an illness... >:$
  12. Don't be one of those lame-Os that stick her with Death Blow > Amiti. Her Spd is built to quad. What's going to be touching you when you're quadding with 50 Spd Spd on top of Desperation? My -Spd Elincia could reach 46 Spd, and it's not like people like Ayra & Soleil won't die in two hits.
  13. she looks like 10 there

  14. But then anyone can just counter The Triangle in a normal fashion, so it's not like the common standard is any better. The Triangle is all the advantage they need to win, and that's why it's a strong statement to beat it. You probably give Elincia Firesweep instead of using Amiti. Don'tcha. Don'tcha. You insult my honor. In a more serious note, all this said. I think you may know more about where I'm coming from. And while I don't "need" to do a lot things, I'm generally going to want to try otherwise. I can also afford to drop a little ego and actually try to understand a thing or two, better. I know you and Ice Dragon aren't going to have your feelings skewed and married to certain concepts like I do.
  15. I fucking saw that. ...can you believe I'm the only one quoteokayunquote with that.
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