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Status Replies posted by Junkhead

  1. Is that Mitama.

  2. I am re-marrying Sanaki again. :d

  3. I want to give Ninian Reprisal and a Spd-based weapon refining with Desperation.

  4. Did you get her.

  5. Did you get her.

  6. Did you get her.

  7. Did you get her.

  8. Did you get her.

  9. Did you get her.

  10. Did you get her.

  11. Did you get her.

  12. Did you get her.

  13. Did you get her.

  14. Did you get her.

  15. Did you get her.

  16. that's a very cute oboro

  17. 'dat Soren lolwtf

  18. 'dat Soren lolwtf

  19. Can I make one of Charlotte.

  20. Can I make one of Charlotte.

  21. Did you get her yet.

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