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1% critted

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Everything posted by 1% critted

  1. A manakete Bride Avatar... I suppose I should welcome you to the Forest. But I'm not going to say Hi, welcome to the forest. Dammit
  2. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノRAISE YOUR DONGERS ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
  3. That spoiler ruined my whole life. I have to rethink my life now ;_;
  4. -Trying to make sense in a fantasy series where there are dragons, people that turn into dragons, magic,etc.
  5. Is Boondocks an anime? Because I just rewatched it.
  6. Classic mode by itself already plays a different mindset than casual though. There is no punishment for mistakes in casual, just losing a bit of EXP because that unit isn't usable for the rest of the battle (which usually doesn't matter). In classic, losing that unit means:A) Keep moving on if it's a unit you don't care about, or weren't planning to train.B) You move on with the loss. C) Resetting, and starting over the chapter again. The mindset the player has in the modes is different, much like playing more aggressively on easier difficulties, while playing patiently on the higher ones. Also, in this mode, I would propose that only killer weapons have crit rates, or remove them altogether. Losing a character because of a crit would just be ugh.
  7. To me, the glory days was as soon as they got FE out of Japan.
  8. The SNES games were the glory days? I mean I like them a lot(favorite FE era) but I wouldn't exactly call them the glory days.
  9. Where were you born Dunban?

  10. Just to be safe dance till level 10 if you plan on going peg. Knight. But the best one if you have two second seals, is to dance to level 30, reclass to dancer, then dance to level 30 again then go Dark flier. If you only have one second seal, dance to level 30 then go Dark flier.
  11. Ogre battle 64 was good, it had a simple combat system. But the story and alignment, class system was hard to understand, so I just ended up beating the game with 0 (forgot the name of the mechanic), on the chaotic alignment.
  12. My only playthrough of SD I did was of H5. And the DSFE gameplay was the only thing that kept me going.
  13. May I be the first one to welcome you here! It's rare to find someone that started with SS pre-Ambassador(I started with FE9), and still stick with the series. But it's nice that you are playing this great series again!
  14. I recruited Ankiseth for a simple reason on my run of the game. He is Magnus' dad ^_^. Why not have your father in your main party?
  15. I can't remember how he speaks :(
  16. But how does he even talk I don't know what you mean :(
  17. Jade is my favorite ToTA character, but that isn't saying much.
  18. For an obvious reason, I have to read every post you make with Olivia's voice.
  19. Triple posting -_- Chapter 5 should be your last obstacle. After that it's smooth cruising.
  20. You can also try to train other units now that you can buy tonics and have more options available for pair up. Frederick and weaken enemies if he is not paired up, then the others can take the kills.
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