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1% critted

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Everything posted by 1% critted

  1. Before chapter 13 promoted units(save for Fred), aren't all that necessary, and they gain almost no experience. On chapter 13, having most units makes the chapters that follow much easier, and you still gain regular experience. And yes, Lucina should get Veteran. That is if your avatar doesn't have Galeforce.
  2. The moment to promote in Lunatic is in chapter 13. Before it starts. But you should have at least two promoted units at chapter 12. Level 17 is still okay, if you are someone like Sully,Vaike,etc. Who start at a low level.
  3. What you need in that chapter is two good tanks, and a good horse slayer (Chrom could do it, someone with a beastkiller, etc. just someone that can kill a lot.) Place the two tanks on the two spaces of choke right in the beginning, but make sure that they can survive the paladin. Also kill the knights that are already in the choke, if you don't have a beastkiller you can get one from that knight. The rest will be behind them, the healers healing, and the attackers killing the left unit group. After that it's just waiting for the groups to move, then killing them. Sorry I couldn't write it more clearly, im in a hurry.
  4. There is no age to roam around the internet. It's not like you can fake ages or anything :p
  5. Surprises me, because every argentinian I know does it.
  6. Did anyone else notice that SoC said he plays Melee with a wiimote? How is that even possibru.
  7. Yes it's no grind. I just beat chapter 4 and avatar was dropped already, at level 2.
  8. Glad you liked the game. But on my thoughts, I think this is the most accessible FE. Everyone that I have let played the game loved it and finished it.
  9. I'm on chapter 2 already. Chrom is level 5 and has 15 defense with a Fred pair up and 17 on a fort. And I also got a lucky Finn's lance so Fred has 18 defense on a fort.
  10. By this I mean he is being used, but not for uber tanking purposes. I had to use him so Chrom could #watertrick. And he can chip. So for pairings I'm thinking Chrom X Sumia(duh), MirielXLon'qu(I need a mage, and I need a good early game carry), and Vaike X Cordelia(underrated pairing). This isn't a log but I'll post some thoughts here and there. WHOOPS I MEANT LUNATIC+. Can I edit topic titles? Also its Lunatic+ Casual.
  11. Eh, I didn't like how many crit kill animations were repeated between promoted classes (Warrior,Halberdier,Swormaster). Other than that yeah they are much better than PoRs( but it's not like I play those two games with animations)
  12. I'd go GK, since it complements sully's decent speed by adding STR and DEF.
  13. Crits look like that in the GBA games to make up for the repetitive regular combat animations.
  14. Cockroaches(I'm ashamed of this one) and rejection U_U Other things like heights and the like don't give me fear, just stupidity impulse.
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