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1% critted

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Everything posted by 1% critted

  1. Skirmishes aren't leveled capped in Lunatic. They scale based on the number of battles completed. You can catch up and surpass skirmishes in levels with a small party.
  2. I would say about recruiting Donnel what Mario would say in Hotel Mario. No.
  3. Hard no pair up/grinding or renown is still not that hard with skeleton crewing(which I do sometimes by accident because I plan my pairings like by chapter 1 :( ) The run I'm doing though (Hard CLA, no pair up, fast completion[generally low turns so no stalling except for reinforcements], D E ranked and dropped weapons only, lowest leveled always deployed, no reclassing) is a nightmare. Up to chapter 18 right now, and I failed the chapter because a Warrior killed Olivia
  4. My MU has no face, build or gender. It is ever changing and ever existing.
  5. I always go Taguel> Wyvern Rider> Wyvern Lord> Griffon Rider (yes there are enough levels to get through all 4 classes if you are using 4 pairs of units). Griffon Rider is much better when you have swordbreaker, because monoweapon sucks. At least breakers fix that.
  6. Eclipse going to whoop some asses Umm, hi.
  7. I know, mine is supposed to be a not cared about too. Shit, it's the internet. And it took zero effort to put that image since I have it downloaded and liked which takes like 10 seconds.
  8. Probably. It's either that or an elixir.
  9. Congrats, it at least deserves handheld game of the year (Even if to me it´s GOTY, but then again I've only played FE:A this year, and not any other 2013 game.)
  10. Just remember, rescue and galeforce are your friends for lategame cheesing.
  11. Wait a second, Olwen made this same post on the GFAQs board, so that means....
  12. How has being anonymous affected how you behave on the internet? If at all. It can make anyone into the bravest person on earth, ya know.
  13. Now my total playtime for gaming in general is like an hour a day, only of FE:A.
  14. sometimes more than 10 hours a day. The average was actually 16 most of the time. Those were dark times (and I sometimes idled overnight).
  15. 700 hours and counting. Don't stop me now... Okay more specific: 4:58 on the demo 699:07 on the main game 140 times played 4:20 (lol) average hours. Over 5 months. But this has nothing on when I played TF2 which was 3500 hours total playtime with 150 average hours per 2 weeks.
  16. https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-hXlcvj40tME/UdD7WnYqxPI/AAAAAAAAAGo/H89M_63954E/w800-h800/done%2Bwith%2Binternet.gif
  17. All of them. Wait favorite ones? DD, Purpose, Beginnings, Conquest.
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