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1% critted

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Everything posted by 1% critted

  1. Seriously, I will need every enemy near Grima to have Pavise+ and Pass, then avatar needs to evade or guard every attack since I can't use Nosferatu, then Morgan needs a 4 ignis procs, and avatar needs to hit every dual attack.
  2. It's easy to do it in autobattle, I just need over 9000 restarts.
  3. I can't leave any survivors, IS may make one of them into the next FE antagonist.
  4. 3 more chapters to go. Sadly they are the hardest ones.
  5. Anna has Levin swords and gives +1 mov and +RES. And since she is stuck as support, I'd rather have the gold digger. SHE AINT MESSIN WITH NO BROKE, oh wait I am broke after buying Dragonstone+.
  6. First try aaaaand victory Chapter 23 I'm sorry I ever doubted you Red Fox of Fire. Tiki is amazing.
  7. Hmm... I play with random assets and flaws, but my favorite is +DEF/-LCK. An interesting one is +HP though, it fools the enemy into your low defenses, but you can still tank because of high HP. It sucks in Grima arc though.
  8. They sounded just fine to me with Headphones. In fact, I love that DLC map because of those two songs <3
  9. It's the only FE OST I bought. Only this game and FE4 out of all FEs, don't have a song that I don't like. But I can see why some people like RD's best, it's pretty well composed. I'm opposite of you all, and didn't find it that memorable (the devoted is the best song in the game though, BY FAR). Also, I always play this game with headphones, and on the 1st playthrough, it really immersed me into the experience, and make me like it even more. I found FE3s OST more memorable than the Tellius games OST, but that's just me.
  10. I'm a terrible person! When WestBrick and Katella say the OST is good, you know it's good.
  11. I don't trust dat hit man. It's like they hit me with such low percents. And it's always OHKO. WHY?
  12. *Thinks of how nice evade is on FE6 females* *Is reminded Sue died to two 15% hits, and how Clarine and that other cleric died from anything before promotion and after it from wyvern lords* NOPENOPENOPENOEP
  13. He was saying this game has the worst healers. But FE6 just lols on healers, they barely heal, and are OHKOd on hard mode and ORKOd on Normal. If it wasn't for shit hit rates and avoid increasing supports, I would rather vulnerary.
  14. I like Endgame's guide sure. But I don't mind Sazuke because I never enter a stupid canon topic. And I'm always at the board, BUT YOU WILL NEVER GUESS WHO I AM.
  15. Maybe. But I hate Endgame more. And I know him since before FE:A.
  16. Best game to counter grinding: FFT1.3. Story enemies level up as you do, and level up their gear as you level up your levels. I did the rookie mistake of getting to level 8 before dorter slums in 1.3. Now I was facing archers who 2HKO, and a Knight with 300 HP. I finished the game by barely using Ramza and having two separate parties to level up. That way my gear was superior to the enemies or the same in due time.
  17. I had no choice since Maribelle was in his range, and she gets ORKOd by him. But that's a really good point, In all my playthroughs of Lunatic(+), it's not his offense that's a problem, it's that a squishy will die because of his ridiculous range.
  18. FE12 Lunatic rekt me so hard, that I had to look for a guide. But then again I was a huge scrub, and I only needed a guide for the prologue since like I said, the prologue chapters are puzzles, once you figure them out, you can repeat them anytime.
  19. Endgame has to be the dumbest poster in the FE:A board. I kid you not.
  20. Eh, I was a scrub back when I played FE12. It's the FE that brushed up my FE skills. I played it after FE6(Which I played after FE5), so ya know.
  21. They are getting 2HKOd, at 100%(not really but, DS games avoid lol) hit rates. Still not as squishy as the chapter 2 FE13 scrubs, but that still a lot of damage to take in. And it doesn't change till the second arc of the game, when your units start promoting. Then it falls back down in the akaneia arc when Forges start appearing, and generals start getting doubled. WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO THINK GAME, STOP TORTURING ME ;_; DB you should play FE12 Lunatic, it's my second favorite mode in the series, and it's a great challenge. Just beware that the prologue is a puzzle, units die FAST, dragons always have 2-range, and Enemies hit lotsa caps near the end. AND FUCK CHAPTER 19, FUCK IT, AND IT'S DRACO REINFORCEMENTS.
  22. That's kinda what I was saying. You have 8 chapters for a head start in FE12, but I was telling Dragon Boner that you have a much better offense, while still being as squishy as in FE13.
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