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1% critted

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Everything posted by 1% critted

  1. Too late to say this, but the Hammer and the short axe on the pillar room barbarians are completely pointless: The short axe barb will attack on 1-range anyway for more damage, and will attack first. The hammer barb will be one space behind him and with a steel axe equipped.
  2. I like playing FE3 because of that Catchy SNES music. Just makes heads go forward and back.
  3. 1. Fire Emblem 2. Final Fantasy 3. Xeno Series 4. Smash Bros. 5. Megaman (all of them: Classic, X, Zero,BN, SF, ZX)
  4. Also, Tiki's divine stone in FE 3 Book1, doesn't do effective damage against earth dragons, since she actually uses ice breath instead of holy breath.
  5. FE3 book 2 Gharnef moves when in range of an ally. Leaving the throne open.
  6. I'm gonna put this run in hold for a while(2 weeks tops). I already did Tiki's paralogue but I can't write since I lent my copy to a friend. So until then, well I'll see the other runs. Also the AI in Tiki's Paralogue went nuts, it wasn't even attacking those that were in her axis. It wasn't attacking AT ALL some times. I had like 25 enemy units in my perimeter, all doing nothing.
  7. Yeah, those skirmishes can ruin whole strategies, before they are even employed! When are you going to use Celica's Gale? Are you going Paralogue 1 or Chapter 5? Is Mayonnaise an instrument?
  8. Level 8 Miriel Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayum.
  9. 3 Chapters, One day. Hmmm... Chapter 18 I was really tempted to break my no spotpass teams rule, since I wanted to buy a fortify for Tiki's Paralogue, but I can do without. Yes,I'm going to use Tiki. But I decided not to, and went to buy elixirs instead.
  10. By getting around the level cap, you mean promoting at 10 or before 20 then second sealing back to 1?
  11. You made this topic in GFAQS already, so I'm giving the same answer: There you go! http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=39129&hl=%2Bmaster+%2Bseal
  12. FE12 MU can't solo the last chapters like FE13 avatar can. So FE13.
  13. I don't think I will drop him, he is doing his job of being a speed+defense support to Nowi. So he stays ^_^. Besides he already passed down Sol to Nah. Against Grima, I don't know, maybe forged Morgan!Waste. But I'm thinking to myself to never use sorcs. I will think about it when I get there.
  14. Don't do that Walhart. Don't change back to an unpromoted class. Your internal level will still be so high that you won't be gaining that much experience. I remember I had a Knight->GreatKnight->Merc Kjelle, and she was gaining 8EXP against promoted units. If you do reclass, remember that it will be at your own risk.
  15. Here it is. Paralogue 16 Aaaand back to the story.
  16. It was actually faster than my first try. On my first try I had 120 turns before I had cleared the second room. ^_^ I'd rather spend a lot of turns tanking mire while it breaks, than rushing and having suprise miresex upon me.
  17. Finally I completed the chapter. I will post the log of it tomorrow. It took me 105 turns.
  18. What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.
  19. Sucks for you, I caught a shiny Kanghaskan and a shiny Phanpy on the safari zone. Other shinies I've caught: Growlithe,Tentacool, Shinx, Sandshrew, Lugia and Registeel.
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