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1% critted

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Everything posted by 1% critted

  1. Updated the OP. I'll need someone to tell me when the chapter 16 units move, since I play that chapter in such an aggresive way every time that I have no Idea how they move. All I know is that they are aggrod when in range.
  2. Nice speed rush strategy. Are you going to promote lissa to sage now?
  3. Actually I'm going to my friends house like every two days and each time I try to take on Luna+ Chapter 19. And since Im playing to kill all reinforcements, it hasn't been easy. The farthest I've been was till the last reinforcements rush. Lissa died to unexpected Wyvern Lords :(.
  4. Don't reclass frederick to a lower class. Just don't. His internal levels will still be pretty high.Generally you should start promoting unreclassed units at either level 20 or at chapter 13 before it starts. That's when master seals are buyable and also when unpromoted/non children units won't cut it as much. Reclassed units should be promoted at around the same time. Good targets for reclass are: Chrom-> Cavalier, Panne-> wyvern rider, Miriel-> Dark Mage, Gregor-> Barbarian, Sully->wyvern rider, Stahl -> Myrmidon. That's In my opinion, I've tested these in Lunatic, and they have all worked really well. When reclassing, just reclass when level 10.
  5. Reclass Chrom-> Yes. You miss out on rapiers, but by the time you get to the valm arc, he will most likely be able to use Beast killers. Promote Miriel-> No. Early promoting in Lunatic is shooting yourself in the foot. Once mid Valm starts to kick in, early promoted won't stand a chance.
  6. Or that^ If you do it, just make sure you have easy paralogues to train her in. Those 5 levels can be a pain sometimes.
  7. Well thank you for saying I'm great! Welcome to this humble abode.
  8. They have about 50% hit against Fred with Nosferatu. About 60% with Elthunder. And I'm talking about level 6 Fred with Kellam pair up so nothing ridiculously good or bad. And don't even think about dodging the wind mage. And most of the time with Nowi, I reclass her to Griffon rider for 5 levels to get Deliverer. Of course you can choose not to do it, but I like high MOV.
  9. Yeah, it's at that point that dodge tanks stop being all that useful and true defense or life drain becomes necessary. The only thing that can be reliably dodged are berserkers.
  10. You... I've seen you in youtube. You have a picture of alvis as a profile picture am I right? Welcome....
  11. If a both attacks reach 100%, they should go for the one with higher might.
  12. Then the Assassin went for the bow attack because it would have done more damage.
  13. Doesn't Silver Bow have more Might than Silver sword?
  14. Oh, I forgot about those two. Since I deliberately aggro them towards an unit in a forest on the first turn, I forget that they are actually gunning for you. Still, nice post. And it works on Regular Lunatic too.
  15. It's good for forges (forged brave axe+mt and +hit on berserker to fix their low hit), Rare weapons(Leif's blade, Aversa's night), and legendaries (Gradivus, Helswath). I usually have AT on defensive units.
  16. Then you miss twice with 99% and you get critted and die. Weeeeeeeeee
  17. I'm going to start pointing out which ones I know are only for Lunatic mode. If someone could check the ones in hard, I will update accordingly. I don't have the game right now so I can't test anything myself.
  18. Yeah all of the aggros I listed are based on lunatic mode, since that's the only mode I play. Thanks, shadowofchaos, for those tests since I can't test anything myself for now sadly. And for also providing video footage! OP updated with more Specifics.
  19. Oh yeah, like in FE12, the AI will move towards the direction of your most weakened unit. Unless there is a bridge or something that makes the area where said unit is unaccesible, they will move towards a spot where they can cross to that area.
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