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1% critted

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Everything posted by 1% critted

  1. Anathema and Hex don't reduce hit rates. I find Panne dodges everything, and in the wyvern line, she has enough defense to resist 2 or more bow attacks. She gets one shot by rexcalibur though. And wyrmslayers and beast killers, outside of skirmishes and DLC, how often do you see those? I agree about everything else, Virion as a mage shouldn't exist but I find it odd that you didn't mention Ricken. Cavalier and archer. srsly
  2. Time to bump this shit Chapter 16 Severa's paralogue is up next. And you can bet she will die. I will only use that level as an exp. mine.
  3. Only anime I've watched/rewatched recently is DBZ. In Latin American audio. Still as good as I remember it.
  4. And the damage doesn't really matter, since a Physic Trickster will just heal it back. Srsly, such a bad class and it's the biggest troll in the final chapter.
  5. The more battles you do, even on DLC, the stronger the skirmishes get so that's a no go. DLC all the way. And max strength Lord Lucina with a Barbarian pair CAN technically damage Grima. And she has free aether.
  6. Some OSTs are right here on the site. You need to right click on the song and click on "save as". I have the entire awakening OST, but it's on a .zip. So no help there.
  7. Legit is no second seals,no master seal, no wireless,no reset Lunatic+. If anyone completes that, well .
  8. EH. It gets easier after chapter 7. 9 and 11 spike up the difficulty and 12 is a huge brick wall. But what do you mean by completely legit? You know what's completely legit? -DEF + LCK Avatar on Luna+.
  9. 1- Reclass Unpromoted units at 10 and promoted units at 15 or 16. Underdog is a waste of a skill, get Donnel out of villager ASAP. 2- Unless you are doing post-game, don't bother with children of characters you won't use. 3- My recommended fathers are: Chrom!Inigo as Hero Henry!Cynthia as Dark Flier Gaius!Noire as Sniper with Galeforce(Gaius passes pegasus) Lon'qu!Severa as FalcoKnight Donnel!Kjelle as Great Knight Vaike!Gerome as Berserker Kellam!Nah as Manakete Libra!Brady as Sage with GF Stahl! Laurent as Sorcerer Ricken! Owain as Sage with GF Gregor!Yarne as Taguel One of the children!Morgan Of course these are my opinion.
  10. An update? How is this possibru.... This is one of the most hilarious battles in history. Lunatic+ skills enemies against each other. Paralogue 13(Yarne's) I will pair nah and Yarne because I wanna see an interspecies pair. But I'm not crazy enough to go to Nah's paralogue right now. So for the next battles I'm pairing Yarne with either Panne or Anna. Probably Anna.
  11. Kellam!Nah for tanking purposes, you won't regret it. But switch one of the breakers for pavise and the other for Deliverer.
  12. Paralogue 12 The Fred engine is slowing down. Will he be able to keep up? Yarne's paralogue is up next, Which army is easier to fight?
  13. That's like saying H5 is too easy because I used warp. Or FE8 is too easy because I used seth. Or FE12 Lunatic is too easy because I used Knight!MU. Or saying any FE is easy because I arena abused.
  14. Dominican Republic, where summer is 360 days of the year.
  15. I think bosses go first in turn order.
  16. Well to me it has happened several times already, last time a mage that was alone decided to 1-range me because he had counter and I could die if I attacked him. It just makes no sense really, the AI is all over the place.
  17. Did you know? If an enemy that has a 1-2 range weapon that has counter, but your unit has enough HP to suicide itself on counter, it will attack on 1-range? I tested it.
  18. JIZUS THE COUNTER. I had an experience in chapter 15, where a mage deliberately put himself on one range(there was no one else but him and avatar), just to activate counter and kill me. Chapter 15 Morgan's paralogue is up next.
  19. JIZUS THE COUNTER. I had an experience in chapter 15, where a mage deliberately put himself on one range(there was no one else but him and avatar), just to activate counter and kill me. Chapter 15 Morgan's paralogue is up next.
  20. Yeah, remember how Chapter 12 was? Now imagine the same but with nowhere to hide. Also on my first try, believe it or not, EVERYTHING HAD COUNTER. Chapter 14
  21. Well that depends. For improving Vaike as an unit, Cordelia gives him a much desired speed boost, and she comes far earlier than Cherche. A Cherche pair up gives him more STR and DEF, so if you want him to have overkill STR then Cherche. Now for children, Gerome gets +7(?) STR which makes him really powerful as a berserker. He also gets the thief(meh) branch. Severa gets a nice boost in STR, and troubadour. If you want a better Vaike, Cordelia. If you want a better child, I don't know, I go for Gerome for overkill Brave Axe.
  22. I think any character that has already been in 2 games of the series will stay. I mean none of the characters from the original have been dropped so far, and it's doubtful that they will right now. Just please don't nerf my precious Snake.
  23. No, but I was still asking if you were getting the speedwing reinforcement xD. But that's insane 33 SPD General Fred. On ch.11. Btw, Gangrel has 29 SPD and more RES than DEF.
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