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1% critted

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Everything posted by 1% critted

  1. I really don't know, but you are probably right. I once had a Myrm get counter 10 times in a row though.
  2. Btw Chapter 11 is the chapter with mercs, heroes and mages. Chapter 12 has knights and cavs.
  3. Aaaaand I'm back here. Paralogue 3 Chapter 9 Paralogue 4
  4. I think it's because on a reasonable time, you can get galeforce at mid-late Valm.
  5. It's not really hard, it was just a joke. But you can die in it, if avatar tries to Solo. Anyway chapter 8 coming up now. Thanks!
  6. I'm on vacation and I actually started the file yesterday and got to paralogue 1. Today I started from that point. I don't even know how I'm going so fast lol. Empty deployment/ Small teams do make it faster, but chapter 6 with small teams is anything but easy. There's just too much to handle, too fast. I think it's even worse than chapter 5 on Luna+. And to everyone trying Lunatic+, Premonition is the hardest chapter in the game. My unit can't kill Validar it's impossible unless you get two crits. Also I took me like 3 hours to type the first post.
  7. I think my only Sol user will be Gregor and his offspring. Since on my first successful Lunatic run I used nosferatu, I went for Sol in the second and it was just a little harder. And my avatar isn't THAT overused by my standards. In my first Luna+run he was 10/20/5 Hero in chapter 6! Actually I'm surprised how little you are using your avatar in your run, but it's a +SPD one so it's natural. Chapter 7 will be up shortly( starting it now).
  8. I was attached with characters early in the series, but when I played thracia 776 and got to the final chapter, And watched half my team die to long range tomes, I couldn't care after that. Only on hard modes I do that though. Besides it's a sacrifice :D. For the greater good.
  9. My first playlog. Well I have a ton of free time and decided to waste it all by destroying my brain cells, my patience and my 3DS in the process, by playing Lunatic+, since there aren't enough Lunatic playthroughs. I will provide my strategies from my own experience, and some things to watch out for in maps. Almost no strategy is 100% reliable in Lunatic+ because of random enemy skills. I ran out of things to say so here are some of my rules: -No efficiency or LTC. I'm not exactly a good FE player and this mode is just ugh for LTC. -No DLC, Bonus Teams, Avatar log book, or shopping from summoned teams. -Renown up to 1000 (Large Bullion). -No skirmishes (Like if they are possible) -No Nosferatu Everything else goes. Avatar's name is ♀ and is female. +DEF/-LCK Build 03 Face 05 Hair 05 Hair Color 14 Voice: 1 Planned pairings: Avatar x Chrom Fred x Sully Lon'qu x Panne Nowi x Gregor I will use those and their children except Kjelle. Also by the time I was writing this I had already beat chapter 6 so stats pre-chapter 5 will not be included. Premonition Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Paralogue 1 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Paralogue 2 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Any suggestions or questions feel free to ask.
  10. Alright, thanks. I thought of using notepad after seeing the option but twas too late.
  11. Yeah I'm running +DEF-LCK avatar, and the boss had 9% crit against her with chrom support. But if you get lissa and Fred adjacent and hit him with thunder he will have 0 crit. Anyways I'm done with chapter 6 so I think I will make the log now. Also how do you do that stat table thingy people do in logs?
  12. I'm sure everyone here knows about terrible luck if they have played this series. Unless you are playing the DS FEs where no one misses. They can still 1% crit though.
  13. Okay then, I think I will start it. As soon as I finish chapter 6 after my terrible luck( hence my username) got me killed at the last part of the chapter.
  14. If I would, could I start writing it from where I am now, without posting the stats of the earlier chapters? I really don't want to restart. Also I don't play LTC, I'm not even doing efficiency (60 turns on chapter 1 grinding supports with an unarmed boss.) I want to do one because really, there's like 7 active hard mode playlogs. MOAR Luna and Luna+.
  15. Yeah I'm using few combat units, and I've had to sacrifice some units so my units that I will actually use could survive :(. I wouldn't do this in regular lunatic but stuff happens. What chapter are you on? I'm on ch.6 right now and here are my units and stats. The rest is dead. (Wasn't in vain though .) I'm planning on using Lon'qu + Panne, and Gregor + Nowi. Then when I can get them, I will use Lucina, Morgan, Nah and Yarne. I'm using no DLC. I'm using Renown, up to the Large bullion, and the Bonus Items. Not using any other wireless stuff.
  16. I'm thinking of starting a Lunatic+ playlog (There aren't ENUF lunatic ones) of my most recent one but I'm already in chapter 5 and I've never done a playlog before. I have to give Walhart some company.
  17. But these are mercs not myrms... He still one shots them with vaike+ silver lance though, if he has procced 2 strength.
  18. But what if I rescue her to the bottom, and fill the 3 empty spots with units that can 2 range counter? I've always skipped this paralogue on Luna+
  19. Oh right, manaketes count as unpromoted. But In no grind runs I usually get tiki after chapter 20. By that time I had most of the children paralogues that I could do done so I just didn't feel the need to train her since I already had my full team by then. I will probably give her a try in a Luna+ run.
  20. Of couse I'm joking, but I also have no idea. I've never used her in any playthrough, except for support for anna or early dragonstone+. What exactly makes her special, aside from being a Manakete with speed?
  21. Tiki's best use is giving her dragonstone+ to Nowi .
  22. In Lunatic+ maybe, but in regular Lunatic Panne has never failed me. Tiki for me was always lategame support for Anna, which I rarely use. That's just me though.
  23. Congrats!!! Now start lunatic+!!! About the units you mentioned, Panne is GODLIKE because if you reclass her to wyvern rider as soon as she hits 10, she will be destroying everything. Nowi is great too, but she needs a bit of babying at first( she gets ORKO in her startin chapter by anything thats not a myrm or a darkmage), but if you give her a spd or def (still torn on this, haven't used her on many playthroughs) pair up and some levels, she becomes a great tank that can do 1-2 range damage. Don't expect her to double anything that's not from the knight tree.
  24. Wow, silly me I had it written as turn 5 and 6 respectively but the page refreshed and it got all erased and then I made that mistake D:. I have it carved on memory that is turn 5 and 6 because I got asdfgadsurprisereinforcements a lot on that chapter. Enjoy ch.22 it's a breather but 23....
  25. For Ch.21 it's best if you take as few units as possible, and just rush it. Tome users are in danger because of mire sorcerers+ Tomebreaker, and low AVO/RES units too. By the way reinforcements appear from the outer stairs starting from turn 2, nonstop. A sorcerer,assassin,swordmaster and berserker appear from the first set of 4 stairs on turn 4. Same on the second set of stairs on turn 5. And again from the two separate set of stairs at the bottom. Then the cycle repeats one more time. Hope this helps.
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