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1% critted

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Everything posted by 1% critted

  1. Well you still have to kill 5 barbarians in 2 turns.
  2. Arran has Okish offense(relatively the same as MU), but he has better defense and gets 3HKOd by chapter 1 Barbarians. I hope you read this right,BETTER DEFENSE, GETS 3HKOd. AS GENERAL.
  3. Sounds like FE12 Lunatic to me, except the enemies get 3HKOd.
  4. Another update. Chapter 22 I'm not looking forward to the next chapter.
  5. --------------> The joke ---------------> My head
  6. Umm, you can kill Grima with anyone. Or am I missing something?
  7. The Westbrick challenge, is the challenge he made to show that Lunatic is badly designed. He RQd after it. IMO it's a good challenge, you are fighting against the game only with the basics that the game offers. But then again that would be like playing FE6 without secret shops(No one should go through that pain).
  8. Well the problem with the second fight wasn't his offense, even Lon'qu could take 3 hits from Walhart, and in my successful run he had vantage+. The problem is his defense, since you have to kill him in one PP, or his lackeys will heal him. You could kill the healers, but they are four, and they heal Walhart over attacking you( I think). I had to rely on an Aether Proc, even when everyone but Panne attacked him. And since he has auto Pavise+ and Aegis+. Chapter 21
  9. THE WESTBRICK CHALLENGE: -No Veteran (de-equipped at Ch.3, MU cannot pair up before this point) -No wireless features -No Anna shops -No Nosferatu -No shiny tile items / weapons -No Rally Spectrum -No Sol / Aether -Lunatic mode
  10. So I'm seeing Interceptor is now going quick with his guide so I thought hey CAN'T LET YOU DO THAT, STAR FOX! Chapter 20
  11. HMMMM..... as a lover of the highest difficulty modes on FEs, I must say FE12 H3 and H4> FE13LM (Yeah changed my opinion on this) simply because FUCK FE12 ENDGAME AND PROLOGUE. Other than that FE9MM> the rest(you expected me to list them all?) Also Final Fantasy Tactics 1.3 is more difficult than any FE difficulty mode.
  12. I hate RD Ike not because of the muscles, but because I played PoR first, and seeing him get butchered personality wise like that, made me upset. STILL,OSCARXIKE EARTH SUPPORT OTP.
  13. This sig was bestowed upon me by a friend with no specifc name, but he has a boner from mythical reptiles
  14. Gameplay: All(I love the FE formula in general) Story: FE9 Music: FE13 Characters: Can't say Difficulty: FE13 (I love Lunatic, it's my favorite difficulty in the series).
  15. It isn't overrated, have you seen the FE13 Gfaqs board? No one likes the game there.
  16. Fire Emblem can't have an anime because 2 many characters.
  17. I found fortifys to be useful in chapters where I'm split or don't have that many healers. Particularly, Tiki's paralogue, Chapter 18 and 19. Usually it's physics all the way though.
  18. Just so you know, the order the reinforcements appear is: 3 pegs from the southwest, 3 from the east and finally 3 from the northwest.
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