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Silver Lightning

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Everything posted by Silver Lightning

  1. That's exactly why I don't like it. I understand that some pairings in games are meant to be more "canon" than others, but in this game where you have the ability to marry anyone in the entire cast, it just doesn't work. And the fact that the game takes every effort to shove it down your throat whenever she is present in scenes just makes me want to pair Chrom with someone else (Not just Female Avatar mind you. Sully, Maribelle, even one scene wonder Olivia would make better pairs in my eyes. Or Cordelia, if IS hadn't been jerks to her...) Plus, while I don't necessarily dislike Sumia beyond the "canon" treatment thing, her character type isn't exactly my favorite; the whole klutzy thing for generic female leads is just waaay too overdone...
  2. While I'm not completely sure, I'm willing to bet that I am one of few, if not the only person that ordered at mine. Like I said earlier, the fact that its coming on the fifth to a relatively low demand store is IMO a good sign. Maybe you people who have it coming in on Friday should check in often this week; it could just be that the 8th is only a projected day of arrival, and it may come earlier.
  3. Yeah, kids these days just don't appreciate RPG's as much... And the fact that I have and am playing Ni no Kuni right now is only because I got a PS3 for Christmas and the game is an early birthday present from my generous abuela (grandmother). I had made sure to get one as soon as possible because Tales of Graces and Journey had already come out, and the news for Tales of Xillia coming in July this year just sealed the deal for me...XD
  4. Oh thats cool! I never seem to know anyone from there on the internet. I live in the North Hills suburb area, but I usually just say I'm from Pittsburgh. And yes, double check with your stores on when the shipment is coming in; after today, its not about whether they will sell it to you but when it will arrive in the store. Oh gosh, I can't wait! Its so close guys! (to the people who don't have it yet XD)
  5. I preordered in store; just called them right now, and they said its coming in tomorrow in the morning. I won't be able to pick it up until the evening after classes but I'm not complaining if I don't have to wait till Friday. I also for the most part trust this store - haven't had any problems with them besides the whole stupid Tuesday release thing, but in this case its because they just don't physically have it yet. I'm also right outside Pittsburgh if that matters to anyone.
  6. I just called my Gamestop right now, and they said that while my bundle hasn't come in, they assured me that it would be coming in tomorrow in the morning and that they would call to remind me as well. Considering that I live in the boondocks compared to other places in and around Pittsburgh, I think this should be a good sign that some places shouldn't have to wait until the eighth. And I haven't ever had any real problems with my gamestop, other than the fact that they pulled the same Tuesday release with Pokemon Conquest like right now, but I've been sorta expecting that for a while. I guess for now I'm content - just ONE more day won't kill me.....
  7. Grandmasters for both of my main male and female MUs. But I might make a future one that becomes a Wyvern Lord or Valkyrie - two of my favorite classes!
  8. Yeah, I'd like to as well, but I'm really not sure when I'll be graced with my bundle and even then I'm not really sure HOW to take a screenshot..... :P
  9. Oh my god, he actually says that?! Poor guy! I will (and was already planning to) make every effort to use everyone including poor Kellam. You'll make a fine General sir! And be happily married to Miriel! Its Donnel that I'm giving the forever alone treatment to.... xD
  10. Just dropping in to say, you're not alone, I ship Ike and Elincia too! And I happen to have read you're fic on FF.net, you are a good writer and I can't believe I happened to find you here! ^_^

  11. Thanks!

    And yeah, she is the dark presence on the left side of the picture looking out on the line of suitors. The suitors themselves are all holding funny things too, but Chrom is at the front (of course) with an annoyed expression at the line behind him. XD

    I'd post the picture here so its bigger, but I don't know how to insert it here and I have no idea what...

  12. Ditto. It sucks not having a licence and not being able to have a job because of it. Job search continues for me this week.......as well as the Awakening search...... >.>
  13. Honestly, just because I actually have the ability to in this game like Sacred Stones, I'm using all of them. Yes, EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER! One of my biggest OCD problems with Fire Emblem is that in most games I can't use everyone and have to choose a select few; that has always irked me to no end! Of course, it makes sense not to use them all in higher difficulties like lunatic, but I'm not playing those unless I happen to get some more screws loose in my head.
  14. Cruel joke or not, I would forgive them if I had the game physically in my hands.......my goodness, I've been sounding like such a crack addict these past several days.....
  15. Good for you! I should get more organized; I have a problem with doing things spontaneously when I feel like it. I think my ADD is only part of the problem.... Anyways, good luck to everyone, because starting tomorrow its fair game, at least to Nintendo; do your best to get your copy and have fun when you do!
  16. Thats actually the main reason I'm not downloading; I don't have a 3DS and the bundle I ordered obviously already has the digital one. When all this hype dies down, I'll try ordering a cartridge so I can have six saves.
  17. Honestly, sometimes I wonder why I want this game so soon; its just gonna be one more thing vying for my attention to compete with school work. The first week is gonna be a major test of my self control haha.
  18. Oh dear, I hope that goes well for you. Tomorrow is one of my off days, so I'll make the most of it and hope I can get the game on the advertised date. Its Tuesday that I'm gonna have all my classes so I really hope I don't have to get it then.....
  19. Again, I second this. Believe me, I am incredibly annoyed that this all happened too, but we gotta accept that it happened and deal with it. And we don't deal with it by throwing accusations at people that had nothing to do with the screw up. Lets act like responsible adults, try and give each other relevant helpful info, and find something to turn you're frustration into something productive. I recommend school, work, or a recently acquired game or game that you haven't finished or touched. I'm sure this will all be over sooner than we think. Hang in there folks!
  20. Thanks, I guess I'll just have to call tomorrow and hope for the best. Welp, at least I have Plan B.......*breaks out Ni no Kuni and starts playing*
  21. I see what you did there; ALL FOR THE PIES!!!!! Man, this is getting too good. I will personally go and count how many pie related supports I get and we should pool the results here. I'm honestly getting curious.....
  22. Ok, so is this an "all across the board" thing that we have to wait ANOTHER WEEK for this game?!?! I was under the impression that only a few Gamestops were delaying it. Did I miss something in the 8 hours I've been away from the forum??? Like others, I really don't want to suffer from misinformation. And as for the topic, yes, I do believe that I have gone crazy, if the incredible volume of annoying and whiny posts that I have made over the past few days on when the game is coming out is any sign. I sincerely apologize for those; don't worry, for anyone I annoyed, I'll probably be semi absent once I get this game, resurfacing every so often to contribute my load of supports until I beat it. I swear, this whole past week......I just can't.......
  23. These supports all look so good! Can't wait to get the game and start transcribing! I'd like to take on a few more supports and narrow the unclaimed list: Avatar M x Gerome Avatar M x Laurent Avatar M x Owain Avatar F x Severa Avatar F x Noire Just to be clear, they're all friendship supports (though I'm sure you know that already). Thanks!
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