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Posts posted by Lamia

  1. On 8/5/2020 at 3:14 PM, Mustard said:

    Could you maybe give more detail what you meant by this exactly. Thanks in advance.

    if you use a GIF editor (like I use GIF movie gear) and view the palette, the data for the inserted BMP into say, tile layer pro will have the same palette order. it's just a convenience thing if you manage to get a hang of it

  2. On 5/15/2020 at 9:20 PM, D.K. Durand said:

    Double posting because I'm a terrible person (and a few days have gone by).

    So I'm currently combing this thread backwards trying to squeeze every last drop of info out of it that I can. Seems like adding entries to the item table is a bit of a no-go, but there are a couple unused slots that I can make use of, and I'll see if I can't move a few things around.

    New questions regarding Battle sprite table that I'm sure has been already asked somewhere:

    1. Seems that the nightmare table only has entries up to 0x66. I'd like to add new weapon choices to a variety of existing classes (Axes to Forests to make them true heros, etc) . Is it possible to extend this table? 

    2. Also, while I'm at it, if I wanted to add entries for tome use to a physical class, could I just use the magic sword animations they have? (For instance, they raise their hand as if there was a sword there, but their hand is empty and magic animation plays.)



    I mean, since I want to add a variety of weapon animations, I suppose I COULD just remove the master knight class (making Raquesis and Leaf Paladins for their promoted classes) and use that class's slots, but I'd prefer to just be able to add more.


    Double EDIT:

    And what about adding new text entries, like the names of new weapons, etc? Not talking about using the slots that are already there, but rather entirely new text slots. 

    sorry about my slow responses, I tend to forget about this place

    in any case, I'm not sure it's a good idea to expand the battle sprite table. I think I've tried to do it before and things got wonky

    magic sword animations are only tied to a unit using a sword type animation at 2+ range. they can't be used in any other manner afaik

    and yeah, for my own project, having multiple classes and genders being able to use almost all weapons is just way too much animation space. I don't have such classes in my project. I also cut javelin and hand axe. in my project the throwable lances/axes are only S rank, so only third tier classes can use them, more space helps

    furthermore I don't know if you noticed but whenever you fiddle with animations, make sure all of the class entries are put together, i.e. a paladin needs to have all of the sword and lance animations in one continuous 'segment', and not split up by other class entries. a hex editor is handy for this, using cut and paste (not copy) so that you can keep the table consistent, just don't paste wrong

    as long as you know how to use pointers and text, dealing with names is pretty simple. there's no reason to add more text because the pointers only read so much space. just change the length of text if you need to. best way to go about it is to, say, work out your full item list, then start from the beginning and rewrite all of it, then change the pointers to all of it in order

  3. fug, sorry folks, dropbox only retains data for a certain time. I updated the links to use my google drive, so they should be good for the foreseeable future

    On 3/20/2020 at 9:11 PM, Camus The Dark Knight said:

    Random question out of nowhere. Does anyone have an event offset list? Particularly ones that generate stats or items, I mean the player weapon ID itself, for example Arvis giving Sigurd item 1C (I forget what it is, but it's irrelevant to the point) instead of 0A (the first silver sword), though event data in general is welcome.

    here's a segment from my disorderly notes about character-related events

    4A68 or 4A69 or 4A6A? (seen so far)
    4Axx #1 #2
    first character byte only
    i.e. 11 01 ethlin -> sigurd
    defined at another place as two-byte i.e. 11 00 01 00
    two-byte pairs enable the actual 'talk' selection, but must be defined in events to have a talk
    special talk events like lover talks may use the high byte (00)
    Boss talks - (Ch.1 > 6CBC6)
    0D FF 00 00 #1 #1 FF FF #2 #2 32 EE PL PM PH 43 00
    0D/0E = ??? difference?
    00 00 = only displays this talk for a certain faction's phase (00 is player)
    ## = character, first is character for special talk, second is boss
    31/32 = 32 talks on the map first, 31 is in-battle (changing may lead to crash)
    EE = event number
    P = pointer to conversation
    43 = music used (for map talks only)
    Give stats event (Ch.1 > 32FA93, cuan > fin)
    45 18 DE 84 4A 70 #1 ST +X 4A 70 #1 ST +X 4A 70 #1 ST +X 42 #2 00 00 45 94 BD 91 FD
    45 18 DE 84 = ???
    4A 70 = give stats command
    #1 = gives stat to character number (first byte only) (FF for dynamic character, town events)
    ST = stat type, 00 - 07, stats in order of appearance on stat screen
    +X = amount of stat to give, signed, displays only up to +9, cannot exceed caps
    42 #2 = display stat-ups above character number (first byte only)
    45 94 BD 91 = ???
    display statups above dynamic character: located at A9 XX then A9 YY, town location
    Add love points (Ch.1 > 32FAD2, aideen talks)
    4A 60 FF FF MM MM LL 4A 68 MM MM
    FF = female
    MM = male
    LL = amount of points
    4A 68 = for single-use event, cancels conversation with other character?
    6CAFC + 6CE61 aideen recruits jamuka
    E97B3 events after mahnya's death
    E980D andrei and army leaves the map
    4A57 C# 00 II
    character receives item
    4A58 character receives item
    +42 C# holy weapon glow?
    4A49 prepare character for spawn?
    4A50 show character C# C#
    4A61 hide character C# C#


  4. On 2/1/2020 at 9:00 PM, ChosenSeed said:

    Hopefully this thread still active... I just finished playing Genealogy of the holy war and was able to change certain portraits in the game. Now I'm trying to do the same with Thracia 776 but it doesn't seem to work the way I want it to.. I'm able to change the portrait and the sprite of the characters while they are on the map but when it comes to their dialogue, their portrait stays the same so I kind of find it pointless. In FE4, when I changed the portrait, their portrait even changed during their dialogue and during the world map. Anybody know how I can change their dialogue portrait in Thracia 776, I would really appreciate it, maybe I'm missing something here.... 

    isn't this unrelated to FE4? maybe you should make your own topic or find a thracia one in the future

    in any case, it's likely you didn't change the same portraits as referenced by the dialogue script

    On 1/24/2020 at 11:22 PM, Sephie-chan said:

    Does some one now how the 'Item sort by name' sorts the items? I changed a few name, so the sorting is messed up. It's just a minor problem, but I really like to get it fixed.

    Also, is it known where the tileset for tge hily blood wheel is stored at? Nöjrun is a lot longer than Noba

    item list sorting by name just sorts by japanese symbols... obviously since the translations mucks with that it won't work properly, and it seems meaningless to devote time to adjusting it

    haven't discovered the location of those tiles yet

  5. On 6/30/2019 at 7:05 PM, ExcoonHowl said:

    I'm looking for a patch that counters weapon weight by half of a unit's Str but I can't find it. I know for sure that I used it a long time ago but I don't remember how I found it. Does anyone else have this or can at least confirm i'm not crazy and that it for sure exists somewhere? I know the patch is used in the FE4 Binary hack and a couple other old hacks.

    Sorry if this is the wrong thread for this question it just seemed like the most appropriate area to ask.

    my additional tools post has what you're looking for (weaponweightpatches) be sure to read the topic thoroughly


    On 6/12/2019 at 7:58 AM, Sephie-chan said:

    Does anyone know how to change the stat texts of the level up screens? Haven't hacked FE4 for I while and it seems I can't find my notes for it anymore.

    I think it might be at $001E83 (close by to the menu text) but it's compressed, so use the (de)compressor exes

  6. using the extra two item slots in the nightmare modules are fine, as are the two items that ended up unused in the data

    in my testing and trying to find the sources of those items I just couldn't find them if I recall

    in any case, all of the items can be toyed with pretty freely if you know what you're doing, what with starting equipment and events, though there are quirks when it comes to details like inheritance and droppables

  7. not dead... just, you know, not being worked on as much as I'd like

    small tidbits, corrections here and there over the past two years, not much 'real' progress

    I do want to finish it SOMEday, but you know, life stuff and all that

    at the least I intend to release a patch once part 1 is done, whenever that may be

  8. On 2/4/2018 at 8:58 AM, Hare'da-irijon said:

    Hello there.

    Two quick questions:

    - is threre a way to alter the look of the world map in fe4?

    - is there a way to make enemy retake castles instead of just destroying them?

    the world map uses efficient tiling like playable maps and unlike some other games where it was just a full 'image' so unfortunately it's not easy to change

    retaking castles instead of destroying could be done if one looks at the code for NPCs and copies it for enemies... not that I know how to do that

  9. On 2/19/2018 at 7:02 PM, TIN(TheInnocentNerd) said:

    I think Lamia figured out how but I couldn't find any info on how she did it

    I only use a workaround for third tier classes by cleaning up the class list and adding separate third tier-level classes

    tier 1 has stat caps of 20 max, tier 2 has ~25, and 3 has ~30

    the 'second gen' in my project is simply a 'Part 2' which uses the same characters, so I can get away with having them start at tier 2 and promote to tier 3, and that's how I handle it for player usage; a small amount of third-tier units also appear in Part 1

    as the base game goes, the promotion entry for each character in both gens only allows 1 class the unit can promote to, so you'd have to figure out how to manage anything more yourself

  10. On 2/18/2018 at 1:21 PM, TIN(TheInnocentNerd) said:

    So this is cool but how would I set it so other characters and classes have access to this 

    can't say, not familiar with the codes enough to make additional entries

  11. yeah looks like just a random bug it's probably nothing, never seen that though, probably different OS than me (windows 8.1)

    nightmare won't do anything unless you enter info properly, that thing won't do anything

  12. 9 hours ago, Blunderpuggs said:

    Figured as much :p. Well, was already going to "cut off" some classes. Thanks :).


    Btw, how did you manage to give the "Dance" effect to a staff? Did you just change one byte via hex editing?

    there was some special codes in one of the many textfiles of notes in the binary collection

    I think it required inserting the codes someplace and pointing to them by adjusting the staff effect data in a few different places (been a while)

    but it wasn't simple that's for sure, took a bit

  13. 3 hours ago, Blunderpuggs said:

    I've been having some issues regarding battle animations. I intended on having the Priest class able to cast light magic. However, the only way I managed to accomplish this was to use the Battle Sprite Editor module to use a different sprite while using tomes. Even tried changing a staff's sprite with Item Sprite Editor but I just showed a glitchy staff in battle.


    Is this a matter of inserting custom/new sprites to the rom? If so, is the proccess similar to the portrait insertion one?

    afraid it's not that easy, the animations that are coded for staff use are not compatible with using normal magic, lockups will occur

    it's a matter of animation coding which is not simple

    battle sprites are simply a large image of tiles, and the animation codes are what direct the tiles to display a certain way, along with what to do at what point in battle... something that staff animations don't have all of the information for, so it causes faults

    your best bet is to give them different sprites and animations entirely, of a class that can already use both

  14. 13 hours ago, Camus The Dark Knight said:

    Alright, figured here was the best place to post. I dusted off my remix/hard mode patch from like 5+ years ago and decided to pull a George Lucas and go back and update it with the new stuff found. I cheated my way played through the game to inspect everything and it all seems fine now except a single issue. Sword skills don't get passed down other then the usual suspects (Larcei, Ulster, Patty, Lene). Holyn (Or w/e his new localized name it) and Dew won't be able to pass their Sol/Luna skills down to anyone besides Bridget, Ayra, and Sylvia.


    EDIT: I saw a patch someone here made with it, so I know it's been discovered here.

    more detailed info in my post



  15. 7 hours ago, MondoGrass said:

    So the weapon/staff editors and the ring editor only go so far because the code for items just ends there? Makes sense. Honestly, I don't even know if I'll be exceeding the 138 unique item limit, I just wanted to see if it was possible.

    On a more productive note, changing a weapon into a ring can be done. I can't find a way to change the top drop down on the weapon or ring editor to add more rings or remove weapons, but this way works too. You put in the hex code for the stat bonus (So finding all of those ring stat buff codes actually was worth something) and choose a skill from the list of weapon skills, but it ONLY works for ring skills, like Life or Steal. Or Bargain, apparently.

    Is there any way to make a ring that grants Critical to all weapons of the holder? I've been thinking of making legendary rings in a hack along with or instead of legendary weapons, and a critical ring would be cool. Redundancy on the skill shouldn't be an issue; you can already hold a defense sword and shield ring or a thief sword and thief ring at the same time in vanilla.

    Another side note, can an indestructible staff or tome be created? Broken weapons can just be given better stats, but broken staves and tomes cannot even be used or equipped. Rings cannot break, but also can't do anything to fight. The ring editor has an option to change it to a staff and select a staff effect, but that just glitches the menus and doesn't function as a staff. Durability isn't much of an issue in FE4, of course, but is it possible to ignore durability altogether on a tome or staff?

    you cannot make indestructible weapons in FE4 without some kind of ASM

    the thing about the ring editor is that rings have a different length of data compared to other items... you can make regular items into rings, but not vice versa

    additionally, while rings can be given all kinds of skills, not all skills work on rings... I haven't tested them entirely, but I believe some of them don't work if you use the weapon list instead of the ring list

    critical for example only works if you use the original ring list I believe, but say, sol/luna/astra still work in the weapon list... I think

    like I said I still need to do deliberate testing

  16. On 12/26/2017 at 6:34 PM, MondoGrass said:

    Is there a way to add a new weapon? I understand that weapons can be modded to have any different attributes, so I could make a Fire tome behave as Dark Magic, and I know that the player inventory can be modded to replace one of the many iron swords with, say, a Yotsmungand. However, there are only so many slots for items. Modding the starting equipment of a character shows options from 0x01 (Iron Sword) to 0x8C (Circlet) plus 8D and 8E, which are unassigned, and FF, meaning no item. But if I were to give two units a Yotsmungand, I would either reassign another player inventory slot (like Seliph's second Hero Sword) to Yotsmungand, or I would have two units working off of the same kill count and durability on the Yotsmungand, as both tomes are in the same player inventory slot.

    Editing Player Equipment.txt to include 0xEF and 0x90 gave a Fortify Staff and Iron Sword, like it said in Player Weapon Editor.nmm, but the module only goes down to 0x90. Adding 0x91 added an irreparable Broken Staff. Adding various other bits of code added swords, an irreparable Wind Tome, and a Shield Ring. No idea why or how to change that if Nightmare only goes to 0x90.

    Long story short, can I add slots in Player Equipment to modify from 8F to FE and 00, meaning I could give the player more than 142 separate items to work with at a time?

    And can I add specific items in Weapon List to modify from slots 8A to FE, meaning I could make new items without modifying the preexisting 138?


    Edit - Can I add new classes beyond the existing 72?

    I don't know that the inventory list can be extended, but there are seriously a ton of items in the list, if you can't make room for something new I would suggest downsizing your plans or arranging the items more accordingly

    FE4 Player Equipment.txt contains a mostly complete list of where each item is located so it is easier to arrange the inventory list as needed

    also you can't just add more entries past the end of the pre-arranged modules, they have an end point for a reason; going further crosses into other data which can corrupt your save file and/or crash the game if you play with it

    the class list can probably be extended, but classes have so much other data connected to them (names, battle animation data, map sprites, character classes, exp tables, the list goes on) that it is extremely inconvenient to do such a thing... like I said with items, downsize your plans and/or arrange the classes better, I was able to make room for tier 3 classes for my project with some extra class numbers to spare, you don't need to keep the original list

    something to note though: I haven't found the data for weapon effectiveness yet, so be sure that armors, horses, and fliers stay on the same numbers if you replace them

  17. 1 minute ago, MondoGrass said:


    Not exactly. The Ring Editor has a list of bonuses, with code from 0x00 to 0xFF. 0x01 to 0x07 gets all of the standard +5 to 1 stat rings. 0x08 gives Str, Def, and Mov all at once. (The old list says Str, Def only) Holding 0x03 (Str) and 0x08 at the same time does not grant +10 Str, but my idea was that rather than holy weapons, certain characters might get unsellable holy rings that grant multiple stats all at once, .

    Also, removing the Naga patch did not change any of the ring code or modules. Neither module worked, both still gave a "dropdown list of elements" error, and 0x08 still gave 3 Move.

    I mean it's not too big of a deal, I don't intend to change the shields or animations and I'm not concerned with having a Mag, Skl, Def, Mov ring but not a Mag, Skl, Mov ring. I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't missing a potentially important .txt or I got the wrong ROM.

    the thing about ring stat bonuses is that the bytes were most likely never meant to be used to increase more than a single stat, so all other entries are likely jumbled up data belonging to something else, hence raising more than one stat at a time

    oh and well I figured out the issue with those modules, there were just some textfiles missing in the folders, 'FE4 Character Numbers.txt' and 'FE4 Weapon List.txt' which are in other folders

    I corrected my module pack but you can just copy them from other folders

  18. it's not too surprising that the translation team would have moved a bunch of stuff around, messing up some nightmare modules

    also I never fooled around with the ring editor stat boosts, the thing about putting multiple stat boosts on one item is that the boosts don't stack so it's kind of overdoing it if you make a bunch of multiple-stat rings

  19. On 11/6/2017 at 5:54 PM, Fire Emblemier said:

    Although I'm pretty sure that I got everything correct, I feel like I did something wrong. I tried redoing the entire process, but it still doesn't seem to work.

    I think it might be getting caught on the path name, where there's a dot in your windows username...?

    easily remedied if you store your rom/hacking stuff somewhere else

    try that, if it doesn't work can try something else


    On 9/10/2015 at 6:57 AM, hanhnn said:

    I have tried this tutorial

    The Step 6 and Step 7 you have to do it manually, right? It takes many tries and reloads to get the result.

    have to add something to this... a while ago I managed to figure out a potentially easy way to handle it

    if you use a GIF editor or something more advanced than MSPaint to save your portrait in the final phase, saving it in 256-color BMP: the order of the colors in the palette list would be the same order that tile editors display them in, which in turn is the same order that the palette data in the ROM would go

    uhh hopefully that makes sense

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