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Posts posted by Lamia

  1. found that elusive skill name/description pointer stuff, thankfully it's in the same order as the skills as in the definition editor, must be the internal order yes?

    I managed to change the text for those two sword skills, take a look


    just gave them some cool-sounding names to make them passable, now I can use these for the aforementioned tier 3 classes without feeling guilty

    if you guys want to edit the pointers for names/descriptions I made two nightmare modules, doubt you'll need them but



    also if you're lazy and just want to use light veil/shadow cut for your own hack then use this patch (uses space that is probably empty for you, 9AC1D - 9AC80)


  2. I'm having trouble opening the tri attack editor. It says a drop box element list of values could not be opened

    then the folder doesn't have a FE4 Character Numbers.txt in it

    also I managed to get the sword skills patch going, finally

    now the proper tier 3 classes won't be lagging behind

  3. This is quite a little FE4 goldmine. Thanks for sharing your stuff! I dabbled in some basic FE4 hacking back in the day, but I didn't have much to show for it.

    Also, I keep Serenes' nightmare module downloads updated. Would it be cool if I added your modules to the main archive? That way, anybody who goes looking for SNES modules gets the complete package.

    that would be groovy acourse

    one thing though if you could double check, for character/class/item skills in the proper editors make sure the dropdown list is in decimal, set as NDDU, I think I've had to change it in the past, but it coulda been another set of editors

    it's a lot easier to add in base-10 than base-16, dunno why the original module makers didn't think of it

    an important thing to note is that the j2e patch shuffles data around all over the place (even if mostly text), so most of the japanese research and patches screws up a translated ROM, requiring manual repointing, had to do it a few times, but worth it in the end for most stuff

  4. excuse the pretentious topic title, I'd like to go ahead and share some stuff for FE4 that everyone might not have access to or find all that easily


    first thing is twilkitri's old data, useful for learning some of the basics and has some things like dialogue coding that may be important to have, most of it is handled by nightmare these days but some isn't

    I also added the codes for using menu text



    the japanese map editor, I 'translated' the necessary stuff (not much to translate but still looks better)

    google translate can help you if you want to check out the readme, but if you need some help with the program lemme know

    the important thing is that once you save a map, drag the map file you saved onto 'encofe4.exe' in order to compress it, then insert it to the ROM


    Note: FE4MAP makes the army editor nearly obsolete, use the appropriate editor in the program instead

    Note 2: Modifying castle and village data (just this data) can screw up the game due to structure misalignment errors in the program. I believe there's info about modifying the data directly somewhere, but either way you can look at the bytes in the map editor itself and figure it out where it is in a hex editor


    New Nightmare Modules

    more things to make your life easier

    Hair Color Editor

    edits the hair colors for battle animations, they're stored specially since IS was too lazy to make custom palettes for every character

    Triangle Attack Editor

    self-explanatory, there are three possible combinations

    Children Definition

    is this where children are born? I dunno, haven't played with it or anything, but hopefully it will act how I want it to later on

    Battle Sprite Editor

    just modified the defining bytes so it's better to customize

    Custom Battle Palette Editor

    provides a custom palette to any character with the matching class

    Class/Item Name Editor

    well there was a character one why not these too for huge convenience

    Magic Animation Editor

    just copy-pasted it from the FE5 one pretty much

    Chapter Music Editor

    the second one is for when chapters start from a save

    I didn't finish collecting all the phase data but it should be easy enough to figure out for anyone else (if you needed to)

    Skill Table Editors

    this new set of editors will allow you to assign any skill you want to the skill lists available for characters, classes, or items, the class one especially important due to the lack of skills you can give them

    it's pretty much for replacing all those unused and/or unneeded skills in the lists

    to use it, you designate a skill to a certain flag, which you then are able to use said flags in the other editors

    Shield Sprite Editor and Shield Definition Editor

    these will change the shields used by the various knightly classes, allowing for more customization

    you can give a certain shield of a certain color to a certain character using a certain class, which is pretty great

    - another note, relating to map sprites and shield sprites: if you use and customize the map sprite editor, the pointers for them are at $3825E I believe

    - this applies to both the map sprite and shield definition/sprite editor too: when pointing to a certain class, it will read from each class in the list until it reaches a character(shields) or gender(map sprites) that reads FF, then it moves to the next pointer

    - this is why when making someone not sigurd or celice into a lord knight, they look like a duke knight because duke knights come right after; since only the lords are lord knights, and their sprites are specified by character, there's no need to give them gender or an 'end list' code

    Item Sprite Editor

    this'll allow you to change the battle animation sprite and palette designations for items, giving you more customization

    on a side note, if you'd like to insert your own graphics like I have, the tile pointer table starts at $198A1F

    Battle Music Editor

    lets you change the music used during battle, though you can only use other music allowed for battle, mostly just useful after using the FE5 music patch

    Chapter Intro Music Editor

    changes the music that plays when a chapter loads and shows the name, right after the world map screen

    Skill Icon Display

    this set of modules is simply for changing which skill graphics are displayed for each skill

    with this you can give icons to 'hidden' skills such as canto, recover, etc

    I did this myself for those two and also some new skills in my hack so that none of the graphics get wasted

    Holy Weapon Flash Editor + Modified

    modifies the items that have the special weapon flash; there is a patch available that modifies the data to allow more entries, which you should then use the (Modified) version of the editor

    Magic Animation Pointer Editor

    advanced reference module for magic editing, don't be too concerned about it

    Broken Weapon Editor

    allows you to modify the broken weapon for every combination of weapon and rank; HOWEVER dark uses the same entry as light does, unless you change the pointers just before the data at 7E4DC - 7E4EF

    Battle Positions Editor

    changes how the characters appear in battle; like you know how ranged swords have them start at a distance, and long range tomes/ballistae start with one character invisible and they're both in the center of the screen? use this to change that stuff

    modules download:

    (overwrite the folders of the original nightmare package)

    last updated: Apr 9, 2017


    other stuff

    Portrait Tutorial

    Magic Animation Tutorial

    link to some more tools in this topic: https://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?/topic/39603-lamias-fe4-stuff/&do=findComment&comment=2775837

    anyway that'll do for now, I'd like to think I'm pretty versed in FE4 if anyone wants to ask whatever, or not, I know noone cares about FE4


  5. adding space requires the modification of pointers, essentially bytes in a list that 'point' to other data, in this case names that have variable length

    I don't know anything about FE1-3 though so I wouldn't know how to help there

  6. So, each one of these numbers determines what they'll do? I might fart around with it a little more and see if I can't make something happen. Thanks.

    remember I only gave values for that particular byte

    and it's not too difficult to test out really, you'll need to restart the chapter every time to test though (AI is loaded only when spawned)

    also in case you didn't know I recommend using the map editor to edit enemy unit placement and misc things like AI and such, very thorough and better than nightmare

  7. as far as I know enemy AI is determined through event stuff (especially in areone's case there) and isn't easily changed, I believe one of the bytes in the army data determines their actions but it seems like it's variable per chapter?

    one of the bytes does seem like it makes units either attack until dead (01), stay put (02), attack villages (03) stay put until in range (04)

    but I'm only looking at chapter 1 on this, some other chapters (like 5) seem to do things differently, but 01 and 02 seem to be the same throughout

  8. feh, I'm never gonna get any progress on this thing, but here you guys can play what I have, the first two chapters

    keep in mind it's super WIP and there are still things to address (especially balance and whatnot)

    also, if you guys find unused text, make a savestate and give it to me so I can correct it

    this needs to be applied to a clean, headered Fire Emblem - Seisen no Keifu (J).smc ROM

    (patch unavailable)

    Warning: Do not set battle animations to Map
    this is a repercussion of shifting classes around heavily

    feel free to play past the two chapters if you want to be spoiled about new characters/classes and weapons, but keep in mind nothing past the second chapter is part of the end project

    and do let me know of any glaring errors

    enjoy (or not)

  9. Are you in any way related to pukachi? (given the furry stuff and the SNESFE hacking)

    Anyways, nice work :D: Perhaps one day you can share all your hacking notes with us so we can make cool hax too

    pukachi has been helping me a little bit, knew him from a while back ago

    and not sure what I would share that's unique exactly, what I've done is accessible to the public, except maybe some event stuff which I have been changing

  10. Yo, nice stuff. Have you been using the easy text patch or Twilkitri's tools. Either way, I'm thoroughly impressed. I have the sword skills patch lying around somewhere on my laptop, it should sort out your second problem. If there's anything else you want, feel free to ask.

    would be nice to have the patch, but the actual addresses to change would be better

    and dunno what else I would want that you have

    I've been using a combination of the easytext patch and old notes and such of darktwilkitri's for things, thankfully an old friend of mine had them

    Am I the only one that noticed that there's Caeda and Ogma in the arena?

    that's two of the arena characters for chapter 1 (hint, hint)

  11. Spoiler

    In a technological and magical world of anthropomorphic animals, boredom strikes and a virtual reality RPG is developed to entertain and pass the time. Fire Emblem is a highly successful years-long active world game that takes place in a medieval setting, with knights and magic and castles and monsters. Its current incarnation features the aftermath of the Dragon War, of which the emperor of the dragons had conquered the continent; he was defeated and life in the game continued. Despite the long battles and detriment to the land, it was a well-received event among the players, and most hope for another to work out their urges for conflict.

    Even so, conflict reigns supreme within the game. Setting upon certain land, a player can plant the roots of their empire and grow as much as they can, expanding their influence and claims. Power struggles are numerous, with players conquering each other through battle and corruption and reducing their opponents into poverty. The cycles repeat until one can command a continent, the main goal of the current era, as the rumors go. Regardless as to whether or not it's planned by the developers, most are doing their best to try and overtake everything they can. However, one of the main roadblocks to doing so are mercenaries.

    Lamia, one of said mercenaries, is a young cat that likes to take it easy, but does like the gameplay and comforts the world can offer. Independent but with several friends, she's rather casual about playing but does her best to level up and get stronger. Mercenaries are lone or groups of players that have no interest in conquest, just wanting to enjoy the game for what it is or explore the world. Each one may buy a castle just as any other player; however, mercenaries have the ability to transport their castle to other lands, appearing randomly on others' soil, inviting trade, contracts for work, or battles for trespassing. Lamia is the type to do so, appearing in random locations throughout the continent she resides on. Her adventure featured here begins when a friendly nearby castle is suddenly raided, but raids lead to a chain of events that uncovers something sinister going on involving both the virtual reality and the real world.

    In development since late 2012, this project is one of the rare English hacking community FE4 hacks out there. This is planned to be more in-depth than most, with several system tweaks, customized weapons and new magic types, new classes and items, maps and events, and more. Unlike the base game, this project does not have a generational system; instead, it is split into Part 1 and Part 2. It may hurt replay value, but it is not the intention of the game as a whole, and the story takes place on a much smaller time frame.

    Currently, the first five chapters are playable. Many of the system tweaks are more or less finished; most of what's left are creating new maps and dialogue, and total portrait reconstruction of course due to the furry populace.

    List of Changes

    • New weapons and personal weapons
      • Additional Killer weapons, a number of personal weapons, extra skill-giving weapons
    • New magic tomes
      • Complete with their own mostly-custom animations
    • New accessories
      • More and different skill-giving jewelry and the like
    • New classes
      • Hero, Wyvern Knight, Trickster, Ranger, and more
    • New maps
      • Of course, none of which matches the continental view
    • New conversations
      • New characters means different characters interested in others, a wide variety of personalities
    • Event modification
      • Progression is generally different, some chapters especially having reduced numbers of castles
    • No children
      • The game is split into Part 1 and Part 2 instead, in order to preserve balance and to add longer familiarity and development with each character
    • Some changed graphics
      • Items and skills get new icons, the menus are a different color, more to come

    System Changes

    - Statscreen changes in the class name, map sprite position, and weapon ranks
    - Gold cap decreased to 30000 (all items have been balanced to reflect this)
    - Critical rates are displayed on the statscreen and also during battle, replacing the Level
    - Force and Spirit magic do physical damage (this effectively makes Lamia a Strength-based mage)
    - Magic Swords do magical damage at close range by default
    - Weapon weight is reduced by STR/2 or MGC/2 depending on the weapon type
    - NPC and Neutral-aligned unit battles use Real animation
    - Previously hidden skills such as Canto and Recover now appear on statscreens and have proper names and descriptions
    - S weapon rank has been added along with weapons
    - Sword skills can now be activated by any weapon type
    - Hit% is now calculated with Skill*2 + Luck*1
    - Giving gold from one with the Steal skill gives up to half the giver's gold, up to 5000G

    Things to not pay attention to

    - Map animations will result in glitches and potential crashing, don't use it

    - Portraits, because the entire populace are furries and it takes time to make new portraits, which I need to do for the player heroes and also every single boss and NPC

    - Castle and enemy names, they'll all be reworked in the end

    - Untranslated/unscripted dialogue and menu text stuff because I usually do the important things first like gameplay, however you have my assurance that character/class/item names won't be ignored

    - Poor writing, I'll make a better-written story once I can complete the game

    Chapter Progress:

    Part 1-1: 99%

    Part 1-2: 80% (map may be fully reworked)

    Part 1-3: 95%

    Part 1-4: 99%

    Part 1-5: 99%

    Part 1-6: 20%

    Part 2-1: 0%

    Part 2-2: 0%

    Part 2-3: 0%

    Part 2-4: 0%

    Part 2-5: 0%

    Part 2-6: 10%

    Current Public WIP: Download IPS v0.6b

    This patch is compatible with the original, (J) ROM, with a header.

    here's some screenshots



    things I need to figure out:
    - decode battle sprite animations

    - advanced event coding

    - change which icons items use

    - find all of the holy blood graphics
    - probably more that don't come to mind right now


    ~ pukachi, camus, and whoever else made the original nightmare modules

    ~ shin for pointing out some stuff I've missed

    ~ the english FE romhack community for being cool and there
    ~ much of this project couldn't be done without all of the Binary research and data, thank you very much to all of the japanese FE4 hackers, without which this project most likely would not be where it is today, nor possibly exist without.

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