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Posts posted by Lamia

  1. On 10/14/2017 at 12:40 AM, OliKad said:

    Hi one again Lamia. This time, I have a problem with the Map Editor. 
    I am trying to subtly change some FE4 maps to make them more streamlined (as ib

    n, adding paths into big forests, removing bushes to traverse terrain faster, stuff like that) which means that there is no drastic changes to the maps whatsoever. However, even when I do the whole process of compressing the maps with the encoder program, there's still 1 or two semi-rows or garbage left at the bottom of the map - but most importantly, I noticed that the Arena in Chapter 1 simply doesn't work anymore, at all. Black screen. Nothing. Do you have any clues about why this could have happened?

    make sure you don't change any of the settings on insertion unless you know what you're doing, and also you have to make sure the map you're inserting isn't larger than the original allotted space

    as for the arena thing, sounds like the arena data for at least the chapter got messed up (you can re-check units inside with the arena editors)

  2. On 8/27/2017 at 1:46 AM, OliKad said:

    I did not really expect that, so... thank you very much! ^^

    Also, I know that you answered that kind of question before, but I have trouble opening your Nightmare modules on the original Nightmare program. You did say that they were an extention of the original modules, but I am not really sure how to make them work like that. Would you mind giving me help on this?

    you're supposed to fully overwrite the original module pack (link provided in the first post)

  3. 1 minute ago, Anseraphel/RCFD said:

    What I don't understand is the "add it to the hex for name #00 (and don't forget to reverse the bytes for the name pointer before inputting it into the calculator)" part, how do I do it?


    5 hours ago, Lamia said:

    windows's calculator in programmer mode allows you to use hexadecimal math, which will be useful in utilizing pointers

    please read my posts

  4. 1 minute ago, Anseraphel/RCFD said:

    Sorry for my cluelessness, but how do I get 39C59+474?


    5 hours ago, Lamia said:

    take the 'base' hex address listed in the nightmare module's name, and add it to the hex for name #00 (and don't forget to reverse the bytes for the name pointer before inputting it into the calculator)


  5. 1 minute ago, Anseraphel/RCFD said:

    I redownloaded it but it still has the same values as the module I used before. What I meant is that I didn't understand what I had to do for the third step.

    the module's name has a 'base' shown which is the reference point for the pointers


  6. 3 hours ago, Anseraphel/RCFD said:

    I managed to edit texts in english now, but I can't how to edit menus with the fe4hackdocs, even with the menutext.txt. How do you do it? Unless something else happens this should be my last question.

    search for what symbols you need to change and then change them in the hex editor, simple as that

    each symbol in menu text is 2 bytes, and you end a string with 00 00. don't worry, you'll get the hang of it

    the 'name pointer' modules in my nightmare pack are a reference tool you can use and will probably need in order to rework the various names. windows's calculator in programmer mode allows you to use hexadecimal math, which will be useful in utilizing pointers

    (you might need to redownload my pack since I double checked to make sure I had certain fixes)

    for example...

    1. sigurd, as you can see in the Character Editor, has 00 for his name number. that's what name he uses
    2. open up the Char Name Pointer Editor and take a look at the entry for 00
    3. take the 'base' hex address listed in the nightmare module's name, and add it to the hex for name #00 (and don't forget to reverse the bytes for the name pointer before inputting it into the calculator)
    4. once you have the result, go to that address in a hex editor. sigurd's name will be there, at $3A0CD
  7. 1 hour ago, Anseraphel/RCFD said:

    -First of all, how do I get edits in English? I tried to use letters on a Japanese ROM but it still uses Japanese symbols, and if I try to change the same text on the same ROM but with a patch it doesn't do anything.

    that's because you're not using a proper version... regular text tiles are made to use japanese symbols

    use the FE4EasyText patch on the ROM, by hard patching it with lunar IPS or something

    1 hour ago, Anseraphel/RCFD said:

    Second, how do you edit menu texts (weapons names, character names, class names etc.)?

    I added a menutext.txt to the fe4hackdocs download, which contains info on the j2e-based letter codes

    for some reason it was missing... I must have forgotten to re-add it when I needed to reupload it

  8. 2 hours ago, Anseraphel/RCFD said:


    Well I tried to look at the easy text patch through an hex editor and didn't really understand what to do.

    Here are the only texts I found with a ROM patched with the EasyText patch, and I have no idea how to edit them



    it's done in a few easy steps...

    1. find the dialogue in the game you want to change (which means PLAYING the game)
    2. observe the text and numbers in the conversation
    3. use the Find feature in the hex editor to find exactly what you're looking for (hex codes displayed in the text boxes)
    4. if actual symbols are in-between hex numbers, use your hex editor's text > hex function if it has one (I use XVI32 which does)
    5. type in what you want in the hex editor, while taking note of the proper dialogue codes in the fe4hackdocs dialogue scripting info
    6. save and check on it in-game
  9. On 17/08/2017 at 2:53 PM, Anseraphel/RCFD said:

    Hello! I would like some help/a tutorial about how to edit texts in Fire Emblem 4. I tried to use the script dumper and inserter from the link with that post but I can't find how to make it work :/ Thanks in advance for your help!

    consult my FE4 stuff for tools relating to text and other things

    • the FE4EasyText patch allows for typing in text directly to a hex editor, although I don't know if a proper text parser is public yet
    • the old fe4hackdocs has information on dialogue text codes so you can type them in manually in said hex editor
    • menutext.txt contains hex codes for finding and editing menu text, however you must learn how to use pointers in order to change the lengths for each string
  10. 3 hours ago, OliKad said:

    Only do it if you are bored and have nothing to do. It's a cute feature, but nothing that is NECESSARY to the game

    alright I think I fixed it and updated my binary tools zip accordingly

    just for the record, wrath's effect on the display will make it display 100 critical ONLY if the first attack in battle by the unit is a wrath critical. if they miss their first attack but wrath is still in effect it won't display 100

    I think they were trying to make it so that it DOESN'T affect the CRT display but broke something in the process (or maybe I didn't read the readme properly, whatever!)

  11. nightmare is a pretty old program. it may be a problem with whatever windows you're using, so see what changing its compatibility does?

    it sounds like a generic windows problem, maybe google can get you some answers

  12. On 05/08/2017 at 4:14 PM, OliKad said:

    Apologies for the bump, but I can confirm that the critical display ips patch still makes so that Wrath does not work: I sadly learned it the hard way...

    It would be nice if you could fix that for good eventually, but since you apparently forgot what you did to arrange it, I won't pry :P

    yeah sorry about that, I MIGHT be able to figure it out again if you really want it

  13. well if you read the error, msvcr71.dll is missing and obviously the zip doesn't have it, a zip file is not an installation program, it is just a compressed set of files

    msvcr71 is a common dll file for windows programs, most people don't need to go download it

    but since you apparently do I would suggest trying to find if it's somewhere already on your computer (bit likely if you have a number of games downloaded) if not then try online but be wary of viruses

    once properly found, place it in your system32/syswow64 folder and try running the map editor again

  14. On 23/05/2017 at 7:19 PM, Zalor said:

    Aside from Japanese hackers, I feel like FE4 gets little attention from the hacking community. 

    it's too bad the english community skipped that generation, you can do a lot of cool things in FE4 as it is

    to not go off topic, I would suggest to you naglfar94 that you at least take a little more time with more reasonable-looking and less saturated palettes if you mess with them

  15. FE4 and FE5 use a shift-jis format for menu text, two bytes to define a 8x16 symbol

    I have no experience with any FE5 patches so I can't guide you on how to change letters there

    my FE4 stuff includes a list of menu text codes compatible with the j2e patch, which I cannot guarantee that any FE5 patch would use the same font layout as theirs

    in order to repoint names, you have to find the list of pointers, which should be in order of character/class/item number (there is no nightmare reference module for these for FE5 afaik) and then write a two-byte pointer that adds that amount to the base address that the rest of the pointers use, in order to 'point' to where said data is in the ROM

    e.g. a pointer of 14 A1 with a base of 3DE12 would be 3DE12 + A114 = the data point of 47F26, this is where the name should be

    the GBA series has an extra step involved (numbered headers)

    there's simpler stuff you could be starting out with if you're still new with the whole romhacking thing though

  16. FE5 works with anything because you can get manuals to teach the skills to anyone

    the FE5 master knight just needs its name repointed

    as for FE4 sword skills, there is a set of patches that fix that (check my FE4 stuff topic)


    there is also a set of patches that re-inserts the dummied-out magic animations in FE5; the animation coding is still there, but the graphics are missing. the patch adds them back


    if the patches don't work together, repointing would be necessary

  17. 15 hours ago, Naglfar94 said:

    Huh? download the original nightmare package? Ah where do I find it? Are you talking about your old modules? if so I already tried overwriting those ones the lorenanightmare one. is that what you mean? Your early modules? I don`t get it as it still gives me same error. I likely have the wrong nightmare set.


  18. 16 hours ago, camelpimp said:

    I've been trying to make an gay for fe4, and it's... kind of worked? I mean, I swap a man and a woman's unit number, and those swapped units can build love points and become lovers with members of the same sex. But, depending on who I swap, the love values go out of wack. For example, if I switch Ayra and Jamke, once Jamke is recruited he's immediately in love with Dew. Things like that. I assume this has to do with recruitment order (switching Aideen and Dew doesn't have problems) and it's fixable by reassigning some pointers, but I'm not sure if I'm missing something.

    Also, for inheritance it... kind of works? Any of the m/m won't have inheritance (for example, for the Jamke/Ayra swap Ayra's kid won't be born) But it does work for the f/f pairing, sort of. If I pair Ayra with, say, Aideen, Aideen's kids will be born, but the game will count Jamke as their dad. I wonder if I can do this better. I have been using that rom map from twilkitri's data but I was wondering if there was a more complete rom map out there, or if anyone knew more of the addresses used for romance or inheritance.

    stuff gets jumbled up probably because of how the game differs males and females and children... I'm sure there are lists somewhere you can play around with maybe? but I never bothered to mess with that stuff

    6 hours ago, Naglfar94 said:

    Hey Lamia  I downloaded your holy weapon flash editor the new one and well it gives me that error again saying that dropbox elements could not be loaded :( and I don`t know what to do and to slap more on top of that.

    make sure to download the original nightmare module package and then take my package and overwrite the original's folders

    6 hours ago, Naglfar94 said:

    Oh I do have another question how do you modify the title screen? Even though I won`t be doing that because at my current level and knowledge that is way above me but I am curious.

    it's just a matter of modifying graphics and having the addresses, but I'm unsure how to modify the tile array to make it look better (like in the newest translation)

  19. 7 hours ago, Blunderpuggs said:

    Only 15exp? That seems rather too little for what the staff does. :/ (a proper neat accomplishment, nonetheless :o)

    staff experience in FE4 is tied to some kind of ratio of uses:gold value as you've sorta guessed, and since it costs 0 in my project (thus making it unrepairable) it will only give the minimum amount of exp

  20. I added a small thing to my module package, included is a patch (and accompanying new nightmare module) to extend the amount of weapons that can get the holy weapon flash in battle

    the patch can be applied to a headered ROM and I'm quite sure it doesn't matter if you're using a translation or not, as it only overwrites the codes used for the data itself, and in turn is made more efficient, allowing up to 35 entries

    on a side note, managed to accomplish this with some notes





  21. you could probably just repoint to the new data yourself to some free space it can reach, since apparently character data uses pointers (news to me but I never had a reason to look)

  22. was the space unoccupied? and not just the one, but for each character that the editor covers if you have enter+saved in nightmare with each

    utility patches may be interfering as well if you're using any

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