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Posts posted by Lamia

  1. item numbers in reference to anything related to items you receive use the player item list (including events) so use the Player Weapon Editor to modify the items you receive

    for example find holsety in the list and change it to a different item

    the item list's contents won't change in your playthrough until you reload a save so be sure to remember to do that in the future

  2. I'd also like to add my own two cents

    like any long-term project, one has to have the kind of commitment required in order to work on their project in the long-term in the first place, and I mean other than dealing with real-life stuff

    if you find you have no special attachment to the project... you can't see yourself still working on it years later... you don't feel your idea is unique or worth expressing... it's going to be a flop, and I don't mean to the playerbase, I mean to yourself, and it's going to quietly fall into the pit of the many failed projects once you lose interest

    my own project for example, taking place in FE4, is kind of half-assed and at the moment, about half-done after over three years of being the single developer, but I have several things and more that keep me going:

    1. It's my own personal world, filled with all of my own characters of my own creation that I've had for many years, and the project is a way to utilize them, make them alive.
    2. Genealogy has pretty much NO full conversion hacks, mostly nothing more than a lot of reskinning or rebalance. I'd love to be able to try to bring something new to the table, and hopefully encourage more of them.
    3. I'm an artist, and entertaining people in general is my jam. (I'm also quite familiar with doing FREE, THANKLESS AND STRESSFUL WORK FOR YEARS, ASSHOLES)
    4. I like playing with and exploring FE as a game system. What if so-and-so were part of a real FE? How do I get around the game's restrictions, or manipulate the features already put in place to benefit my project? It's a minor, common thing, but I can play with it all I want, and have other people experience my vision of my own FE, and get those 'A-ha!' moments in designing it that are all-too-satisfying.

    using FE4 is a bit more lenient than most projects as well, in the sense that there are 12 fixed chapters with a break in-between, so it assures me a solid length to work with

    anyway, incomplete projects like FE hacks are hardly unique; ANY KIND of project out there is going to have a higher percentage of incomplete compared to completed works, and it's something one has to accept

    I sure hope I complete my project someday though

  3. chances are, software designed around animation that also provides drawing tools is going to be half-assed on both

    if you have a drawing program already, it isn't too difficult to derive animations by just utilizing layer opacities while drawing

    once you have your frames you can use a simple gif animator to throw it together if it's not complex

  4. 2- How can I change the portrait of x character into y's portrait? (For example, giving Alvis's portrait to Sigurd's unit)

    use the FE4 Portrait Pointer Editor contained in the nightmare bundle

    the game uses headers to determine the portrait used, and they're all in character number order

    in my FE4 stuff topic there's a link to something called FE4tools, the swordskills folder has what you need

  5. when the game is force reset, it is essentially a game crash. it is important to note EXACTLY when the crash happens. it could be anything from improper dialogue coding to the map not being inserted correctly

  6. player characters use the 'player item list' which is contained in the player weapon editor, you define the player item list by choosing what's in the list

    as a rule, don't change around the inventory numbers of characters. if you change noish's weapon to be 0x28, that would make it the same number as the weapon that shanan gets in chapter 7. meanwhile, the number that noish gets would not be used

    so instead, change whatever noish's item is in the player weapon editor

    when you use nightmare, you APPLY changes first, then SAVE after, and then LOAD the game in the ROM last

    also, if you change a player character's class, they will only appear as that class on the first time they load into the game, so you must restart the game before the point that they appear on the map every time if you change their class

    another problem is that the nightmare modules may not be compatible with that patch (I haven't used it)

  7. somehow I doubt it's a reliable code, I'm guessing it's inserting the same item number repeatedly

    you'll probably find that the 'copies' share the same amount of durability and kills, and that when you soft reset only one will remain

    also: quintuple post? really?

    I edited the shop for chapter 4 and put Tornado in the first slot, but now it won't list any of the other items for sale in-game.

    Just Tornado is there in slot 1.

    don't modify shop item numbers. FE4's inventory system is different from other FEs due to the repair, inheritance, and kill count features. use the FE4 Player Weapon Editor to modify the contents of the item list instead, which the list contains all available items for the player

  8. How do you edit what's available in Shops?

    Can it be done with a hex editor?

    What are the addresses of the Shop's inventory? (Silver Sword, Silver Spear).

    I would rather just use a hex editor as I don't want to install Java for the modules.

    Thanks, great topic.

    use old nightmare if you don't want to use the new one (I still use it)

  9. no offense but it sounds like you haven't played the game at all if you haven't already analyzed the game from a developer's standpoint

    it may sound cool to start reverse engineering a good game from a cool series, but you really need to understand how a game and its genre is before you start making your own, else you will get dismal failures and be called a hack for not knowing what you're doing

  10. it's work involved for removing something totally innocuous, which a ton of GBA games have by default

    I wouldn't get your hopes up for completely removing something like that, but if it bugs you so much you can see if there's a way to tile-edit it out somehow

    and also there shouldn't be any talk of sending people copyrighted ROM files (this is illegal in the US)

  11. yet another FE5 remake I disagree with; I really don't think the game's system should be messed with, or else it won't feel like the game is supposed to feel like

    the game was designed with its mechanics in mind, and trying to go outside of that is going to make for a very different game and probably going to be more of a hassle than it should be in order to balance it without them

    I believe the only way to do a new FE5 justice should be graphical improvement, general balance touchup, and more chapters and other content

    this is just how I feel about it all though, FE5 was my first game in the series so I'm pretty biased

  12. Hey, does anyone know the offsets for the chapter names graphics? I know there are compressed and I know, I had them on my notes about FE4, but I lost my FE4 Hacking Datas when my old computer broke.

    they're from $1D41A6 - 1D649D

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