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Posts posted by Lamia

  1. I don't have the FE4 nightmare modules on me so this probably won't sound totally accurate.

    I think inheritance is tied to the item ID, so if you edit Ichival's ID to make it the Gunginr, it should pass down with no problem.

    similar to what this person said

    there are no 'flags' for holsety and valkyrie because they will go to the child inheritor, no matter if they can use it or not, end of story

    I don't know if althenna and faval 'start' with the appropriate weapons in their appearance though, but there's no reason to believe they don't work specially

    the tirfing is different so that celice doesn't start with it in gen 2; so use a different item ID

  2. you could try to do it manually if you knew how to find where the data is; copy the compressed graphics and animation code and just paste it and point to it in an english ROM so you could see it in FEditor

    seems a bit awkward to use someone else's animations though if you don't get permission, unless it was stated they were fine with that

  3. you're gonna need to modify the width table if you want to make the text look nicer, it's located at $119B71, and it goes in order from the first text block (control code 09: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, etc) all the way to the end

    each byte in the table lines up with the font, and for each one you put in an amount equal to the number of pixels in width that each letter has (but add 02 so that they space properly)

    additionally, in my FE4 resource topic, consult twilkitri's fe4hackdocs, in the scripting folder, the controlcodes.txt will help you find and code dialogue properly

  4. as an artist it takes more effort to design a map than draw a head and shoulders

    a 'realistic' visual design for whatever locale you've chosen to help set the mood helps sooo much (nothing turns me off more in a map than a ton of blank space or stretches of straight lines)

    you also have to consider how player and enemy units will progress, perhaps impeding or assisting those that cross lines of trees or rivers

    terrain advantage is something to consider in war, and you need to design something to challenge whatever faction, like being a reverse tactician, and make something that looks pretty enough to impress the gods

    I got my start on making maps in starcraft and boy did I suck balls, thankfully fire emblem is less complicated

  5. here's yet another unnecessary addition to my project that I spent valuable time on that could have gone towards chapter progress, but I bet not too many think to make something special out of this mundane thing!!

    meanwhile I haven't been working on my project because I'm far too busy playing videogames

  6. ...Is this another joke, like the Felgus thing?

    mine was actually obvious

    however it's easy to get attached to fanslation when you've known something dear to you, called a specific thing for a long time and then CED shows up to screw up your nostalgic feelings

  7. Actually, in the GBA games, it's possible to hack someone into being able to seize by giving them an ability. Leaf doesn't seem to have anything of that sort though, his only listed Character Skill is Adept.

    I tried seizing with Lord!Galzus and it (fortunately) didn't allow for the seize. Now I just made Leaf a myrmidon with a Galzus portrait and he could seize. Hopefully I'll find a way to change prfs on weapons, otherwise I'll just need to settle with fake!Galzus being able to use the Blaggi Sword while fake!Leaf can't.

    well yeah of course it's possible to hack pretty much anything into a game, I was speaking in vanilla terms

    also the item editor should have a personal weapon pointer

    just make sure you don't mess with character numbers like that since there will be event problems otherwise, swapping the name and portrait pointers is a quick and easy solution

  8. i'd really rather that people didn't do that because it's kind of a pointless and idiotic endeavour and arguably a lot more trouble than it's worth, but dds will probably release his tools once the patch is out so it's not like i'll be able to do anything about it

    I sure hope that on release, that variable-width menu font can be offered up and possibly reused with other patches, or at least some guidelines on how to implement it, else imma be pissed (it looks too nice to pass up and would help all related projects look nicer)

    Yes, but Belhalla is the official translation. See Fire Emblem Awakening and Fates.

    fanslations are obviously superior to the ones that get paid for and are licensed for localization

  9. as a rule you don't replace characters by their character number, because you can't seize with a character that isn't the main character in any FE (FE4 being the only lazily-coded exception)

    after all, galzus can't seize when you recruit him

    I'm only assuming you tried to swap character numbers around (don't do that) but I don't recall that FE5 had seize be class-based (it's been a while) either way you should double-check

  10. I don't mean to put down Magvel lovers here, but I have to say that the continent is my second least-liked (Akaneia in first)

    I just couldn't care about the story, the gameplay is like the second easiest after FE4 for me even on hard, and the characters are mostly unmemorable, although I shamelessly admit to comparing them to ones in other titles.

    The only bright points I enjoyed in the game:

    - The reintroduction of skills (Jugdral was the first saga I played and I missed them dearly during Elibe) which I'm glad they brought back, though skipping the Akaneia remakes.

    - L'Arachel and the gang brought a smile to my face in an otherwise dull progression of chapters.

    - The semi-random Tower and Ruins areas, the latter of which I found to be the only real challenge in the game.

    - Monsters added a decent bit of flavor.

    I still enjoyed it as an FE title, but that's about where it ends. It occupied my time until FE9 came along. Also Myrrh is a boring dragon.

  11. I know FE3 is capable of storing stats higher than 20 because of dismounting stat stuff.

    this wording is a little weird, I think it would be more accurate to say that there is a hard stat cutoff code somewhere rather than the stats are 'stored' but that's just me

  12. Here are a bunch of random screenshots showing some of the stuff I've done. I'd say the biggest ordeal was going through each chapter, enemy by enemy, ensuring that the difficulty increased at a fair yet challenging pace and that the enemies were never left behind by your team but also never became too strong. It's no wonder IS hasn't put out a game worth playing since 2007; doing this takes someone 100 hours easily.

    well if your job was solely to balance units and you were the only person to work on it, it would be an easy matter as you say, cough

    it does make me wonder how making a fire emblem progresses, though

    and groovy work, who knows how far you can get! wish I could help you out with all that

  13. update!!!

    chapter 5 is complete

    whenever I can get chapter 6 done, remake chapter 2's map, and draw at least all of the player character portraits, I'll see about releasing another patch since it would mark the end of part 1

    this project will never end up dead, I sweaaarr

  14. 8 is about if I should make Pegasus Knight base class and have Falcoknight be the promoted form, or have, say, Olwen be a Valkyrie instead of a Mage Knight. As for your suggestions here is my thought.

    - if you don't plan on having the real falcon knights from jugdral (which were tier-3) then changing them to be like that would be fine I'm sure, as for valkyrie/mage knight, you could just have both and split them like FE8 for enemy/branch promotion variety purposes

    1. Definitely thought about it. I want to reference Seliph if base Thracia doesn't.

    - he, julia, levin, and leaf actually meet up in one chapter, and I'm sure references are made

    2. I plan to leave 24x vanilla if FEGBA will let me.

    3. Yeah, I heard about 16A being ragefest levels of hard.

    - 16B is the one that uses warps iirc

    4. I'll see what I can do there.

    5. That could be interesting, I will admit.

    6. Yeah, Finn's Brave Lance does need a nerf.

    - that's not really related to my point, once your characters start getting levels or abusing killer weapons, there's a good chance you're going to do too little/too much damage with the 3x-DMG critical calculations while 2x-ATK was just right for the system

    7. I could compensate by making some Prf weapons unbreakable, if that's what people want.

    - what's the point of this? to be frank, it's a dumb idea

    8. Growths are being overhauled, with the Scrolls changed to what the Star Shards were in New Mystery. Also, I didn't plan on turning them into stat-boosting Iron Runes, unless it was your unit that couldn't crit.

    - haven't played the game, but it seems like an okay idea so long as they aren't borderline useless and are appropriately adjusted with caps

    9.I could do that, but with the true hit system, that makes little difference.

    - I did forget that the game uses 2 RNs, I suppose it would be

    10. Clarify.

    - luck affecting critical reduction, so that enemies are more of a threat like they were in FE5... which there by base stats, skill = critical, and luck only reduced it by half its stat, enemies often had at least a few percent

    11. Will do. It probably won't be high, though.

    12. I think there is an FEE3 video that shows off leadership stars.

    13. I kinda want to rename some stuff. Namely, Rewarp should become something like 'Teleport' or 'Escape'.

    - is that necessary? people are familiar with a semi-accurate incarnation of it in FE10 anyway

    One more question: FEGBA Tome Triangle or FESNES Tome Triangle?

    - there were pretty much zero enemies using wind tomes in FE5 unless you want to change that, but the triangle itself was barely noticeable in FE5 to begin with... +/-10% hit, that's all

    it wouldn't be so bad to use the GBA triangle so that your few light users can get an advantage over dark at least

    and speaking of tomes, don't forget that tome weight was unaffected by the build stat, so tomes would need further balancing there if you don't want to keep that old mechanic

    oh and staves, I assume you'll not want infinite range? keep in mind this affects the difficulty of enemies as well... and it may be additionally difficult if you wanted to allow enemies to use rewarp

  15. as a jugdral enthusiast I could have much to say

    1. unsure

    2. no

    3. not a terrible idea

    4. thracia isn't thracia without the mechanics

    5. with a lot of patience presumably

    6. see 4

    7. see 4

    8. I'm not exactly sure what this question is about

    9. if you want to make a remake and not just a port, having more event scenes would be good, because while the original game has some, it's a bit lacking still

    - support conversations would be great because every character that's not leaf has like 3 lines but it's a lot of custom writing work, with character research and inference after all

    - the warp tiles in the annoying-ass chapters should be kept

    - make super-crappy characters slightly less crappy

    - stat caps should remain at 20 unless you can figure out a better way to balance things, especially if you want to implement counter-crit

    - speaking of criticals, the 3x-DMG calculation GBAFE uses instead of 2x-ATK might affect progression, but it's hard to say how much

    - weapon EXP should remain as it is in FE7, but only have long range tomes and staves give more than 2 EXP

    - forget about implementing broken weapons, they're not necessary

    - if you happen to implement growth-increasing scrolls, don't change their rates if you don't change the original character growths much, and also remove their critical immunity

    - the 1%/99% min/max hit rate wouldn't be a bad thing to implement to keep the feel of RNG wrath

    - critical reduction should be halved

    - enemies need luck growth

    - leadership

    - rewarp

    the list goes on!

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