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Posts posted by Lamia

  1. games are just programming, but the problem is finding just the right stuff to reprogram if not programming yourself

    you can do anything, like even cause the game to write an entirely NEW game and load it (although this was done as an active thing and not part of ROM modification through a program, pretty sure it still ought to apply)


    if you want a proper case of super mario world hacking there's tons of examples... even stuff like boss fights from other games and special moves put in for mario

    really there's no limit if you know what you're doing, you just have to learn (somehow)

    in the meantime there's simple tools, notes, and guides you can use to get you started off others' research

  2. FE7's chapter data module lists off sound effects in the music.txt dropbox properly

    FE8's does not, but you can do this:

    - change the chapter music code inside the nightmare module with notepad, from NDHU to NEHU

    - refer to the FE7 music.txt and start checking each byte around the magic sounds that FE7 does not cover (previously used ones like fire and thunder and stuff should match up)

    as far as I can remember, the GBA series never reset their sound file entries so it makes it easier, but you'd have to find the bytes for the new tomes yourself if you wanna do it manually

    failing that time-consuming nonsense, you can record from a battle scene with the music off (best I can tell you)

  3. Making transforming style mamkutes probably, but dragon stones with stat bonuses like modern games probably wouldn't be as hard.

    of course, but even then it's a hassle of busywork to try and make a decent-looking battle animation out of it (something I've considered is having some dragons in my project)

    unfortunately cracking the code of animations probably won't happen, especially in my case, leaving just messy sprite replacements...

  4. I've got a workaround that would let Sigurd and Celice seize regardless of class, and also let sword skills be freely inherited. I'll see if I can go dig it up.

    EDIT: At 7A975, there's inheritance addresses for each child, with three bytes in. They go in character order, so they'll be like XX YY ZZ, if YY's 07, the character can't inherit sword skills, if it's FF, they can.

    EDIT2: Go to 05E63C: Change 22 2D A0 84 to 22 33 A3 84

    Go to 05E641: Change 06 to 01
    Go to 05E646: Change 2C to 19
    This will let Sigurd and Celice seize based on their character ID rather than class.

    I'd like to mention that $7A975 is incorrect in a headered ROM, it's $79B75

    yet the others are correct for headered? wot

  5. I had to dig a little deeper to finds the corresponding 2d definition.

    Didn't even knew it existed...

    Not sure about how other countries interpret the terms either.

    I still think Naturalist would fits better.

    in my world the term 'naturist' correlates to someone studying the magics of nature (the elements) so them being called that for being skilled in elemental magic (fire and water in this project) makes sense

  6. not sure how to fix that, did you try putting the dll in the actual folder of the program, put it into \windows\syswow64, or change compatibility mode?

    either way, that's just my own program of choice; there are other programs you can get to modify 256-color palettes, check around romhacking.net and zophar.net and maybe other places

  7. The dialogue is amusing, but it could still benefit from a rewrite (apologies for being vague, but I have no actual suggestions for fixing it). At first I was a little put off by several of the characters being present just because they happened to be playing the game too, but that's already explainable by the game's popularity. Besides, the game handles the "people are in a game" scenario well... then again, Ghast's play session didn't show me anything I hadn't already seen. I'll play through it later since watching him play it this evening gave me a strange craving for more SNES FE.

    The spell animations are really cool, but I haven't played a whole lot of FE4 (just a few chapters) so I likely can't appreciate them as much as I should. I do appreciate the style of the portraits, though: even though they clash with the FE4 bandits a little, the style is a breath of fresh air and the anthro characters are cute! That said, it's understandable to leave the bandits as they are because bandits are the opposite of cute.

    thanks, though of course as I mentioned in the first post I'll eventually get to fodder boss portraits (probably last...) but the big bosses and final boss will most likely be done long before that


    Do you have the instruction for magic animation modifying?

    You can create more magic weapon with it.

    don't know what you mean

  8. played through about a third of the prologue (fe4 maps are pretty big!)

    So far, I really like the writing, It's well done and very funny! and the sprite work... the art quality is out of this world! Those custom spells tho!

    I'm not exactly well versed in fe4 mechanics... (fe4online is the first instance of fe4 I've ever experienced LOL) But there did seem to be a lot of enemies that forced me to turtle about for a while. I was stuck in the beginning not really moving for 4-5 turns I think.

    I'll upload some videos sometime this week.

    ah jeez you haven't played vanilla FE4? well, at least an objective viewpoint of the game could be a thing too

    one thing that the game originally did was pretty much send large groups of enemies at you all at once so I have just tried to refine the formula

    also I feel awful at dialogue compliments because it's awful and I need to rewrite everything (but I'll do it like after I finish the final chapter)

    thanks about the sprites though, portraits are another thing I may refine someday (art is hard)

  9. Planning, no. Anybody can plan shit. I hardly even count people who fling all the gazillions of things into spreadsheets, but that's at least something people can work with. Storyboarding... ...Wait, since when does Fire Emblem have storyboarding in its development unless you're like Awakening and roll in full 3D? FEXP doesn't support that stuff unless you do some prerender work.

    Scripting as in writing the story? Yeah that counts too. Gods know how many godawful stories have sifted through these boards...

    Support writing I've never seen just one person dedicated to lol that seems kind of weird to me but whatever works in your workflow...?

    Character development is worthy enough of a dedicated person though.

    Composers are ridiculously hard to come by so you get props for even having one.

    thanks for doing the community a favor by not providing advice and pushing the air of superiority that we already have problems with instead of supplying ample direction and assistance, your posts are not contributing anything

    I will say though that your team should get some general work and hard concepts together to show people; it's how you recruit the public in the first place, more than just getting friends together to do something, gotta flex your muscles to draw the crowd

    as someone who works alone and slow af on their personal project, it's good to see teams, but I do encourage you to take it seriously if you want to do it, and that communication within your team is paramount

  10. I'd like if anyone who manages to try my project to try and gimme some input!

    good things, bad things, 'should' things, 'try this' things, 'what about' things, some sort of communication to help the process

    I've put a lot of time and thought into this thing and I gotta get what I can

  11. More weird bugs time! Delmud ended up being a Bow-wielding class without a name. It looks like some kind of soldier-type class, but his combat animations are broken and lock up the game, so I assume it's a class that was dummied out and has no proper animation. Easy fix, just turned on Map-Animations for him (Good thing too, he's so far my most useful, non-DkPrince-Oifey character I've got so far.

    Also, Celice ended up a Duke Knight, which is cool (Having your Lord be an Armor-type was fun, but I got tired of it about halfway through slogging through the Desert one square at a time in Chapter 5), but he did not start with a lance, so he literally can't attack enemies or counterattack. He started with a sword he can't use, so that was weird.

    whoops, accidentally set delmud to bow soldier instead of bow fighter

    as for celice, unfortunate (but now you know to give him a usable weapon next time)

  12. Well, since we're talking about weird bugs, I've encountered a game-breaking one in Chapter 5 that has stopped my progress. Apparently the game doesn't like it when the HiPriest (playing the part of Thieves) raid the towns. As soon as they move onto the door-tile on the towns and start raiding the game locks up. Maybe it's got something to do with playing the HiPriest's map-animation? Not sure how to fix this one - seems like a job for someone well-versed in the ins and outs of FE4 - so I'm kinda leaving it alone for now.

    Other Non-Game-Breaking glitches:

    Also, I think making Sylvia anything but a dancer broke the "Dance" scene more than it was already broken. I tried saving and reloading several times to get Sylvia's dance to play (She's currently a Sniper) but her sprite just disappears and it just locks up and plays the song forever.

    Another weird one on Chapter 4, the Level 4 arena enemy was an AxArmor with a "Hero" axe. However, when we got into a fight, what would happen is he would play the Throwing Axe animation, but the axe would be invisible. Then, hit or miss, the screen would go dark for a moment, and the enemy would disappear, and then my counterattack would whiff, and my character would just stand there like an idiot forever and ever. Even pressing B to try to cancel the fight did nothing. When I tried the Bow-Arena course, it was the same sort of thing, except it was a Warrior with an invisible bow (I forget what bow it was). The only way to get past level 4 Arena would be to use characters who could double-attack for enough damage to kill him before he counter attacked. This was before I changed the Armor-mountain-movement cost so I'm stumped. Lamia actually did the same thing (Had an invisible weapon and then disappeared) but my character could hit and kill her, so it wasn't a problem then. Not game breaking, but it did screw me out of a lot of Arena abuse.

    Also, not a bug per-se, but the wyvern riders between me and Lord Byron were so strong that they instagib him immediately before I can even get up there. Not game-breaking, but unfortunate. I wanted to see what nonsense holy weapon he hands me :( (And then the game breaks because HiPriests don't like capturing towns or something, so it became moot)

    1. this is expected (but unfortunate) behavior, I think I placed that item somewhere else to compensate

    2. the classes in question do not have the proper battle animations (the gender or weapons might not have been set properly, the arena enemies were the final stretch and I admit I kinda rushed it)

    3. I must have accidentally replaced the brigands with mages (magic-users can't attack towns like that, only physical non-bows can)

  13. The issue isn't that bridge but getting to Silesia castle once Mahnya falls and the castle gets captured. There's a lot of hills beyond the initial bridge.

    oh right, I forgot about that (been away from vanilla FE4)

    I took most other things like that into consideration though like making sure events play out as they should, units capturing castles that they shouldn't be able to capture is a huge headache

  14. Uh oh. Possible problem with how the randomization turned out. I think Making Sigurd an Armor-type unit causes the game to be unwinnable.

    I'm in chapter 4, and since he's an Emperor (Which has so far been completely OP and I love it) he can't cross the mountain range into Silesia, and therefore can't capture the final castles, unless there's some other way for Armor units to go across mountains. I'll probably find a workaround because I want to keep playing (I put WAY too much time into my mutant randomized superbabies NOT to see how they turned out) but that's probably something to think about if you make a full Randomizer package.

    Also, Lachesis being a Cleric turned recruiting her into a matter of RNG manipulation, since she gets ganked before any of your units can actually get there, but that at least doesn't break the game.

    In other news, THIS IS SO FUN. I love this and I'm having a great time playing.

    Edit: For anyone else stuck on this, I fixed it on my ROM by going into Nightmare and simply changing the movement cost of Armor units from 128 to 3. Hopefully this doesn't cause any unintended horrifying screwups.

    dew unlocks the bridge in chapter 4, but yeah the mountains are supposed to be a failsafe option

    also I've been actively trying to fix stuff like that as I play (chapter 1 had a ton), but you're farther than me (haven't been playing it lately)

  15. Not really,most of it is just looking at Nightmare data and copypasting it to the editor/making new entries for stuff like holy blood. However, I'll keep you on dial when he gets around to it if he has big questions.

    there are several problems that can crop up in game when doing this thing (and they have) but yes I'd help of course

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