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Posts posted by Lamia

  1. since it's just changing numbers, could this sorta thing be modified to work with say, FE4? I feel like it would be double the random (or unfair) fun due to holy blood, skills, and children (but would need some tweaking in other places)

  2. 'bad rom' will show up regardless if you patch anything since that's part of the checksum, it has no bearing on whether the ROM runs

    as said above, recheck if you need a header or not and if you need to use the NP or V.ROM version

  3. Lamia here with some more FE4 resource nonsense for you. This time, I'll be going over the feature that is the coding of magic animations. This is complex stuff to do manually, so bear with me.

    In FE4, magic animation is broken down into codes that do specific things. Load graphics, change colors, make it move a certain way, all that stuff. Stringing them all together in wondrous ways can get you the animation you desire. Fair warning, pretty much all special animation during battle is classified as the same sort of code; things like the EXP bar showing, level ups, dialogue and more are called up in a similar manner, so don't mess with those.

    I can't be certain and say that this is all different from the GBA series due to my lack of experience in those games, but what I can say is that there's no special program required, just your wits and lots and lots of time for experimentation and testing.

    First off, the codes. Each code is separated into two bytes, and paired up as such in pattern: XX YY XX YY XX YY XX YY, and so forth.
    YY is the main part. Change it to certain numbers to define what kind of aspect you're changing in the animation, such as sprites and colors.
    XX is the variable for YY. Change it for different effects in the current aspect.

    Each code is read one by one per frame, unless confronted with wait commands.

    The list of codes:


    XX 00 effect mask
    XX 02 load tiles (pauses codes until graphics finish loading)
    XX 04 display tiles
    XX 06 tile effects
    XX 08 battle scene mods
    XX 0E ? (deals with background)
    XX 10 battle scene mods (slightly different)
    XX 16 effects, palette
    XX 1A placement/scrolling
    XX 1C secondary palette?
    XX 1E screen scroll to defender
    XX 20 screen shake (uses variable, no special codes)
    XX 22 add background hue
    XX 24 special masking? (fenrir triangle)
    XX 26 ? (deals with foreground)
    XX 28 load tiles (pauses codes until graphics finish loading) (different?)
    XX 2A play sound
    XX 2C play sound (slightly lower pitch)
    XX 2E play sound (slightly lowerer pitch)

    +$40 = add pause
    - waits for a fixed period based on the action to allow it to finish, saves on space instead of using the 54 code after everything
    - A3 56 for example will use a single animated white palette cycle from healing staves, but add a pause with it so that the next commands don't run while it's still cycling; it's also used for repeated single cycles such as the aforementioned)
    - causes lockups for stuff that usually isn't used with pauses; only recommended for these codes: 40, 42, 4E, 56, 5A, 5E, 68

    XX 54 wait command (frames)

    XX FF control code

    F8 FF pause for damage absorb, place after FA FF (as with rizziah)
    F9 FF the point where the target dodges if it's a miss (using more than one is fine, just add an additional FC FF after each)
    FA FF inflict damage if no miss
    FB FF pause for healing, heals target (meaning don't use this for attack magic)
    FC FF defender dodge action and reaction, must be placed after F9 FF (and the second FD FF) to prevent lockups
    FD FF cast, the first use starts the animation loop on the caster, the second FD FF is for resting
    FE FF wait? (doesn't do anything noticeable; free space)
    FF FF exit animation

    Now, let's take a look at an example custom animation I made: the Blazer tome. (no relation to the individual)

    Location: $17929D (Fire's original location)
    3B 08 3A 02 3B 68 17 1A 0A 46 01 2E
    1E 04 FD FF 0F 16 0B 06 0A 54 F9 FF
    01 2A 03 1E 12 1A 02 2A FA FF 48 1A
    10 16 10 54 FD FF FC FF 1F 04 12 56 36 08 FF FF

    Let's decode this, shall we? I have my own personal notes for all this, which I'll provide, of course. Detailed explanations are in bold.

    3B 08 begin animation? (is this necessary?) I'm not sure if this code is needed, but it's at the beginning of EVERY magic animation. Won't protest.
    3A-3B 02 wind This command preps the Wind tiles, by default 3A, and the pattern organizing them is 3B. I'm not positive the differences between 02 and 28, but left them be as it was how Wind originally loaded.
    17 1A behind attacker location This positions the 'main' segment of the Wind graphic just behind the attacker's location.
    0A-0B 06 unflatten appear (like fire, wind, etc) Preps the graphic for unflattening, making it appear out of thin air as the original Fire and Wind do.
    01 2E (sound) Sounds are important!
    1E 04 wind pattern? 04 codes display the tiles in a certain pattern, and no animation can function without one of these codes, without which there would be nothing to look at!
    FD FF attacker cast The first FD FF code makes the caster move their arm down and their cloak and hair whoosh in the wind until the next FD FF.
    0E-0F-10 16 bolganon red Bolganone is very convenient for reddish colors.
    0A-0B 06 unflatten appear (like fire, wind, etc)
    0A 54 wait In this case, I wanted the timing to appear just right. Liberal use of this ensures the animation flows well in your eyes!
    F9 FF dodge if miss The defender will dodge the moment this code comes up and the attack was a miss. You can have multiple in one animation for flavor purposes, but be sure to use an extra FC FF code for each.
    01 2A (sound)
    03 1E super fast camera pan This code shifts the camera over. Obviously, this is very important.
    12 1A scroll forward fast, defender detection Scrolls the displayed magic animation graphic towards the enemy until it touches their 'hitbox'. It's a big part of how the original Fire, Wind, and Elwind operate.
    02 2A (sound)
    FA FF hit if no miss Strikes and damages the defender at this point. Don't use more than one of these codes.
    48 1A something to do with bypassing target Haven't experimented much with this, but it's part of the aforementioned Fire/Wind/Elwind code. Didn't want to mess with it, and it seems to work with it.
    0E-0F-10 16 bolganon red The 10 16 code makes the Bolganone color fade out. A fair number of stringed-together color codes fade in, animate, and fade out in their respective colors in that numbered order. Experiment!
    10 54 wait
    FD FF attacker cast The caster lowers their arm and rests.
    FC FF defender dodge action and reaction If the target dodged, they will go back into a resting and/or ready pose so that they can animate on their turn.
    1F 04 clear wind pattern? Several animations have an additional 04 code at the end. I can only assume it clears the RAM so that future animations in the same battle don't get mucked.
    12 56 reset tile/palette effects This lovely code erases most graphics and resets colors to the base that the environment uses. Use it!
    36 08 end animation (I think this clears most non-tile effects) Like 3B 08, this code appears at the end of every animation. It probably resets 06 and 08 codes just in case.
    FF FF exit animation The second most important part of all, of course.

    Blazer is a simple C-rank Fire tome I designed to obviously emulate the original Wind in a fiery way. Feel free to copy this tome for your own use if you so desire.

    My full magic animation notes text is here. Contained within are all of my code notes, the addresses for the regular magic animations, and some data on graphics locations.

    Extra Tips

    - When choosing XX 16 codes, most of them animate a set of colors, but only certain 'single' colors in a palette. Not all of them cycle through them all and not all of them cycle period, so experiment thoroughly to find what looks best for your animation. There's a fair few colors to choose from, and I certainly haven't found them all.

    - Start from an existing magic animation close to what you're looking for (especially graphics-wise), and work from there. It's easier than starting from scratch.

    - Nearly all animations, when loading sprites, need a secondary or even tertiary code to load it all properly, as some of the 02 codes organize the tiles in a certain way as well. When loaded, they take up a specific place in the RAM, so it's important to use trickery or clear them when changing graphics in the middle of an animation and/or ending the animation fully, lest you make tacky displays.

    - Put a B7 16 code at the start of animations if you're having some color issues. It will clean up the 'base' color in the RAM so that the first one you load can 'fade in' proper.

    - Magic animations are in a specific section of the ROM and it is inadvisable to try and repoint them away. Errors have occurred for me and I don't want to see the same thing happen to you all, but feel free to give it a shot if adventurous. Maybe I just screwed up at that time.

    - Don't attempt to change the length of the space used for each without repointing to adjust when necessary. Each magic animation has its own length in bytes, listed in my accompanying notes.

    - Sound samples are hardcoded as far as I can tell, I can't find a way to change them. If you're modifying the animation for Thunder without changing anything else, it's only going to use the same samples as its item number for Thunder (43). If you want to use different sound effects, you're going to have to change from the item number itself. Don't forget to use the Magic Animation Editor in Nightmare as well if needed to shift things around.

    - Swords casting magic works in the same manner as tomes, no worries about those.

    - Keep an unmodified FE4 ROM on hand to check how the original animations were done. You'll definitely need them for reference, time and time again.

    - Long range tomes and ballistae and some other weapons have some sort of coding that adjusts the positions of the characters automatically at the start of battle. Use the Battle Positions Editor which is available in my FE4 resources topic.

    - If you need to add an extra magic tome to the list, item number 56 is notably non-glitchy unlike the rest, and uses Fire sound samples. Keep in mind that there's no way yet to change item icons, so you'd need to move broken tomes to a different number.

    - For the advanced, it's certainly possible to add your own graphics, so long as you use the proper codes to refer to them. Going step by step for this is really convoluted, and I'm not sure I'll even try to write a tutorial for that. Regardless, if I'm able to figure it out, I'm sure others could.

    Lots of credit to the japanese FE4 community whom I couldn't have gotten started on this without.

    Happy animating! Use this topic to ask about anything, especially if I didn't cover something, for the 3 other people into making FE4 projects.

  4. nightmare is just a tool to read data; if you can readjust the data yourself, you can make the necessary changes to nightmare to display more

    as far as I know, anyway; I don't know how FE7 works in this manner about supports, but my tip about nightmare is solid

  5. as an addendum to the above, event codes play a big part in how the map functions; try not to mess with character numbers (ID), AI, alignment, or adding more castles/villages in FE4MAP than the chapter's default without knowing what you're doing

    the MoveBlock thing is part of the map data, however event codes are needed to unlock blocked portions (hence the 'custom' option too)

    there's a glitch that occurs with some chapters when saving village/castle data(like chapter 3): the placement of the villages/castles in the ROM are too close together, and the editor overlaps the data, causing serious problems, notably of which is corrupting the shop data for all chapters... you'll have to step into the ROM itself to correct that, but it should be easy (relatively) to search for the stuff and correct it yourself

  6. Here's a bit of trivia: FE12 is beatable with only Marth on H2. This tells me there's a lot of things that look like like they're necessary, but aren't. This Asvel guy sounds like one of those things.

    tl;dr - If I can theoretically clear a draft of this game without X, Y, or Z, it's optional, and if it's found, more power to the player. If I do something that makes it near-impossible to complete the game, I want as much warning as possible.

    asvel himself is an average mage recruitable in a side chapter but he has an overpowered personal weapon to take advantage of

    unfortunately FE5 has some of those no-win situations that can happen... for example where you might be able to be stuck due to the fatigue system, like your thieves not being available for a chapter with lots of locks and you can literally be unable to bring all of your A-team in the final chapter if they're fatigued and you don't have enough/any S-drinks to reset them

    there's also a chapter where you can be stuck and be unable to progress if you can't unlock all of the doors, so you have to choose between being able to recruit someone PLUS a side chapter or get through the doors, and then there's the last two chapters too...

  7. photobucket? it's 2015, use imgur or dropbox

    pretty neat though, however I have to point out something/remind you to test about fire, wind, and resire: they use hitbox detection in FE4/5, so do the spells still look right at all ranges in your animations?

  8. feplus, your examples aren't actual problems, as they only seem problematic because the player would choose to ignore them; it's their own fault if they miss out on something explained to them, and it seems whiny

    going on that Mass Effect example, you ever play them at all? there are many points in the series where choosing not to act on commands or recommendations given to you could end up hurting your results, and when you learn after the fact, are you going to blame the game's design for your choice to ignore them?

    3. Sety instructs his men to rescue the captives; okay, why? Do you get a special item? Do you unlock a special scene? Do all the captives need to escape, or just most of them, or just one? No, all the captives need to escape, and your reward is a gaiden map full of experience and an invaluable boss-killing mage.

    so why wouldn't you rescue them, is it too difficult? the player did not follow orders and did not do the humanitarian thing, so should the game handfeed you for not doing something other than just clearing the map? IIRC the other FEs don't exactly spell out their gaiden chapters either, and while you say it's pretty much unfair for a game series to do that, frankly I enjoy discovering hidden content, which you should keep in mind is a big part of videogames in general

    in fact, finding hidden stuff tends to make the game far easier than it would be without, not making the game harder if you didn't find them... and there's a big difference in that way, regardless of whether the hidden stuff is spelled out to you, hinted at, or totally secret

    2. Is the game still beatable without the axes? If it is, then they're not absolutely necessary, and a player should be able to figure out how to work around it (it's not like those guys disappeared off the face of the roster screen). If the game isn't beatable without those axes, then that's outright bad design. I think there'd be a much bigger uproar if the latter case was true.

    the pugi axe is a personal weapon, an overpowered thrown killer axe, and the hero axe is strong for its low rank of D, and you get them in chapter 1; of course they're not necessary to beat the game, especially if you don't decide to focus on axe users, but they make fighting easier, just like any other missed good items (or characters like Tiki, Haar, Navarre clones, and others the games hint at being recruitable) in other FEs

    As to how to make the game "easier". . .if the unfair things mentioned above were explicitly explained, would the game's difficulty drop significantly?

    if you ask me, the game's difficulty wouldn't drop, because all that's changed is clearer information, which doesn't have an effect on the actual challenge, but the game would be less immersive and perhaps more... amateur? and unenjoyable, if you get what I mean, if everything was spelled out to you

    take for example if the game listed these off out of the blue:

    Chapter 16B

    Shanam: Recruit by talking with Homeros.

    Sara: Recruit by talking with Leaf.

    Miranda: Recruit by ending Leaf's turn on the castle.

    Item: Luna Scroll, steal from enemy.

    Item: Pugi Axe, steal from enemy.

    Item: Wind Sword, steal from enemy.

    Item: Berserk Staff, steal from enemy.

    Item: Master Bow, steal from enemy.

    Hazard: Warp Tile, located at (x, y)

    Hazard: Warp Tile, located at...

    and so on and so forth... the game shouldn't be making the checklists for you, you should be doing it yourself by trial and error and learning about the game(although as stated before the warp tiles are bad design), and not being given a strategy guide from the get-go, because then what's the point (these are my own preferences talking)

  9. still been working on my project on and off, mostly off, I did add a chapter progress meter to the original post though

    not exactly sure how much progress I'll be making anytime soon with dungeon fighter online being rereleased, ohoho

    but here have a pair of custom B-rank magic animations, if I can quit being lazy I'll probably write a tutorial sometime


  10. cryptic hints are pretty much a staple, I mean FE7 had a whole feature that was about that (augury) but I think having hints in conversation or in-chapter events works better

    while having leaf and lifis get captured in chapter 4 is a pretty big surprise, I don't think it detracted much, and you can get their original items from the chests anyway (and with a few extras IIRC if you didn't load them up)

    things like the above mentioned capturing and escaping could have been handled better as it can be a pretty annoying thing, I don't doubt my first time playing FE5 I saved over my savefile when having leaf escape earlier than most, thankfully I had savestates at the time despite how cheaty it is, but all in all it's pretty gross

  11. I would agree if Thracia was primarily one-off stuff. Like, the hostile green units are fucking hilarious once you get over the shock of it, but that's something you can see once, go "Okay, that was funny", then complete the map on your second try. Compare that to...say, 24x. Fog of War? Check. All kinds of status staves being thrown around? Check. Unmarked teleport tiles that requires you to burn a Rescue staff? Check and check. Oh, and don't hit too many of the invisible tiles, because you can have at most 9 Rescue charges. And don't forget that because of the way escape maps work, anyone that you don't rescue is dead. 100% gone forever, with all of their equipment.

    You could argue that it's "fair" in as much as Thracia is ever "fair", doubly so since it is the penultimate chapter of the game. But that's the exact kind of stuff that could (and should!) be smoothed over. You don't need to gut Thracia's difficulty to make it more accessible, you just need to gut it's bullshit.

    well in that particular case there's no question that the warp tiles in 16B and 24x are fake difficulty

    some proper event editing can easily remove them if a balance patch needed it

  12. why not? tricking the player and providing incomplete (essential) information seems like bad design

    two parts of strategy are learning from surprise situations and mistakes, and gambling can still provide a kick as well

    FE is replayable from restarting the chapters, and sure it can get frustrating in some areas, but it's a learning experience as much as a careful decision experience

  13. my opinions in bold

    Here's some ideas I have on ways to make it easier:

    -Make Leif gain better stat up on promotion, and perhaps give him better bases and/or growths as well. I'm thinking maybe give him +2 to all stats on promotion, 30 base HP, 5 base Str, 30% Mag growth, 5 base Skl, 5 base Def and 30% Def growth.

    Leaf is pretty much the worst lord in the series after Roy, and only because he has access to skills and personal weapons, I can be down with this if it's not too gratuitous.

    -Maybe make stats lower less or not lower at all when trying to capture. But this could also make it easier for the enemy, thereby making it harder for you, so I'm not too certain on how to deal with this one.

    Capturing is already easy enough once you have the proper equipment set up, making it easier might as well give you infinite gold. Trying to capture everything that moves isn't advised.

    -Maybe give Eyvel the bases and/or growths for her to be more usable when you get her back. Like maybe 40 base HP with a 50% growth, 15 base Str with a 20% growth, and 10 base Def.

    This wouldn't be a bad idea. As she is, I believe her stats just use the same from the beginning. She could be easily changed.

    -Let dismounted units not be sword-locked and/or not have their stats lowered. Or maybe get rid of dismounting altogether, and make Lance Knights more like Cavaliers.

    I actually experimented with a patch once where being dismounted allowed units to use some of the same weapons while mounted, whilst also giving swords/axes to Pegasus/Dragon Knights. It wasn't too bad, but axes and lances are a bit too strong overall for utilizing it.

    -Makes tomes less heavy. Shadow Dragon is the only FE to give tomes a realistic weight(no book should have a weight greater than 5). Or maybe just get rid of weapon weight, and have Con only affect capturing and rescuing. Or perhaps even keep weight, but make it go off strength like in Tellius/FE11. For specifics I'd make Fire weigh 1, Elfire 2, Meteor 5, Thunder 1, Thoron 2, Dime Thunder 3, Thunderstorm 5, Wind 1, Tornado 2, Blizard 5, Grafcalibur 1, Forseti 2, Lightning 2, Nosferatu 3, Yotsmungand 3, and the other dark tomes 5.

    This wouldn't be a bad idea if it weren't for the need to rebalance everything else as a result. It may cause more headaches than cure them, and it makes your spellcasters even more overpowered than they already are, and most of them are.

    -Make Fog of War work more like it did in the GBA games, or get rid of it altogether. Namely, make thieves have 8 vision range, make torches not lose their range of vision, make the Torch staff light around a selected space on the screen rather than work like a Torch, make spaces 'foggy' rather than pitch black so that terrain is still visible, and make your unit immediately able to see around them after moving, rather than after your turn.

    Creating an ability to extend vision range would be much more doable than making a translucent fog layer. Frankly, I believe it helps make Thracia Thracia.

    -Maybe get rid of the Fatigue system.

    This is a unique trait for the game.

    -Give Olwen better defensive(i.e. Hp, Def, and Res) bases and/or growths. Like 40 base HP, and 9 base Def. Maybe also 12 base Mag, 10 base Skl, and 11 base Spd, so she'll cap them more often.

    Not every character needs to cap stats, particularly a prepromote whom shouldn't be expected to.

    -Buff Saias so there's reason to choose him over Ced. I'm thinking buff his base HP to 37, base Skl to 17, base Spd to 16 and Spd growth to 50, base Lck to 14, and base Def to 10, so that he'll have better stats as a tradeoff for Ced getting Forseti.

    I like this idea, but frankly he needs a better choice as opposed to that overpowered spell. Additional items, maybe even more Leadership Stars than he already comes with.

    -Maybe nerf staves. Definitely make healing staffs unable to miss though. Perhaps lower the amount of staff using enemies as well.

    How do you expect to nerf them? Additionally, the main contributing factor to having staves at all is stealing them from enemies. Take that away and all you're left with are Live Staff users forever.

    -Give Lara better stats as a dancer. Don't make her lose stats when class changing to one, buff her base Def to 3, and buff her HP growth to 50.

    Lara can change class three times. If you're so concerned for her stats, give her scrolls.

    -Give Ronan a better Str growth(like around 60). Keep his Mag growth though, as it makes him useful against Mages, given that Mag is also Res in ths game.

    That's way too much for a 20 cap, especially with the minor boost from promotion and scrolls. 5-10% increase or an increase to his base would be enough.

    -Swap Safy's Str and Def growths. Why would she even need that Str?

    Why would she even need that Def?

    -Buff Lifis's Def growth to 20.

    +5% is decent but doesn't seem necessary for a Thief.

    -Buff Karin's base Str to 7, Def growth to 20, and her Mag growth to 25.

    Strength boost isn't needed.

    -Buff Dalsin's speed growth to 30 and his base Spd to 5.

    His speed growth is already pretty high for an armor unit. If he needs more, give him the Sety scroll that you get right in the next chapter after he joins.

    -Buff Marty's Skl and Spd growth's to 20.

    I think instead of one of those he could get a Str growth boost instead, and raise his Skl/Spd bases.

    -Buff Eda's Def growth to 30, base HP to 29, and base Con to 9.

    Con increase would be good, but maybe to 8; anything else isn't needed due to her decent growths.

    -Prevent Charge/Duel from being able to activate against long rage magic or ballistas.

    This has a secondary use in being able to wear down their uses with high HP units. Keep in mind that it doesn't activate if the owner has lower current HP to begin with. Otherwise, the option left is to change it to FE4's version, which wasn't really that good since it wasn't as reliable; it's pretty good as it is.

    -Buff Sara's HP growth to 50 and Def growth to 20.

    Sara's stats and growths are already insane as a glass cannon, not to mention the skills. Don't make her even better; just give her rings or scrolls.

    -Nerf Reinhardt. Lower his HP to 40, his Str to 12, his Mag to 18, his Def to 10, his Con to 10, his Mov to 8, and his Lead and Mov stars to 4. Take away his Pavise skill as well. That or make him recruitable by talking with Olwen, like the alleged prototype information Arch collected suggests.

    Reinhardt is pretty much harder than the final bosses by default. Removing this challenge is too much, if you ask me. Having him recruitable would make it even more pointless.

    -Allow players to reposition units before battle, of course.

    There's a patch for that now, while it's not able to manually swap, it's much easier than before.

    -Either give a warning that Leif has to be the last to escape an escape chapter, or remove that requirement.

    That's easily done in dialogue exposition.

    -Buff the base stats Selphina and the knights accompanying her by around 1-2 points.

    All of their growths are fine enough. They don't need more help.

    -Remove List, Pauls, Zoam, and Reinhardt's Pavise skills.

    It's luck-related, but I don't think it's necessary to remove them.

    -Give Grafcalibur 60 uses, like the other Prf. weapons.

    Grafcalibur is fine. Using more than one or two iterations of it is more than enough due to how much strength it has, and once Asvel starts doubling he'll always crit with it; by then you should have access to Thunder and Wind instead.

    -Make Wrath able to activate when paired with Vantage.

    Wrath is already pretty much the best skill in the game, plus you get a manual for it early on. Making it better isn't needed.

    -Increase the amount of Master Seals/Knight Crests found in the game.

    One or two more should do it. Other than that, you don't need so many, and you can just buy them in Ch.22.

    -Maybe include a short bow, which is weaker than other bows but has a 1-2 attack range.

    I don't think FE5 is compatible with this; the battle scene will probably freeze as it would in FE4, but in both games testing would be required, methinks.

    -Buff the base Def of the bow users. Give Tania about 12, Ronan about 16, Selphina about 13, and Robert about 8.


    -Lower the prices at shops.

    If prices are too expensive, do more capturing. If capturing is too hard, use mounted units and Hero-effect weapons.

    -Make all the Manster characters start with equipment.

    They're imprisoned.

    -Give Machua 6 base Str.

    I'd be fine with this, although she tends to do pretty well on her own with her 3x counter-crit.

    -Lower the number of reinforcements and enemies in Chapter 4.

    The number of enemies behind the doors is annoyingly high, but reinforcements are a pushover and only serve to waste your weapon and vulnerary uses. Make better use of your time, as there's a period where there's no reinforcements.

    -Remove Yotsmungand's poison effect.

    It's fine as it is.

    -Remove the Meteor Bishop and Silver Bow Archer from chapter 5.

    Use better strategy.

    -Lower the number of enemies in chapter 6.

    You don't have to fight that giant army over there. If you want the stuff from the houses, measure risk-reward.

    -Make Shiva a stationary non-aggressive unit, and buff his move growth to 5.

    Don't underestimate move growth, particularly since growth triggers every time you gain EXP (or maybe it's just any battle/staffing period, I can't quite recall)

    -Nerf Gomes's Str to 14 and Def to 10.

    He's pretty tough due to that stupid throne bonus. I can agree with at least nerfing his defense.

    -Replace the Killer Lances held by the Wyvern Riders in chapter 9 with Steel ones.

    I can get behind this a bit. It's a little too early for enemies to be carrying Killer weapons.

    -Nerf the hit chance of ballistae by about 10%.

    The hit rate is fine. Take your time.

    -Lower the number of Archers and Mages in Chapter 11x.

    How do you expect them to attack you? Plus, there's not many enemies in the chapter to begin with. It only seems like more because of the fog.

    -Buff Mareeta's Def growth to 25 and Mov growt to 5.

    Like Sara, Mareeta's overpowered already. Totally not necessary.

    -Buff Glade's growths by 5%

    His growths are fine.

    -Lower the amount of reinforcements in chapter 13

    It's meant to be a castle assault. Besides, you're not meant to stick around.

    -Buff Homer's Def growth to 25%

    His growths are fine.

    -Lower the number of enemies in chapter 14

    It's a defense chapter. If you want to be aggressive, it's your own fault.

    -Lower the number of Pegasus Knights in chater 14x

    I can kind of agree with this, but since reinforcements are randomly generated in this chapter it can't be fixed as easily. Regardless, since enemies will always go for an instant capture, it's easy to take them out.

    -Give enemy Saias 3 Leadership stars.

    Or you could just wait until he leaves; both 17A and 22 will have him leave after a period of time.

    -Lower the amount of reinforcements in chapter 17A

    The A route is meant to be more difficult, and I'm pretty sure the dialogue even states it. Much more EXP for one's trouble.

    -Give the chapter 17A Mage knights Thunder instead of Thoron.

    The Gelb Ritter wouldn't be carrying measly Thunder tomes. Regardless, you shouldn't dawdle, and go for bottlenecking them on a bridge.

    -Buff Shanam's Skl growth to 30

    Shanam's meant to be a piece of crap, but if you want to buff him, be my guest...

    -Buff Miranda's base HP to 20, base Def to 2, and base Lck to 8.

    As an Est-type character and with fitting growths, I don't think it's necessary. I think it would be better if instead her base weapon EXP was increased.

    -Give the Member Card to an enemy unit in chapter 18 rather than make it a reward for having all Leonster soldiers survive.

    I agree that the Member Card is next to impossible to get. Giving it to one of the Thieves on the right side that pop up out of the stairs would be much more reasonable, as they will quickly try to escape.

    -Buff Misha's base Str to 11.

    Her Str is fine, and besides she's quite effective with magic swords from the get-go.

    -Buff Xavier's base Spd to 9, and his Mov growth to 5.

    Not necessary, he's an armor unit.

    -Buff Amalda's base Mag to 15, Skl to 13, Lck to 12, and Def to 11.

    Don't you think her Str should get an increase instead? Regardless, +1 in some other stats and whatnot seem alright due to her class, ranking, and recruit time.

    -Buff Conomore's base Str to 16, Spd to 15, Lck to 10, and Def to 13.

    Speed is too high, but all-around stat increase should be fine like above.

    -Remove the Ballistae from chapter 20.

    Having them pop up as reinforcements is a bit awkward. However, having them as enemies in a defense chapter is fine.

    -Lower the number of Reinforcements in chapter 21

    They're a pushover. Just use good judgement.

    -Remove the staves from Saias and Coen in chapter 22.

    Take your time and bring Restore staves.

    -Remove the reinforcements from chapter 22.

    It's the near end of the game. Is that really necessary?

    -Remove the reinforcements from chapter 23.

    See above.

    -Remove the status staves form the enemies in chapter 24 and 24x.

    See above.

  14. I think FE5 is probably the most underrated because it's often handwaved away by its bad rap given over time by people that suck at the game [/elitism]

    also FE11 is overrated because to me, remakes are put on a pedestal and it failed expectations to provide something better than the original, and in my humble opinion I can play FE3 book 1 instead and not feel like I'm missing out on anything important in FE11

  15. what I mean is, if you ask someone (like myself) about their project(s), it would be handy if you had a list of stuff to go over, like an interview, covering all the bases while leaving room for personal input and tastes

    can go over one's project with a bit more detail the first time, while in subsequent 'issues' minor updates can be noted alongside other projects as sidebar-stuff

    I'm just throwing out ideas though, trying to help with coming up with things

    also I wouldn't mind at all if you wanted to talk about mine, and/or get my input if needed

  16. face it, FE3 is just not as tasty anymore especially due to the remakes, and it has charm, but not enough charm to hold the interest for a lot of people

    if you're desperate enough to make an awesome hack though (FE3), you will need to make your own resources (modules, et al.)

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