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Der Kommissar

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Everything posted by Der Kommissar

  1. Better watch out, WotC has been cracking down on anyone who dares to redistribute shit twinkie.
  2. I think square is the top is the cool shape of the world.
  3. In Japan, child molestation is a time-honored tradition.
  4. You can easily get the books on 4chan's /rs/, if you're willing to put up with downloading Cadillacs and Dinosaurs or Touhou futa once or twice.
  5. >Implying that a retard tennis match is as important as a political realignment in a highly militarized country seeking nuclear weapons
  6. 4e is pretty heavily dependent on grid use. I wouldn't recommend it without unless you're experienced with it/have experienced players/both. Not to say it's impossible.
  7. He's saying that the Catholic church has a history of being laughably wrong. Which is, you know, true.
  8. Ah fuck, I can't believe you've done this.
  9. I enjoyed it as a child. Not my favorite movie, not even then, but it was fun.
  10. I modified my Xbox 360 to play PS3 games, but it turns out there aren't any.
  11. It speaks of rather poor grasp of the situation on Obama's part.
  12. Most people that fake one mental illness are going to have another. A great, great many psych drugs are not merely highly unpleasant, but also expensive.
  13. Retards like you are why cops find teens hung by their belts in their closets, Crepe Knight.
  14. Lack of a sense of civil responsibility is what got us Chimpy the Clown for a president twice in a row. Geopolitics are important. Even if you don't understand, you should at least know what's going on.
  15. Blacken's right. Mental illnesses are not "take a magic pill and it all goes away painlessly" things, not most of the time. Nor are you, as a layman, going to treat said illness. If you suspect depression/suicidal intentions, the best thing you can do is provide emotional support on demand and inform a person of authority (one of their parents, a school administrator, preferrably a doctor), even if it's "betraying their trust." The general rule of "tell someone else" applies with pretty much any mental illness.
  17. By the state response "not being pretty," of course, he means that the state and agents of the state are variously beating, arresting, and murdering citizens for their outrage over their vote being so blatantly and ham-handedly stolen. Basiji militia filth have, recently, begun raiding homes to stop the nightly shouting from the rooftops of "Allahu Akbar," with its history as a rallying call both in the last revolution and as an expression often used in outrage/anger besides. The most recent development had the Guardian Council confirming that Ahmadinejad won after doing a partial recount, a result that has been expected since the government deigned to pretend they cared what the citizens thought. People are still infuriated and protesting, and the establishment forces can count on the full support of little but their direct toadies - the police are divided, the clerics are divided, the state military is "neutral," and even elements of the IRGC have shown elements supporting the protestors' complaints.
  18. I care not from whence the butthurt flows, so long as it flows. Call it an added bonus.
  19. I'm 100% serious. I'm willing and eager to endure a mechanic that upsets and alienates tourneyfags.
  20. Even a few other communities I frequent that DO care about geopolitics are starting to flag on their Iran news. There's been some especially nasty and violent crackdowns by Basiji filth lately.
  21. It makes tourneyfags cry. It was a wonderful idea. I award Sakurai a phantom jerk-off for it.
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