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Der Kommissar

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Everything posted by Der Kommissar

  1. Even SF can't lose to a soulless show whose main drive seems to be to advertise pizza and interest ugly Japanese girls.
  2. Your line of questioning makes me suspect that you're a filthy fascist spy.
  3. There's only room for one Konata here.
  4. I find the absence of certain comrades most distressing.
  5. ...except you gave an absurd example, justifying YK's post. Oops.
  6. What, sex? It's not. Hence the term FRIENDS with benefits.
  7. I'm in your topic. Shitting it up.
  8. Karl Marx says "Just say "No!" to religion."
  9. Sirius is correct, too. Which is why I quoted him.
  10. Sex is fairly tangled in actual emotional connections, so that can be an issue. There's nothing wrong with friends with benefits, though.
  11. Der Kommissar


    No pet. Had a dog for many years. He was awesome.
  12. With respect, I'm not interested in your opinion any more than I am mr_e_s's. I'm not stating anything that's not plain for all to see.
  13. Perhaps you should watch Colbert more than often, then your jokes might be funny.
  14. Your average 4channer can at least construct a coherent sentence, even on /b/. You don't have to be an illiterate moron (like your average gamefaqs mouthbreather) to have weird fucking fetishes. I don't utilize the shitty, shitty knockoff chans, so I can't speak to the quality of their memberbases. You can feel free to try again to defend the undefendable. It's endearing, in a retarded sort of way.
  15. So what you're really trying to say is you know I'm right, yes? Yeah, I thought so. There are big communities whose memberbases don't even approach the shit level of the gamefaqs community. See SomethingAwful and, hilariously, 4chan. Not exactly bastions of brilliance, but far from the dark realm of the functionally retarded. I am.
  16. Well I lost my arm in the war.
  17. The Revolution goes where it wills. There's a lamp post with your name on it, if you'll have it that way.
  18. Gamefaqs is a website whose only saving grace are its FAQs. The memberbase is a collection of infantile pants-shitting retards, and the moderation staff is a collection of infantile pants-shitting retards with mod permissions. At least it's not the youtube community.
  19. No class traitors allowed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCFibtD3H_k
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