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Everything posted by Redwall

  1. You should restart. Your only options of 2-range damage are Virion and Frederick, but Virion is complete trash without DLC. Lon'qu isn't getting around Counter without lucky crits.
  2. From what I understand, there exist many such possible ways of increasing the reliability via a sacrifice. For this reason, I think most readers would give you more style points for a somewhat less reliable no-deaths clear than for a highly reliable one-death clear. It's up to you, though.
  3. 1. Rally Spectrum 2. Rally Spectrum 3. Rally Spectrum 4. Rally Spectrum 5. Rally Spectrum 6. Deliverer 7. Rally Speed 8. Ignis 9. Rally Magic 10. Sol
  4. the expected damage sustained with Dual Guard+ as your ability scales as c*(0.9 - g), where c is some constant and g is your Dual Guard rate before Dual Guard+. the expected damage sustained with Aegis scales as c*(1-Skl/200)*(1-g), where c is the same constant. for modest values of Skl, Dual Guard+ is preferable. suppose a unit has 30 Skl and 20% DG rate before DG+. with Aegis, you sustain c*0.85*0.8 = 0.68c damage, while with DG+, you sustain 0.7c damage. however, the difference is not large enough to justify the fact that DG+ also works against physical attacks.
  5. By 2 WEXP per round of combat, I mean that if Morgan doubles an enemy and swings twice, he will get 2 WEXP total; if he doesn't double an enemy and swings once, he will still get 2 WEXP total. I haven't tested this carefully, but that's what the SF calculations page suggests.
  6. Stats in a vacuum mean little, and Chrom has Falchion for C5, C7, C9, and Final. Chrom is useful without hogging the lead support slot, and can pass Rightful King to Morgan. 8/10 for Sully. Overrated as heck, but her mobility helps in C3 and she can get Deliverer. Discipline gives her good weapons to make up for her so-so stats.
  7. Most: Elincia (HM Lucina) Least: Tharja Most: Lucius (HM Marth) Least: Brom
  8. Cordelia's unchanged six-stat-up quote after she gets an S support. (someone had to say it!)
  9. EXP growth will slow down for promoted units (not so for unpromoted), as they suffer from a pretty sizable tax to their cumulative level. I don't think it should matter too much in this case, but unless you're itching for an extra Lv 5 skill, it shouldn't hurt to wait until hitting Lv 20 Dark Flier for the reclass.
  10. Swords are the weakest but most accurate; hence they receive boosts to Atk but no boosts to Hit. Lances (and bows and tomes) are intermediate; hence they receive a smaller Atk boost and a smaller Hit boost. Axes are the strongest but least accurate; hence they receive no Atk boost but full boosts to Hit. That's the best I've got.
  11. http://www.serenesforest.net/fe13/calculation.html The bottom of the page suggests that it's 2 WEXP per round, and not 1 WEXP per swing. Haven't tested this myself, though I bet others here can confirm.
  12. I wonder why people make these sorts of posts to begin with if they're not even going to cite any sources or stick around for discussion. -If you believe in a heliocentric solar system (as Rick Perry seems to, since he compared himself to Galileo during the presidential campaign) and if you know basic trigonometry (parallax), you cannot believe in a young universe unless the speed of light has somehow varied with time. -Science can't prove jack. It can disprove things, and so far, evolution has not been disproven, even though there are countless ways to do so in principle.
  13. Computing WEXP in terms of swings is technically incorrect; you get 2 WEXP per round of combat whether or not you double. In any case, getting the requisite WEXP looks doable with or without the one round of combat in C23. 4/6/6/6/4/4 looks just barely manageable for Chapters 17/18/19/20/21/22.
  14. It looks to me like two Rescue users are needed to get to enemy #13 (or 12), one must Pair with Galeforcer1, one must Pair with Galeforcer2, and one more would be needed to get Olivia in position for Galeforcer2's partner to Rescue (I expect this last one is necessary even with perfect Mag levels and the Spirit Dust since Anna and Libra don't gain EXP that quickly). This makes for five Rescuers (Cordelia, Lissa, Maribelle, Anna, Libra). The problem is that enemies #13 and #23 are Swordmasters, and #12 is an Assassin. I would expect that even with perfect Spd level-ups, the Naga's Tear, and the C16 Speedwing, Morgan will not double these guys without Rally Speed support, which takes away one Rescuer (Cordelia). A Dual Attack wouldn't work on the SM since the SM has 19 Res. I think your plan can work if Avatar has enough Spd level-ups to double #23, and #12 (who has like 9 Res) is taken out with a Dual Attack from Anna (Morgan in the lead). It would probably require really good Mag level-ups on the staffbots, especially the one carried by Avatar. My positioning problems with C23 came from the initial position; the aggregate enemy range consumed all but one square near the starting position. I used that one square as a home for Libra (pocket Tharja), who supported with Ward and later blocked the stairs. Beyond that, I fielded only two combat pairs (Tiki/Say'ri, Morgan/Lucina). It took me a bit of time to reach Validar since everyone on my team was a 6-Mov unit. I probably won't play this through again; mostly I wrote this for fun and for others to improve on.
  15. I thought about trying something like that, but the problem was that both Morgan and the Avatar were in 6-Mov classes (GM and Sorc, respectively) at the time; I needed Ruin to ORKO Walhart in C20, and Rally Spectrum wound up being useful against Grima. If both Morgan and the Avatar were in mounted classes, then an idea like yours probably would have worked. I probably didn't make the best reclassing choices.
  16. On my team, the only two units capable of ORKOing the boss were the Avatar and Morgan, who were both Paired together to allow for Galeforce-chaining. I'm not sure what the best option for quickly reaching the C21 boss would be in your type of LTC (one that considers all Paralogues optional) since Galeforce might not be worth its weight in turns (Lunatic) without using Paralogues 2 and 3 for training.
  17. Thanks. For C21, there exist some enemies present in Lunatic who are not present in Hard that make things a bit different. Now that I think about it, a Valkyrie might also help in C23 since she can Rescue some allies towards good rout spots.
  18. Red Fox has documented a two-turn clear without Galeforce.
  19. No Spotpass team sells it. You'll either have to wait it out or fight it with units you don't plan on using (Say'ri?).
  20. You don't need OP units to two-turn the chapter on no-grind Lunatic. You do need Rescue staves, though.
  21. Can you secure 26 EXP with Mio on turn 1 of C17? It looks like it would be challenging to one-turn with neither Anna nor Galeforce.
  22. Thanks for the feedback. C11: Yeah, the lone Thief makes things a bit tricky since he's so far from the center fort (which is where I placed my Dark Flier Avatar on turn one). I don't recall the Sage charging at me during that enemy phase, and I had to use turn two to intercept the Thief. My only capable combatants were Fred and Avatar, so a two-turn clear would have been rather tricky, assuming it's possible at all under the constraints of my run. A two-turn clear would likely have forced me to skip the Bullion (L), which would have made things in later chapters a bit less reliable. C12: I could see a three-turn clear with a bit of rigging for dodges. A two-turn clear would have been much more challenging. C15: A three-turn clear is almost certainly possible with good reclassing choices. Fred was almost useless by this point, and my second Galeforcer was a ~16/1 GM Morgan who was just starting to get his sea legs; with my reclasses, three turns would have been rather unlikely, and would probably have forced me to skip a least a couple of the villages. C21: Valkyrie Avatar sounds like a viable way of getting a one-turn clear, though I would be concerned about her performance in C23 (squishy) and 24 (forests reduce her move to 2 IIRC?). It's an interesting idea. C23: Yeah, I really had no clue what to do here with only four viable combat pairs (Morgan/Lucina, Tiki/Say'ri, Flavia/Basilio, Avatar/Chrom), hence the seven-turn clear. Didn't help that I couldn't field anyone else other than Libra + Pairbot due to the aggregate enemy attack range being so huge. It would be interesting to see how you and others approach this. C24: A good flier, like your suggestion of Griffon Morgan, probably would have permitted a two-turn clear. I'm not sure if I made the best reclassing choices. C26: I had to Rally a lot; Lissa used Rally Magic, Morgan used Rally Spectrum, Libra used Rally Luck (to boost Chrom's Hit), and Basilio used Rally Strength. Additionally, Henry was necessary for Hex + Anathema. If I had done a better job training Chrom, a one-turn clear may have been doable at realistic odds. I should have the Prologue up in a few minutes.
  23. 1. No Renown, Spotpass, DLC, Anna shops, event-tile weapons etc. 2. All first-generation characters needed to be recruited. Children were optional. 3. P1-4 and 17 were required; other Paralogues were optional but counted for turns. 4. Soft resets were needed upon character deaths. Towards the beginning of the playthrough, I wasn't too concerned with getting the absolute lowest turncounts in certain stages, which is why my Prologue and C1-5 clears are each a turn above the established minima, though as soon as C6 (the first stage for which there doesn't exist a fully documented Lunatic LTC solution) began, I started getting a bit more fussy. I didn't reset for growths; after clearing Ch 3, I overwrote my save after receiving a favorable level-up for Fred while I was testing the C3 enemy AI, but that was the closest thing I did wrt growth-rigging. My C20 clear was pretty sketchy, but my team certainly had the firepower to clear the level reliably, albeit at a slower pace. The long-term plan was to, with proper support, Galeforce the crap out of everything. I trained two Galeforcers instead of one, but under my constraints, this was a decision with no opportunity cost; Tiki's map required either a lightning-fast player-phase attack or a sturdy defense capable of withstanding several turns of enemy-phase combat, and given the nature of the playthrough, I was inclined to choose the former option. Galeforce alone wasn't enough, however; enemy stats were rather high towards the end of the game, necessitating the use of Rallies. Finally, because obnoxious maps like C23 featured ridiculous numbers of strong enemies in wide-open spaces, Nosferatu wound up finding use as a source of enemy-phase healing. Pre 2 C5 6 P4 5 C15 4 C21 2 Pro 5 C6 4 C10 2 C16 1 C22 1 C1 5 C7 3 C11 3 C17 1 P9 2 C2 7 C8 6 C12 4 C18 1 C23 7 (ugh) C3 5 P2 5 C13 1 P17 2 C24 3 C4 5 P3 4 C14 2 C19 1 C25 1 P1 7 C9 4 P12 2 C20 1 Fin 2 I deliberately slowed down in C14 and P12 to get Galeforce and train Morgan, respectively; I believe these were beneficial actions from a turncount perspective, and will elaborate at some point. As for Final, my team was really weak and lacking in real (non-Galeforce) mobility; clearing the level with any reliability required enough infrastructure to slow me down a turn from the absolute minimum. My Avatar was named Pam, and had +Mag asset and -Lck flaw. Prologue (5/7) Chapter 1 (5/12) Chapter 2 (7/19) Chapter 3 (5/24) Chapter 4 (5/29) Paralogue 1 (7/36) Chapter 5 (6/42) Chapter 6 (4/46) Chapter 7 (3/49) Chapter 8 (6/55) Paralogue 2 (5/60) Paralogue 3 (4/64) Chapter 9 (4/68) Paralogue 4 (5/73) Chapter 10 (2/75) Chapter 11 (3/78) Chapter 12 (4/82) Chapter 13 (1/83) Chapter 14 (2/85) Paralogue 12 (2/87) Chapter 15 (4/91) Chapter 16 (1/92) Chapter 17 (1/93) Chapter 18 (1/94) Paralogue 17 (2/96) Chapter 19 (1/97) Chapter 20 (1/98) Chapter 21 (2/100) Chapter 22 (1/101) Paralogue 9 - Cynthia (2/103) Chapter 23 (7/110) Chapter 24 (3/113) Chapter 25 (1/114) Final (2/116) Stats and reclasses before Final Bro, should you even Galeforce?
  24. LM enemies are numerous and strong enough to create a huge gap between the "efficient" and the inefficient characters, much larger than what exists in HM; for this reason, while using unconventional character setups is certainly viable, it will take a rather large amount of babying. If you plan to use all those guys you've listed in a single playthrough, you'll probably need to visit pretty much every kid Paralogue you can. Alternatively, you can pick just a few of them and play at a somewhat brisker pace, but the pace will nonetheless be much slower than in HM.
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