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Everything posted by Redwall

  1. I don't see the problem. It's not like this is getting submitted to PNAS or anything.
  2. I always park Henry or Tharja right next to Grima to decrease his Avo by 25 (Hex + Anathema). With your projected numbers for Morgan and Lucina, something like this should boost your success rate even higher.
  3. The support "levels" do stack, but the max bonus is like twelve levels (for reference, an S support provides about five levels), which corresponds to like +20 Hit/Avo/etc.
  4. Eh, this strikes me as more of a for-fun thing as opposed to a logically rigorous evaluation. I don't think it's necessary to finish the game prior to rating characters.
  5. All Rally skills you have go off. A character who has both Rally Heart and Rally Spectrum will give +6 to all non-Mov stats and +1 to Mov. You can't stack two of the same Rally, though.
  6. The only person for whom Outdoor Fighter is a really good skill in a standard Lunatic playthrough is a Wyvern Lord Sully, except Sully is not nearly as good as Panne in Lunatic. Due to his low Spd, Fred doesn't dodge unless he's got WTA against the most inaccurate enemies. Lucina prefers to stay in the Lord tree because of Rapiers and higher Spd. As for Chrom, I suspect that most teams would benefit more from having him as a Pairbot more than a primary combatant after the early game.
  7. Pair Up is totally overpowered; while the inclusion of a high number of strong enemies renders many of your combat units impractical, it also has the effect of causing your good units to grow very strong in a short period of time. You don't even need the Avatar to make this apparent; the game has been beaten on Lunatic without grinding, and without stars like Avatar, Panne, and Nowi, just because force-feeding a million kills to even the average units (Sully, Lon'qu) has the effect of making them rather good. Old-school Rescue has many uses beyond "avoiding consequences." It is extremely important in efficient play to get the Lord in position for a quick seize, for example.
  8. OK, updated the OP with the remaining stages. Unless people want logs of the Spotpass Paralogues, this will be my last update. Thanks for reading.
  9. Even the Avatar, ostensibly the Mary Sue-est of them all, compliments Cordelia.
  10. http://www.serenesforest.net/fe13/calculation.html This link explains it better than I can. I would lean towards either Hero (for Sol) or Dark Knight (pretty well-rounded stats, and Slow Burn might actually be useful since Lunatic+ is somewhat slow-paced). I don't think your Avatar has enough durability for face-tanking with a Bow Knight. Getting Galeforce takes a while; I can't see you getting it until after Chapter 20, which is a level filled with bows and wind magic. Also, your poll is broken.
  11. I think you should hold off on reclassing Syrena; Rally Spectrum is really good. Additionally, reclassing promoted units comes with a huge tax on the internal level that will slow down EXP growth dramatically, even with Veteran.
  12. Pair Up is just a terribly implemented mechanic. Somewhat ironically, it discourages teamwork, instead promoting the so-called juggernaut paradigm: the few good units on your team get strong very quickly, while the others fall behind just as quickly and find use only as staff/transport utility.
  13. Forcing an enemy to go from 35% displayed hit (24.85% true hit) to 25% displayed hit (12.75% true hit) with Tantivy, something that occurs rather frequently given how inaccurate enemies are in the main game, quite literally halves the damage you can be expected to take. That does not a bad ability make.
  14. Nice job on the run. And lol at Frederick.
  15. Updated the OP with some more chapters. I will probably finish up by tomorrow morning. Someone post so I don't quadruple post.
  16. Yes to both, I'm pretty sure. In a recent run, I had Avatar (pocket Chrom) attack an enemy at n% accuracy. I noticed that moving Lucina (who also had Charm) in range of Avatar did not change Avatar's hit rate, leading me to suspect that Chrom's Charm helped Avatar even while he was in the secondary support slot. If Chrom's Charm worked for Avatar, I don't see why it wouldn't work for the other units in range.
  17. It's not a gimmick. If you use Vengeance the same way you'd use Ignis, then of course it would be a terrible skill. Vengeance is for defense, and Ignis is for offense.
  18. Indoor and Outdoor Fighter are shit in the context of the main game since guys like Frederick aren't going to be dodging much anyway (besides Fighters when a sword is equipped). Slow Burn is shit if you're not turtling, which is something that is only necessary in some parts of Lunatic+. Aether is one of the most overrated abilities in the context of the maingame. Big payoff, but it costs a skill slot. I could see it being really good with Aether and Rightful King, though. As for some of the abilities others are mentioning: Charm and Tantivy are super-good since they're always active assuming the criteria are met, which they will be if you're playing optimally. Vengeance is a good defensive skill (sometimes it's a good offensive skill); that its utility is counterintuitive means nothing.
  19. Looks like the Avatar destroys competitive balance in this poll also.
  20. Vantage+Vengeance is not just a gimmick (see: Death's Embrace).
  21. I don't see what was lacking in my post. Bows effectively take away your enemy phase, making it arguably more difficult for Virion to get to Lv 10 than for Donnel to do the same. Wide-open maps make it difficult to prevent Virion from facing 1-range combat with his piss-poor 35% Def growth rate.
  22. This isn't Lunatic+, so bows are a no-go. Doesn't help that the maps in this game are so wide-open. 1/10
  23. Updated the OP with some more chapters. Also I made a mistake; Morgan should be able to double Assassins with an Anna Pair Up in C21 if he's gotten good Spd levels and the Naga's Tear + Speedwing. Somehow I forgot about Anna's Pair Up boost.
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