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Everything posted by Redwall

  1. SD Mega Lucario should always be Jolly to outspeed Gengar and the Latis (using STABs, you still deal more damage with Jolly Mega Lucario than with Adamant LO Lucario). SD / Close Combat / Extremespeed are standard on the Swords Dance set, and Crunch and Ice Punch are the best options for the fourth slot. Extremespeed (+2 priority) is preferred over Bullet Punch to beat weakened Talonflame and Thundurus-I, who both have +1 priority at most. HJK's lower accuracy and recoil effect aren't worth it on Lucario. A popular alternative is to run Nasty Plot / Aura Sphere / Flash Cannon / either Vacuum Wave or Dark Pulse with a Timid nature.
  2. It's a Killing Edge, yeah. キル= kill, ソード = sword
  3. I don't think Flash Cannon is really necessary. Teammates like Aegislash can pick up the slack against Fairies. HJK isn't worth it on Lucario; just use Close Combat on physical/mixed Lucario. If you're planning on using it as your Mega evolution, then Jolly (or Timid for NP variants) is a better nature because you'll outspeed Gengar and the Latis.
  4. Hydreigon's better than ever, at least in singles matches. The Steel nerf lets it spam Dark Pulse more freely. Togekiss, Clefable, Florges, and Sylveon all wall any Hydreigon not carrying Flash Cannon, but any Azumarill lacking Leftovers or Sitrus Berry gets 3HKOed.
  5. I don't see any point beyond showing off how awesome your food is.
  6. Read carefully. I did not dispute that intentional theft plus involuntary manslaughter caused by intentional DWI had worse consequences than intentional theft plus intentional DWI. My claim was that someone who commits the former set of actions is no worse as a person than someone who commits the latter set of actions. Hitler's desire and attempt to kill six million Jews were enough to make him evil. If those six million Jews managed to escape death, he'd still be evil because of his intent. A while ago I encountered an example of why unintended consequences are a bad way of assessing moral blameworthiness. Suppose someone named Bob killed Bruce Wayne's two parents, with the unintended consequence being that Bruce Wayne becomes driven to become Batman and protect Gotham from wrongdoing. Suppose also that Batman saves B people. Do we therefore consider Bob a hero for saving B-2 people?
  7. It is obviously tragic that four people died from this kid's negligence. But we should judge actions by the intended consequences, and not the unintended consequences. This kid should be held accountable, perhaps by providing continual financial restitution to the victims' families, but he is no worse than someone who drove drunk (edit: and stole beer) without killing anyone by mistake.
  8. If you're unsure about how to split EVs among the defenses, you usually should max out HP. If you're playing matches with Lv. 100 Pokemon, then giving Ferrothorn 252 HP EVs is bad since its max HP will be divisible by 16 assuming it has a perfect HP IV, so 248 EVs would be preferred; however, if playing at Lv. 50, 252 HP EVs would be fine. Having a max HP value divisible by 16 increases Leftovers recovery, but also increases damage sustained from SR/burn/Spikes (well, not SR if you resist SR 4x).
  9. I don't think it's terribly important, but there are some pretty infrequent contexts where not having a negative-natured defense can help. A non-crit Earthquake from a 252+ Atk Excadrill (without LO) has only a 1/16 chance of OHKOing a 168 HP / 0 Def Aegislash-Shield, whereas giving a Def-negative nature pushes the odds to 11/16. As for special defense, LO Thundurus-I 2HKOs a 168 HP / 4 SDef Aegislash-Shield without a crit 5.9% of the time unless SR is up, in which case the odds become 57%; a SDef-negative nature pushes the odds to 90.2% and 100%, respectively.
  10. 84- Spd on Aegislash lets you beat 84 Spd Azumarill in addition to 4 Spd Tyranitar. An alternative is to run as little Spd as possible to check opposing Aegislash, but I haven't tried this.
  11. I assumed a Mandibuzz with 252 HP / 252+ Def / 4 SDef or similar, who gets 2HKOed by HP Ice or Flash Cannon from a 252+ SAtk Aegislash after SR. Physically defensive Mandibuzz is IMO preferred over specially defensive Mandibuzz since the former can use Foul Play more safely--for example, even after SR damage on Mandibuzz, Jolly Mega Charizard X fails to OHKO at +1 without a crit. If SR isn't up, even Adamant Megazard X will fail to OHKO physically defensive Mandibuzz.
  12. Throwing on one of Toxic, Flash Cannon, or HP Ice on the mixed Aegislash set (probably over King's Shield) is probably a good idea since these moves let you get past Mandibuzz and Chesnaught, the latter of whom is immune to Shadow Ball.
  13. My Mega Venusaur had Earthquake and decent bulk, so given my opponent was using SD Lucario over the (imo) superior NP variant, the misplays didn't change things too much, I think. If he instead used Nasty Plot on the turn I used Brave Bird (...why did I use Brave Bird), I could have been swept since a) I didn't have Whirlwind on Skarm, meaning his MLuc could have gotten to +4 and b) my Mega Venusaur could not survive a +4 Flash Cannon. Although my Aegislash was EVed to survive a +2 Dark Pulse from MLuc, it wouldn't have survived a +2 Dark Pulse at that point in the match since I played a bit carelessly with it earlier. But despite the poor plays my opponent and I made, the match was still worth it for his little outburst.
  14. Tried fielding a stall team on Pokemon Showdown, and produced an amusing match (I made some misplays, one of which could have cost me the match, but I hadn't used stall in X/Y in a while, so eh) that demonstrates I am just a broken condom:
  15. Mia vs. Zihark discussions are serious business. If anything, people are underreacting.
  16. I like to run Knock Off / Sucker Punch / Iron Head / Swords Dance on Bisharp with Blackglasses and enough Speed to outspeed Rotom-W. The 50% power boost from Knocking Off an item is pretty nice, letting you OHKO 252 HP / 0 Def Aegislash after Stealth Rock 68.8% of the time (Life Orb guarantees the kill).
  17. I suppose you're right. With 0 Atk EVs, Aegislash still has a 75% chance of a non-crit OHKO on Tyranitar after SR. lol, I totally didn't know that Aegislash learned Shadow Claw. All the more reason to avoid Swords Dance.
  18. What set might that be? The one I use on offensive teams is Aegislash (F) @ Spooky Plate Ability: Stance Change EVs: 168 HP / 40 Atk / 216 SAtk / 4 SDef / 80 Spd Quiet Nature - King's Shield - Shadow Ball - Shadow Sneak - Sacred Sword 168 HP EVs give a max HP that is one less than a multiple of 16; 40 Atk EVs give a non-crit OHKO on 252 HP Tyranitar 93.25% of the time after SR; 216 SAtk EVs get you the bonus point; 4 SDef EVs ensure Genesect's Download boosts its Atk; and 80- Spd EVs outspeed Jellicent by two points at L100.
  19. While I agree that Swords Dance variants of Aegislash are ineffective, mixed variants are really useful.
  20. While I haven't tried it, Archer would likely not be much fun on a first playthrough. Myrmidon is the most fun MU imo since the high AS lets you nuke everything (this is balanced by the fact that durability and Str are a bit lower than, say, Fighter, who is probably better for LTC). +2 Str, +1/5% Spd/Skl, +10% Def are what I would use for a female Myrmidon.
  21. It can sometimes make a difference, though how often it does depends on just how low and in what stats your imperfect IVs are in. If you haven't finished IV-breeding, you may want to play some practice matches with a simulated version of your planned team by using Pokemon Showdown or Pokemon Online. This can save you a lot of time breeding for perfect Pokemon since you'll likely find in your simulator matches that you'll want to instead use a Pokemon different from what you initially had in mind (for example, discovering that Aegislash makes a better fit for a certain team than does a Gengar you were about to breed for).
  22. The specific heat of ice at 0 degrees Celsius is only about half that of the specific heat of water at 25 degrees Celsius.
  23. Due to its low Speed and lack of recovery, CB Azumarill is not a good answer to LO Hydreigon. If Stealth Rock is up on your side of the field (very likely since you have neither a Defogger nor a Rapid Spinner), Azumarill can safely switch into Dark Pulse exactly once, assuming both Pokemon are at Lv. 100: Azumarill takes 50 damage from SR and a minimum of 109 from Dark Pulse; and although it forces out Hydreigon, the next time Hydreigon comes in, Azumarill takes 50 more from SR and will get hit once on the switch and another time (fatal) on the next turn since it's outsped. No one else on your team can actually switch into Hydreigon; Tyranitar gets OHKOed by Superpower once Pokebank comes out, and Metagross gets OHKOed by Dark Pulse. If you wish to keep Azumarill on the team, I suggest replacing CB with Leftovers or a Sitrus Berry to avoid the 3HKO from Dark Pulse. Other offensive threats to your team include Garchomp and Landorus (both the Incarnate and Therian forms). While HP Ice on Jolteon would alleviate this slightly, if you aren't planning on getting HP Ice for Jolteon, you're better off replacing it with some other fast Pokemon that can check those threats. I suggest a fast Pokemon since your team isn't very fast. From reading your description of the team on page 6, I notice your team has a difficult time breaking through stall teams. Giving Azumarill a Sitrus Berry and Belly Drum (with Superpower, Aqua Jet, and Play Rough) would help somewhat, as would squeezing in a Defog or Rapid Spin user.
  24. Jolteon should pretty much always have HP Ice to nail things like +1 Dragonite. Signal Beam is preferred over Shadow Ball to hit things like Tyranitar, Hydreigon, and Celebi (after Pokebank comes out)
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