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Everything posted by AceNoctali

  1. I can't believe this poll has entries for insignificant companies like Bungie (their real fame is solely Halo) and Traveller's Tales (keh, I only know Traveller's Tales for them being the developpers behind Toy Story and Sonic 3D on Megadrive), while awesome, famous, and powerful companies like Sega, Konami, and Namco are left out. <_< As for me, it's a tie between Sega and Konami. Sega ,because I have fond memories of them in the Megadrive era, my first and favourite console, and their awesome games at the time. They're unfortunately kinda sucking now, so my fondness to them has diminished a bit (while mine for Konami has increased, explaining the tie), by Sega still holds a very special place in my heart. Konami, because over the last years, I came to know and love more and more of their games, among them being the Tokimeki Memorial series, the Sparkster games, Snatcher, Metal Gear Solid, the Taisen Puzzle Dama series, Silent Hill, and the Twinbee games.
  2. Ok, so we're all set for the winners, right ? When do you think you'll be able to create next round's bracket, Doom ?
  3. Ha ha, lol no. With the type Leafeon has, he won't have the time to use its 3 other moves before going down, and Last Resort is a Normal-type move, which don't have any super-effective hit, so that set-up is not worth it. Return is the way to go of the two. 102 power is still nothing to laugh at, and you can use it immediately. ------------ On your Pokés, Cham Cham : * It would be nice to know the role you want your Weavile to have. Do you want to make him a Choice Bander, or a Swords Dancer ? If you're going the Choice Bander route, depending on if you want him to kill Ghosts or having the possibility to strike before the rare faster threats than Weavile, go with Pursuit or Ice Shard over Metal Claw. If going for the Swords Dancer route, just replace Metal Claw with Swords Dance, and you're ready to go. I hope your Weavile has a Jolly Nature, as it's the best nature for those roles. * It seems you're gearing Leafeon on a Swords Dance set, seeing its moves. As it is, it's nearly perfectly fine. Just replace Iron Tail with X-Scissors IMO, since Iron Tail coverage is limited to Rock, which you beat with STAB Leaf Blade, and Ice, who often have a dual Water/Ice typing, negating the super-effectiveness. With X-Scissors, at least you can hit Psychic, Dark, and other Grass-types. You also have the option of Quick Attack, if you prefer having an insurance against Salac Reversalers and want to damage your opponent a bit before going down.
  4. All of these comments, in their integrality, are QFT. I too would like to see the Sonic games going back to their former gameplay style, but the problem is : it basically only works on 2D-style, and unfortunately, the bulk of console developpers (and a good part of the public as well) consider 2D as totally outdated. No wonder when this generation of video game players are for the majority graphic-whores. :/
  5. Okay, so here's the situation for me : I PMed Faiya / Ciel last Sunday for arranging our battle, emphasing on the fact I was available the whole week save for this Sunday 1st February, and proposing him to tell me on which date and hour between those limits would suit him. Still no anwser from him since then as I'm writing this. So in short, there's only one day left (Saturday) for me to have an opportunity for the battle. And let's just say I won't have much time on this day either, as I have lots of appartment chores to do. :/
  6. No problem, I won't forget to do it. Thanks ! :D
  7. ^_^ I'll ask the same question to him I asked you : does he allow me to post the video of our match on my Youtube account, once the Double Battle Tournament is over ?
  8. I CAN'T BELIEVE I WON AGAIN. AND WITH A LARGER WIN AT THAT. O_O That was a nice match, thank your friend for me, Princess ! ^_^
  9. Ok, ready to battle, connecting on Wi-Fi ! ;) Er, your friend want a Double Battle, right ?
  10. No prob. Sety / 3222 8035 2300
  11. Ah, your friend wants to battle me ? Sure, but I need to rearrange my team a bit. Could he wait 5 to 10 mins please ?
  12. Thanks ! :D I'll post it when the Double Battle Tournament will be over, as I plan to use several of those babies for it. :P
  13. My, glad to hear that ! And the best of it, is that I recorded it (albeit I fear in a crappy quality). It was such a great match, I'd love posting it on my Youtube account. Do you mind if I do that ? ;)
  14. That was an INCREDIBLE match. Congrats, Princess, I REALLY enjoyed it, and I would have said this even if I lost ! :D Thank you fr the bottom of my heart for giving me such an heated battle for my first Wi-Fi battle against a human player ever ! ~o~
  15. Ready to rumble, Princess ! :)
  16. Oups, I just read now that you're ready for it. Just give five minutes to organize my team. You can battle Wobby first if you want during that time. ;) Could you remind me your FC BTW, please ? With the Giveaway, I had to input and erase a lot of FC in my Diamond cart (which will be the one I'll use for the battle), and I'm not sure if I still have yours.
  17. Since I mentioned Astrid... Female Paladin caps in FE9 : 60 / 25 / 20 / 26 / 27 / 40 / 27 / 26 (Male has 26 Strength and 25 Res instead). Aside from HP, superior in all aspects than FE4 Male Paladin caps. As for weapons, there's no uber Holy Weapon in FE9, but forged weapons are nice. Let's take Astrid's arguably best forged Weapons : * Silver Axe (max forged) : 21 Might, 95 Hit, 9 Crit, 9 Weight * Silver Bow (max forged) : 18 Might, 100 Hit, 9 Crit, 1 Weight. Not quite up to the awesome Mistoltin of course, but nothing to sneer at either. And Paladins in this game have the same Move Again function as in FE4, unlike the GBA games.
  18. Princess, do you plan to participate in the Double Battle tournament ? Because if not, I would be interested in a Double Battle match with you. ;)
  19. I said "one of the", and not "the", because from an objective point of view, the Paladins in FE9 are pretty uber too. But if it only were me on a very subjective and biased point of view, I definitely would say Ares is the king of Paladins in FE history, with Astrid as second and Sirius as third.
  20. Lakche's Skill set as Noish's daughter is the epitome of best Combat Skills combination in the game (nearly all the best Combat Skills, and Awareness are thrown in). Maybe just replace Critical with Wrath, Continue with Ambush, and give her a +50 kills Hero Sword, would have made this even more awesome. Wrath/Ambush too is an awesome combo.
  21. You seem to forget Ares, who's one of the top Paladins in FE history. And Oifaye is quite nice too. But I agree, as I said earlier, Paladin representation in FE4 is sloppy, as Alec and Noish are pretty crappy.
  22. Did you know that, in the French version of Pokémon Gold & Silver, the lines of one of the defeated trainers in Tohjo Falls is actually a part of the French lyrics of the opening of the famous anime The Mysterious Cities of Gold ? (The actual line was : "Enfant du soleil, tu parcours la terre le ciel, cherche ton chemin, c'est ta vie, c'est ton destin", which, in the English version of the lyrics, matches with the "Children of the Sun, see your time has just begun, searching for your way through adventures every day" part.)
  23. We definitely have lots of things in common. I SO agree with your opinion, on all points, about Sonic, in the Mario VS Sonic topic ~o~

    And congrats for your victory in the first turn of the Pokémon Wi-Fi tourney ! ;)

  24. Peaches. Definitely peaches. ~o~
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