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Everything posted by AceNoctali

  1. If you still have some money for other series, in order to expand your manga horizons which are limited to recent mainstream titles, you should get a look at this old recommended manga list I made back in FESS. It's a bit outdated at some parts (Fruits Basket is completed in France, Detective Conan is now +60 tomes, and I've read all of the other works of Kotegawa I mentioned - Ottori Sousa is very good, especially when the Tachibana storyline begins, which is at Tome 2, and come to its full potential when he escapes from jail in Tome 5 ; Anne Freaks is overrated IMO ; and Line is an EXCELLENT one-shot, I made a summary in the comments of one of my LJ entries - , and I've read all 8 tomes of Midori Days - which is a very cute and funny series, extremely recommended, and much better than its successor series from its author, Love & Collage, where there's too much fan service for my likings - ), but it's still mostly my opinion on them today.
  2. I personally think that overall in the FE series, the most constantly loved classes were the Dragon Knights and the Sages. Can't remember any of them who are really bad (yeah, I hate Erk, but he's still okay). Paladins are at a good place too, but they were gimped in FE10, and their representation in FE4 was sloppy too, with crappy Alec and Noish, okay Oifaye, and awesome Ares. Most hated overall... I think Archers too. Even though Gaiden and FE10 were nice to them, and the representation of them in FE4 was nice as well.
  3. Sonic. I grew up with Sega in the video game world, and even if I grew out out of my hate for Nintendo with time and came to get a liking of them, and also despite the fact Sonic lost its credibility in the last years, I still find him cool and have nostalgia of him.
  4. Baseball. I really don't find what's fascinating in that sport. No wonder it's not popular in my country. That being said, I'm not that interested in watching sports. I do watch soccer matches from time to time, and enjoy watching Formula 1 races (although that sport was WAY more interesting back in the 90s - I still have fond memories of the 1997 season - ), but that's about it.
  5. As said by everyone else, Ayra and Briddgit are his best matches. Sylvia is a mehish so-so (Bargain is really good for Corple and Lynn, and Lynn is one of the rare kids to inherit Sun Sword, but with her pathetic Strength and Strength cap - as well as Skill - of hers, she won't activate it often, and when she do, the healing percentage she gains is minimal since she can barely do damage without criticals. Plus, and worse, in the Arena Sun Sword and Prayer do not mix well at all in most cases). And all the other girls don't benefit from him due to his lack of Pursuit (and any basic Combat Skills), Sun Sword being not inherited by any of their kids, lack of Holy Blood, and limited Item inheritance options (Deu being locked to Swords).
  6. AceNoctali

    Desktop thread

    My current desktop : Clean, sleek, AND sexy. Not bad huh ? :P
  7. Which is, as I implied in my earlier post, a stupid question and debate to start with, as it's FE4, where you can deploy every unit on the map. If it were on other FEs where you have a limited party to take on battle, I would have understood, but here... And when they both kill just as fine enemies, I don't see the need to try debating who's the best. Come on, there's much better debates than this very old and discussed to death and ad nauseam one to make shine your superb debating skills, Mekkah. :/ This probability is still much lower than the Moonlight Sword hit being blocked. There's a contradiction with a statement you made earlier. I though the stats which really matter about Holin against Ayra was his way superior HP and Defense (to which I agree) ? And I still think a 1 pt lead in Attack isn't worth *THAT* much. I do care. I know those 30 mt, 60% Continue, 32% Meteor and 40 avo are good, but I love my units to have awesome stats, just like you like to "ditch" bad units in FE4 when, for ranked runs, you HAVE to level to absurdly high levels all your units if you want to meet the Experience rank's requirements. (Yeah, Arena, Elite Ring and Civilians in chapter 4 all help, but it won't be enough.)
  8. Ok, roger on the fact it's a Single Battles bracket. But, just a last and quick question : will there be a Double Battles bracket ? Because I designed a Double Battle team specifically for the tournament, and it would be a shame to throw it to waste. :/
  9. Those same Generals / Barons, who have that Great Shield skill, which activates so friggin' often, and annoys you the shit out each time you see Holyn activate Moonlight Hit, only to see it blocked ? If anything, Ayra is better at taking the Generals with Meteor Sword, IMO. At least she has more chances of hitting them (and upon promotion, according to FEA averages, she has a full 4 pts lead in Skill over Holin, meaning she activates more often her Sword Skill than him. In that game where Charisma's 10% evade increase can make the difference between life and death due to that RNG system, that quite important IMO. Oh, and she has Continue too). And don't tell me Holyn has way better Strength than her, because, again according to FEA Averages, he basically only have a 1 pt lead over her. As for my opinion on the main question... I personnally had more overall success with Ayra in 1st Gen, and Lakche in the 2nd. Concerning Lakche VS Shannan, against Shannan, I don't like the fact he starts at Lv 12 with mehish stats for a Swordmaster, and I hate his overall lowish stat growth. But seriously, there's really no need to break our heads on this matter. All of them are excellent units, and should be all used. Personnally, I have fun controling them all and don't really want to compare them, when they equally kill enemies just as fine.
  10. I promoted him on all my playthroughs save the first one (where I was still learning the game mechanics). But it's just for completion sake.
  11. There's a good chunk of them I haven't completed in the last 2 years, due to lack of time for some (mostly the Megadrive games), or because I got them recently for others (mostly the PS1 and PS2 games). A alphabetic list on top of my mind, which only includes the ones I haven't finished the first playthrough yet, because if we count 100% completion, the list would get larger : Dune 2 : Battle for Arrakis (MD) General Chaos (MD) Greendog (MD) Jungle Strike (MD) Landstalker (MD) Mega-lo-mania (MD) Phantasy Star 3 (MD) Populous (MD) Power Drive (MD) Space Harrier 2 (MD) The Jungle Book (MD) Thunder Force 2 (MD) Urban Strike (MD) Fire Emblem : Fuuin no Tsurugi (GBA) Advance Wars : Dual Strike (DS) Fire Emblem : Shin Ankoku Ryuu to Hikari no Tsurugi (both JPN and FR versions, but I got them recently) (DS) Phoenix Wright : Justice for All (DS) => Currently working on Case 3 Kileak the Blood (PS1) Tokimeki Memorial 2 (PS1) => Currently working on my 1st playthrough, where my goal is one of Hikari's two endings Tokimeki Memorial Drama Series 1 : Nijiiro no Seishun (PS1) => Currently working on finishing my 1st playthrough Tokimeki Memorial Drama Series 2 : Irodori no Love Song (PS1) Tokimeki Memorial 2 Substories : Dance Summer Vacation (PS1) Tokimeki no Houkago (PS1) Valkyrie Profile (PS1) Yoake Mae Yori Ruriiro Na (PS2)
  12. Doom, are those brackets for Single Battles only, or for both Single Battles and Double Battles ? Remember, I asked for participation in both Singles and Doubles, with preference for Doubles is we could only enter in one of them. And, hmm... Can't find Faiya in the member database. Probably has changed user name. Faiya, could you please PM me, or post in the topic, so we can arrange our battle ?
  13. Like most of the people here, I found the anime rather ok, but the manga is leagues better. And it contains awesome characters the anime doesn't have (since they weren't introduced in the manga at the time the anime was created) such as Lin, Ran Fan and May Chang. :P
  14. Hello everyone. So one of my current favourite series is Toradora !, which I discovered only 2 months ago during my trip in Japan. Watched all 15 episodes aired so far, read the first 15 chapters of the manga, and currently deciphering reading the 1st volume of the original support, aka the light novel. (Yeah, I know there's fan translations of the first 4 light novel volumes floating on the web, but I prefer reading it in its original Japanese format). It seems at first a light hearted romantic comedy series, but the very deep character cast (seriously, you can't go wrong with such strong, amusing, and engaging chars as Minori - the one in my sig ; "FAKE BREAST SPECIAL FORCES" quote FTW ! :D -, Ryûji, and especially Ami) and the sharp narration soon makes this series way deeper than one's could thought. So, is there anyone here following this series ?
  15. Dude, the Rick Roll fad is old, get over it. Here's the real video about people getting out of floors : http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=tfnsWsZEOfo
  16. Ok, I'll take it as that then. Another thing : as you probably know, I'm in a different time zone as most, if not all of you (UTC+9). I'd thus like to know : at which hour the tournament begins today ? So I make sure not to miss it and arrange myself for sleep hours if needed.
  17. Asked Vincent on PM for allowing it already, waiting for his answer. I just said this here because I was at it.
  18. Just to say that I got your Volume 2 scans, Aquantis, and that I thank you a bunch for them. ~o~ (And I approve TheEnd, you're dealing with crooks out there. :/) Oh, and while I'm at, for those interested by that header news, Vincent and TheEnd finished proofreading my recently completed translation of Volume 1 Stage 6 of Fujimori's manga. I will start editing the scans as soon as I'm done with my mid-terms exams (i.e. starting from next week). Expect the Stage to be released within the next two weeks to come. :P
  19. Ok, I think I gave enough time for answers. Since two replies just won't do the cut, I will sadly close the Giveaway here at Serenes, and relocate all the remaining Pokés at Pokéwifi. If you happen to be a member of Pokéwifi as well (I'm think about Hinata, notably), you're free to participate there too. ;) Thanks to all who participated, and hope you'll enjoy your Pokés ! And again, thanks to all of you at Serenes who helped me build this Giveaway, you're awesome ! :D ------------- By the way, if, in the future, you'd like to have one of the Pokés in my list, PM me. But just to warn you, I won't give them freely like in the Giveaway, from now on : give me your best Pokémon offers in your PM, I expect legit competitive Pokémon in return. (Can a mod please close this topic, and erase this sentence when closing it ? Thanks in advance.)
  20. Up until those last 3 years, I always finished at least once my games. But now with having less and less time, there's a good chunk of my most recent additions in my Megadrive collection I haven't finished yet (and being in Japan while the games are in France don't help either), and I still haven't finished most of the Playstation 1 games I recently bought here in Japan. :(
  21. Just throwing in a comment to say that I LOVE your new Kaede sig. ~o~

  22. I think I will participate in both too, but the Double tournament will be my focus, as I fare a bit better at them. Another very important question came to my mind recently : Do you allow the use of Platinum Level-up and Move Tutor moves ? Asking this, because several of my competitive Pokés use them, since I have Platinum and thus access to those moves.
  23. DD, if the tournament takes place during the week to come, I unfortunately won't be able to participate. Indeed, starting from Tuesday 13th and during the whole week, I'll have mid-term exams. If it starts on the week after (i.e. starting from Sunday 18th) however, I then validate my participation. And I fully agree with Metal Arc and Wobby concerning your Shoddy suggestion, Delmud. It's MUCH more interesting to play with the Pokémon you trained and worked hard with, rather than being lazy and use that program where you don't have much work to do.
  24. They will always have Holsety, if Levin gets his hands on it to start with. I've seen players totally forgetting to make Levin enter Silesia Castle in Chapter 4, and then realise, once they're in the 2nd Gen, that the son don't have Holsety in his inventory, and thus have no choice but either use a save from Chapter 4, restart the game altogher, or go on and finish the game without the weapon.
  25. Er, whoops, indeed, it's called Barefoot Gen in English, my apologizes. I confused myself with names because here in France it's named Gen d'Hiroshima.
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