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Status Updates posted by AceNoctali

  1. Thanks ! (Although I don't participate much more on the forums nowadays ^^''')

  2. Cool, you're online !

    Shall we start the trades ? :)

  3. You're welcome, about the FE4 scripts topic. Glad you like it. :)

  4. Oops, sorry, just seen your message on my profile. Connecting now ! ;)

  5. I see you're online. Tell me whenever you're ready for the trade. ;)

  6. You definitely have excellent manga tastes (Dragon Head, Line, 20th Century Boys...).

    Care if I friend you ? ;)

  7. Thankies for pinning my Fujimori topic, Vincent ! ;)

  8. We definitely have lots of things in common. I SO agree with your opinion, on all points, about Sonic, in the Mario VS Sonic topic ~o~

    And congrats for your victory in the first turn of the Pokémon Wi-Fi tourney ! ;)

  9. Just throwing in a comment to say that I LOVE your new Kaede sig. ~o~

  10. I'm waiting for you on Wi-Fi for the trade, if you're ready. :)

  11. So just you know, I credited you for your help on the Giveaway's topic, because I'm really grateful of you for your help. ~o~

  12. I credited you for your help on the Giveaway's topic, so just you know. 'Cause I'm really grateful of you. ~o~

  13. Hiya, Fia ;)

    So, are on Serenes boards since a long time ? As for me, I joined them recently, with FESS down and all. But I think it's a very nice place, and I'm glad to have joined it. It has that FESS1/beginning of FESS2 feeling I liked so much :)

  14. No way in hell I would have made a Final Fantasy reference, as I hate with all my heart these series. >_>

    No, my nickname is a combo of "Ace" and "Noctali", Noctali being the French name of the Pokémon Umbreon, my fave Eeveelution along with Flareon. :p

  15. Your PokéBall Bush signature is absolute win, I adore it !! :thumbs up:

  16. According to Serebii.net, there's a tentative date release for Maarch 22nd 2009 in the US.

  17. If you have even a very basic knowledge of Japanese, and morevover that, a solid knowledge of how works Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, I think one's can manage through Platinum JP.

  18. established a good relationship with her recently). For that, even if I still think your attitude were blamable then, I would now put it without hesitation as an accident that will never occur again, and forgive you.

    So yeah, all of this to say I support you and encourage you continue doing such good critics as you (and Art_Dragon) did on SK and CiB's topics.

  19. your attitude for then (that being said, please correct me if I'm wrong). As I myself went on a fit of anger on a couple of opportunities in the past, when I saw something that revolted me (and subsquently regretted it after), I understand why you went berserk seeing Kilvas selling her OC works for that much money, and that quality (I myself disagree with this policy of her, despite the fact I

  20. Just a little comment to excuse myself to you. When seeing your posts at Kilvas' tpic, I thought that, even though you were doing a throughout and excellent critic of her works, you were deliberately provoking a flame war by throwing insults on the mix. Now that I saw your and Art_Dragon's excellent and courteous critics, on Canas is back and Sage Knight's topics, I think I understood

  21. t sous le coup d'un accident de parcours qui ne se reproduira pas.

    Et je suis d'accord aussi bien avec toi qu'avec Mad Frelin : peut importe le fait que j'ai établi une bonne relation avec Kilvas, je ne suis pas d'accord qu'elle fasse payer ses arts d'OC. Heureusement qu'elle m'a confirmé qu'elle ne fait pas payer ses arts de persos copyrightés, sinon c'aurait été le comble :/

  22. e pense qu'ils ont été simplement révoltés de voir que Kilvas fait payer ses arts d'OC, et que, pire, ses arts sont tellement médiocres qu'ils ne valent pas le prix qu'elle demande. Ayant moi-même eu des coups de sang par la passé que j'ai regrettés par la suite, sous cette lumière, je les comprends, et bien que leur attitude d'alors reste blâmable, je la mettrais maintenan

  23. J'ai vu les crtiques de Mad Frelin et d'Art_Dragon dans les topics de Sage Knight et de Canas is back, et je ne peux m'empêcher d'être admiratif. CA, c'est de l'excellente critique qu'ils ont fait.

    Je crois que je comprends mieux ce qui leur a pris dans le topic de Kilvas. Ce n'est pas qu'ils manquent de courtoisie, ils en ont fait preuve avec SK et CiB. J

  24. Yeah. I just hope the place won't go stricter because those 4 or 5 FESS troublemakers. I swear that situation is sad, because those 4 or 5 people are putting on shadow the fact great FESS members came here and provided useful stuff and discussions to Serenes, with their antics. T_T

  25. Thank ou, that's very kind of you :)

    I'm glad to have joined Serenes Forest' forums, and regret not having done it sooner. The atmosphere here is way more serene (lol ^^) and nice here than at FESS during its last year. I'm feeling more at ease here.

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